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Amidst the stress of a difficult med school rotation, a medical student named Daniel gets an unexpected houseguest--Rainbow Dash!

Please leave a comment and any feedback you have; it would really help and make my day!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Playing with Fire

How does one recover from falling below rock bottom?

That’s what the former queen bee of Canterlot High will have to answer, ever since the events of her Junior year Fall Formal. In under an hour, Sunset Shimmer had fallen from the most feared girl in school to the most reviled. Now, nobody is afraid of her, and they’re going to let her know every day till they graduate.

Sunset however seems, surprisingly, regretful of who she was, and she’s desperate to make up for everything she did. It’d too bad no one will ever giver her the light of day, especially after she turned into a demon. How does one live that down?

And these girls, the ones who caused all of this in the first place, why are they making the effort to reach out to her? She broke apart their friendship. She bullied them all relentlessly. She nearly killed them.
They should hate her the most!

Yet... they provide her with something she’s desperately lacking: hope.

Chapters (7)

Princess Cadance has a problem only Agent Sweetie Drops can solve. But Agent Sweetie Drops—now known to almost everypony as Bon-Bon—would rather tear her own legs off than work for a princess again.

This was originally going to be my entry in the 2024 May Pairings Contest, but I didn't get it finished in time.

Chapters (1)

Immediately after her concert, Octavia is riddled with guilt after what she said to Vinyl on the phone so she rushes home to apologize only to find a horrifying and heartbreaking scene. Now practically an outcast in Ponyville Octavia wonders if she'll ever be forgiven for what she has done.

Based off the infamous animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZvGGGHekU4

Chapters (2)

Knowing what its like for everyone to hate you is all too familiar for Sunset Shimmer. Since the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, Sunset thought that she was forgiven. That her past was all behind her. But when a MyStable user named Anon-A-Miss appears and starts posting everyone's personal secrets, all fingers are pointed at Sunset. Now the entire school hates her again. Even her friends believe she's guilty. Will Sunset be able to overcome this and prove her innocence? Or will she admit defeat and lose all hope in friendship? Or worse?

Rated T for profanity, violence, and depression

This is my very first story. I have never written anything before this so I would appreciate some comments on how I'm either doing good or bad and what can I improve on
Special thanks to Snowflake Dissonance, Madox, Sar Meister, Tungul, and probably Demegor for helping me proofread and fix some stupid and simple mistakes of mine and for providing the awesome looking cover photo :twilightsmile:

Chapters (5)

A fortune cookie. A damn fortune cookie is what caused all of this. Caused me to lose my family, friends and everything that I had going for me (which admittedly wasn't all that much but it's the principle dang it!) and sent me to some weird alien world.

How did I end up in this weird forest? Why are there multicolored talking horses in the distance? How did a fortune cookie cause all of this? What the hell is this bug horse creature currently berating me?

I'm never eating Chinese again.

A fairly typical human in Equestria story that I thought I'd attempt. I was going to take a long hiatus from writing but I figured it would give me something to do in my spare time. Let's see where this goes.

Chapters (8)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dawn of a New Day

A rewrite of New Horizons...

Bald Ostri, the stallion from the past! Once the consort of Princess Luna, the Slayer of Griffins, had just blown up the mothership of the Storm King's invasion Fleet and left Canterlot. With Chrysalis and Blaze in tow, he's leaving Equestria to explore the world!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Shaun the Sheep Movie

(Season 1, Episode 6)

It's another grand adventure through the cosmos of film, as the Main 6 and Spike are once again needed to help somecreature in need. They shall meet Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse, two natural enemies that never seem to quit butting heads. However, this seemingly cartoonish journey takes a dark turn when they meet Robyn Starling, an orphan forced to live with her greedy, wicked guardian; Aunt Figg. 50 years of feuding will be put aside as Tom and Jerry along with the Main 6 and Spike all must team up to rescue Robyn and reunite her with her long, lost father.

Chapters (7)

Source Code, the pony from another planet... Planet Earth. He was once a game developer for a small indie game company that he and his friends made together. Now, a blue coated unicorn with a yellow mane, somehow finds his way into being tutored by Princess Celestia herself. He soon finds out about magic, and subsequently learns about how performing spells is grouped into three different groups. Rune Based Magic, as he soon discovers, is very close to his old hobby...


Will Source Code make a name for himself? Will he live life out like he had on Earth in a dead end job? How is he coping about being forcefully ripped from his comfortable, though boring, life on Earth?

Disclaimer: 'coding' is being used very loosely.

Chapters (38)