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A young boy in the city dreams of seeing the stars through the smog. Far away, somepony hears his dreams.

Speedwrite on a whim after having a fleeting thought upon sending a friend a picture of the night sky I took while on vacation once. Well, if you can call about three, four, hours a speedwrite.

Chapters (1)

Octavia's had a fine career. But all good things just come to an end. She performs her final performance, and takes her final curtain.

Chapters (1)

A glimpse of Sunset's final thoughts as she stands at the edge of Caterlot High's rooftop.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes

After her eventful vacation and all the good deeds she had done on it, Starlight was preparing to take over at the School of Friendship as Twilight got ready to ascend to the throne of Equestria. However, a few odd events suddenly began to take place around Ponyville. And according to Discord these events could be foretelling the doom of not just their world, but every world everywhere.

And it just so happens that a certain unicorn may or may not be totally to blame for all of it. Like usual, the world isn’t going to save itself, it’s up to Starlight, Spike and Discord to travel through reality and fix their (aka Starlight’s) mistakes.

Let’s hope there aren't any evil monsters lurking in the shadows.

Chapters (33)

In a separate universe, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were born into the world as alicorn princesses, twin daughters of Empress Celestia. One day, they were sent away to Ponyville, where they were destined to meet 5 special ponies. The story is as we know it; with loyalty, kindness, honesty, generosity, laughter, magic... betrayal, distrust, danger... and so much more.

Chapters (2)

All her life she has had responsibilities and high expectations of her as the personal student of Princess Celestia. For most of her life she was pushed by her family and pushed by herself far beyond the limits of any unicorn short of the great Starswirl the Bearded, but is it too much?

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle was desperate: her studies were failing, she lost her friendship, and she kicked Spike out of her library in a fit of rage. After gulping down four buckets of ice cream, she knew that there was only one way out for her...

Warning: contains suicidal Twilight

You can also find this story on DeviantArt

BTW, read this. This is far better than my story!

Chapters (2)

...and we all know what curiosity did to the cat

Chapters (7)

Sunset's saviors never became her friends after Twilight left, they made a promise to Twilight that they never intended to keep, instead of guiding her to the light they left her to rot in the hatred of the student populace. She dealt with nonstop harassment for a month, but one night while she was home she received an out of the blue text from a certain girl known for her kindness asking how she was doing. Things go from there when Sunset responds honestly.

After having her conversation with Fluttershy, Sunset decides that she's not going to take any crap from anybody and she's going to fight back.

This fic includes themes of: Suicide/self harm, Sunshyne shipping, and high school fights.

Chapters (4)

They've face a lot of powerful villains in the past, Nightmare Moon, Discord, Tirek, all of which they defeated through the Magic of Friendship. But when an Ancient Sorcerer appears out of nowhere, the girls unite, confident that they could defeat the King of Curses with the Magic of Friendship. Unfortunately, for them...

...He has a counter to that.

I love Jujutsu Kaisen.

Featured 4/1/2024!

Chapters (1)