• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012


I write about lesbian ponies. Don't like it? Move along... Nuff said.

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Well isn't this something? I've been taken to... Whatever the hell this place is, and I don't even understand why. What's so special about me? Now I have to struggle to keep my sanity in this god forsaken place. I mean, talking ponies? How could you NOT go insane after awhile? Though I'd rather be here than back with my father. Hopefully I can go home. There is a way... Right?

Chapters (4)

Lakota and Adam are adopted siblings with very strong bonds that have been through everything together...including seeing every family that adopted them slaughtered in some form. So twelve families later they've reached the age of adulthood and have set out to find their true parents, but what happens when one is subjected to a traumatic experience involving the closest being to their heart? Well find out by reading about the lives of the adopted opposites and their stay in Equestria....Will they stay?....Will they leave?....Will Discord decide to ever show his ugly mug?....Will somepony get......sung to?

(More tags will be add/deleted later on)

Chapters (6)

Have you ever been on a trip that you really did not want to go on? Well that's how I feel right about now. I'm Edward, just some 23 year old shut-in and I've been dragged along for a boring-ass vacation on some island in the middle of nowhere.

Although, it would seem that my destination would be somewhere very different. While still being in the middle of nowhere, I'm in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of talking colorful horses. What's worse, is I can't even understand a damn thing they are saying; but, oh it gets even better than that; I'm now somehow one of these things.

Before I can even think about getting out of this mess, I'll need to learn how to even walk and talk like one of them, maybe then I can get some answers and hopefully find my way home.

Earlier chapters are weak. You've been warned.
Rated teen for slight language and suggestive themes.
Edited by Darastrix. Pre-read by Azu.
Cover image by Sinrar.
Not a blatant self-insert.

Chapters (12)

It occurred one peaceful night. Half of Equestria awoke to the sound like a double-shot thunderclap. A percussion heard in the skies and rattling windows from Apploosa, to Canterlot, to Ponyville. Nopony knew what it was or what it heralded for the world as it drew a line across the nation.

For Twilight Sparkle, this isolated incident might have faded from memory after a time, if not for the strange rumors of a creature sitting on the hill on the outskirts of town.

These are her thoughts given written form. These are Sparkle's Notes.

Report EVERYTHING to the Princess.

Chapters (3)

A 17-year old human gets the shock of his life because of a weather spell that went wild. Now he must lay his old and good life behind him and try to build up a new one. But can he do it? Can he leave all he had behind and make a new start in a different world?

Well, read it to find out!

This is my first Fiction, so helpful comments are very much appreciated!

Chapters (8)

Everypony has something they fear, some more than others. Rainbow Dash claims to be fearless, but all it takes is a strange creature to show her that everypony has their own phobia.

Chapters (6)

As the sun gives way to the night, a pegasus knocks on a window. She has a secret. One that, if revealed, would shame her forever. Yet she can't stay away.

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/29/2013

Chapters (1)

Twilight has an experiment planned, and it centres on Rainbow Dash.

As anxious as she is, Dash really has no right to complain.

It was her idea after all.

Fan Reading!

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, it is better to speak without saying anything at all. But when not saying anything at all is the only option, it can make life much harder.

A man awakes in a new place, alone, yet not. Will he meet someone, or somepony, that will accept him for his differences?

Chapters (25)

(Second person "You" x Lyra NON-clopfic)

Lyra's been staying with you a week now and seems to be settling in well. But now it's laundry day and strangely enough, you can't seem to locate your favorite black shirt. Where could it be? Maybe Lyra knows...

Based off a scenario most likely familiar to anyone who's seen those greentext things. I just took it in... a slightly different direction. Because I am silly sometimes, and I needed something to get the creative juices flowing before I got back to something more serious.

Picture is by Avante92-- but watch out, the picture itself is adult in nature, and so is most of his gallery!

Chapters (1)