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Twilight wants to try something new. She joins a racing team. But in the third race something goes horribly wrong which sends Twilight on a very small line between life and death.

Written in memory of Ayrton Senna da Silva (1960-1994)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to File Name: SRN-76-6

Twilight knows a lot just by reading. She could turn a private studies class into a Questionnaire that she would know all the answers too. But nopony can know everything, the stakes are too high, even for the smartest minds in Equestria. Too much information, can lead to a deadly game of knowing more than knowing less.

Chapters (1)

I trusted those monsters. Ever since my life has been a living hell, all I ever wanted and needed is a peaceful life full of comfort, understanding, make good friends, you name it. And what did I get in return? Beaten, bullied, neglected, abused, mocked, humiliated, everything. Then one day, before I went to attempt suicide by falling off and into the lake to drown myself, I made one wish of both heaven and hell that would make me regret later. Even if the ones that did hurt me would try to make amends, it can't undo my wish nor my decision of never trusting anyone ever again. Not even the false power of "Friendship is Magic" can stop this wish.

Chapters (2)

I need to tell you. You need to know, before it’s too late. They are coming for me. They will be here soon. Spread the word. Tell everypony. It’s too late for me, but the rest of you can survive.

Chapters (3)

Six, a young man from Canterlot, learns to cope with his special talent, and even makes some friends along the way. May contain some images not safe for everyone and some rather dark themes.

[This seems out of left field from my other work, but I got inspired and thought I'd give it a try.]

Chapters (28)

Twilight Sparkle is invited to a party that Pinkie Pie is throwing. In fact, everyone is! It's a huge blowout and everyone in Equestria is invited. Twilight is dancing and smiling, greeting all her favorite foals, having one of the best nights of her life, but an unexpected cataclysmic disaster befalls the ponies. Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are nowhere to be found. In her quest for the truth and unearthing the mystery of the big Showroom Catastrophe, Twilight comes to realize that she can trust no one. She comes to realize that horrible things can happen to anyone at any time and it doesn't matter if you take all the right precautions, it doesn't matter if you are diligent about knowing the facts, it doesn't matter if you're careful, it doesn't matter if you're powerful. This world will take from you without mercy and will destroy everything. It doesn't matter if you meticulously protect yourself and everyone around you. You can never be immune to chance, you can't control what happens outside of yourself no matter how hard you try. All her life, she's fought for control. She has been obsessed with directing her entire existence, but she knows now that all of it was for nothing. Her whole identity thrown recklessly into a shredder and decimated before her very eyes. All she wants is control.

All she wants is control. But... she can't control what happens. She can't control other ponies, and she can't control the horrific consequences of other ponies' actions in her life. She can only control herself. She can only control herself.

Chapters (5)

Twilight failed...
She failed to make friends...
She failed to defeat Nightmare Moon...

She, Twilight Sparkle, failed Princess Celestia...

What will happen now?

Will she be banished from Equestria?...
Will she be expelled from Celestia's tutelage?...
What will become of the prodigal student of the Sun?...

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle should be happy. But she's not. She has everything anypony could ever want. But she doesn't care. Friends. Loneliness. A smile. A frown. Laughs that could make a baby giggle. Sobbing that won't ever come up. She tries so hard to care. It's impossible.

My own feelings about and dealing with depression. I'm projecting super hard here and just trying to vent. Don't pity me, I don't need it. Save it for those who do.

Chapters (1)

[Heavily inspired by Never Too Late by Three Days Grace.]
When Luna dreamwalks and discovers just how much hurt and anger Twilight is hiding, along with a few dark secrets, she feels she must intervene, before Twilight heads down the same path she herself did.

WARNING: First chapter has a suicide attempt, the following chapters are dealing with the aftermath of said suicide attempt.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Do Not Go Gentle

In this sequel to Do Not Go Gentle, Reaper and Luna go on a quest to recover Reaper's powers, while Twilight takes on some new duties.

Chapters (60)