• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012


I write about lesbian ponies. Don't like it? Move along... Nuff said.

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Rainbow Dash isn't having a very good day. First she was in some dark place, then it turns out she's in the hospital. Oh, and she's apparently blind now.

Eventual Twidash!


Inspiried by the cover art, which belongs to the awesome 8-Xenon-8 on deviantart! Also inspired by the Ask Blind Rainbow Dash tumblr blog by Jykinturah.

Youtube reading, by the awesome L0RdZovChAoS, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6S23CkL48EM

Chapters (19)

Pondering life brings many ideas.

Even a good idea can end in a mistake.

But for every mistake, there is a success.

And for every success there is a story.

Love of a blue angel brought me here.

And this is the story of that success, and the mistake that started it.


Picture by lotothetrickster.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight's morning routine is interrupted by Rainbow Dash crashing into her home and dousing herself in mud, Twilight finds herself letting Rainbow Dash use her shower. What could possibly go wrong?

Thanks to Emerald Flight for the cover art!

Chapters (3)

When Rainbow Dash gets sick and can't fly home, she goes to see her friend Twilight.

That particular unicorn just so happened to be in love with the blue pegasus, and that blue pegasus happened to feel the same way, it just comes down to if they can get over their insecurity enough to let truth come out.



This is my first attempt at a romance so if it needs improvement, I'm sorry, and tell me how to improve it.

EDIT: I have never learned how to properly write a book so I will be making revisions while it's posted.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Part One: To Friend Is Human

After being shot and ending up in Equestria, Geo soon discovered that although having friends was great, falling in love with Twilight Sparkle was even better. However, fate conspired against him, and he ended up back in his own world. He thought that it was all a dream - until he received something in the mail which made him see otherwise.

With a renewed sense of determination, as well as the help of his best friend and a rather eccentric scientist, Geo begins planning his return to Equestria to be with the mare he loves again.


Part Two of the Geoverse.

Cover art by Skullman846.

Click Here to read Crimson Star's story, set after the events portayed in this one.

The character of Doctor Sorou is owned by my co-author, Crimson Star, and is used with permission.

Chapters (12)

During a blissfully rare calm in the hectic storm of Ponyville life, a disturbance in the Everfree Forest goes undetected. After receiving a summons from the Princess, Twilight and her friends are led into a curious task, one that they find themselves ill-prepared to handle - managing their stallion double! As each of the girls meets their very own carbon-copy-colt, they learn that dealing with themselves can be much more frustrating than they first thought.

Annoyingly, irritatingly, intoxicatingly frustrating.


Chapters (14)

Rainbow is in love with a pony that doesn't suspect anything.
Twilight seeks her true love since her brother's wedding, but is blind to what might be.

Join these two mares and the rest of their friends for a New year's eve they won't forget easily and maybe for all the wrong reason.

Warning : Drunk Fluttershy in the first part.

Big thank to Darkho for the cover art
to Kidak,twilight-the-pony, M3lancholy for proof reading.
toEchriedz for editing

Chapters (2)

You are Louis, a High School senior who starts having dreams about pastel colored ponies, but why?
Confused, you soon get a letter that will lead your life into unknown territory, for better or worst.

Second attempt at a story with ponies.

Chapters (2)

You never did like to do new things. Changing what you did meant changing who you were. But no matter what you do, things will change. It can be because you did something well, or something poor, or even doing nothing at all. Things are still going to change.

The least you can do is make sure they change for the better.

Prior to Season 3
Story six in my Twidash Challenge: 2nd Pony Theme
Image Credits go to Equinox23

Chapters (6)

Twilight used to think she could handle stress pretty well. The smartypants incident however proved her wrong. So she decides that when her friends aren't there she needs somepony there to help her through the stress.

So what does our lavender librarian do?

She creates an artificial intelligence.

Chapters (6)