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Chaz a high school student suddenly begins to see cartoon ponies every where and no one else seemed to notice. Life was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Chapters (1)

(Inspired by Hurt, specifically the meaning that goes through your mind when listening to the Johnny Cash version. Also inspired in part by Remembrance)

They told her she would live forever, she didn’t believe them. Sure enough, a hundred years later, she sits all alone without her friends. She remembers them longingly, and regrets what conspired in her lifetime.

Twilight Sparkle sits alone, and grows ever sadder.

(Written in the first person)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has a lot of things going for her. And she should. She has friends, family, she's one of the Elements of Harmony, and she has her best friend Fluttershy. But what would happen.......if they all didn't want to be around her anymore? Even Fluttershy?

*P.S. Twilight is not a princess in this, even though it is after season seven. Just thought I'd put that in there.*

How do you guys like my new cover? I think it looks great and portrays the image of the main character very well! Tell me what you think in a comment!

URGENT AS OF MARCH 28th, 2018!!! Read Here NOW!!!

Chapters (36)

After hearing some alarming reports Twilight Velvet visits her daughter in Ponyville only to discover that Twilight is emotionally broken. Can she, and Twilight's friends, get Twilight the help she needs?
Trigger-Attempted suicide.

Chapters (6)

Taking place a week after the dreaded Wedding incident Twilight Sparkle find's herself isolated and alone inside her home after chewing out her so called friends and family for their harsh treatment towards her. After spending a whole week barricading herself from the outside world and from those who betrayed her, our young unicorn begins to wonder if Friendship really is magic or just a big fat lie.

A prequel to Anon a Mystery

Chapters (1)