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Jason Wright fled Ponyville after his failed attempt on his life. Lost and in a haze, he didn't realize how far north he had gone until he awakened the slumbering entities of frost. Now, bound to them and gifted with a forgotten gift of the Goddess, both sustain each other as they go to Equestria with one goal in mind:

Finish what was started long ago.

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Featured 2/20, it wasn't even up for 2 minutes...
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Chapters (14)

When Luna became Nightmare Moon, it was not of her own volition. She was sick. She was angry and scared, but mostly, she was sick. And when she needed help the most, she was abandoned by the only pony who could understand her fully. Now that she's back in Equestria, she doesn't feel she can trust her own sister. And if the magnanimous Princess Celestia can't be trusted, who can be?

Trigger Warnings: Depression and self-harm.

Chapters (1)

Defeat left Chrysalis full of bitter loathing. Trying to find a way to get back at those who caused her loss, she chooses to strike at a mare known and loved by all who hurt her: Twilight Sparkle. She chooses a changeling for the task, sends it her desires, and waits.

The changeling recieves her desires, and acts.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apologies After the Love Wave

After hearing about how Twilight was captured by Tempest Shadow, Shining Armor pays her a visit to check on her. He also plans to have some words with her friends for abandoning her and hear an explanation.

Part of my Headcanon and Apology Verses.

Chapters (1)

After a long time--she would be more precise but Twilight has lost track of time--she emerges from the dark of the library. Her candles are burnt down to nubs. There is no food left in her pantry and furthermore, no coffee. So she goes to seek both.

And finds the town changed. Or is it Twilight who has changed?

Chapters (1)

Zecora hates her little hut.
The path is always silent, and the door is always shut.

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.
Cover art based on a work by Mister-Markers.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Am Human, And That's All I Want To Be

A/N this is a sequel to my story I Am Human. It is not required reading for the sequel, but you may want to read it regardless. Also, I work as a PMC, so I don't get alot of free time. As a result, updates will likely be sporadic. Thanks.

A/N woo-hoo! Featured! Thanks for reading and the support!

Its been just over six years since your injury. You're not sure what happened but apparently while flying over the city you lost control and plummeted to the ground. Thanks to the Princess you were still alive but with no memory of your life before the incident. But lately, you have been plagued with dreams that seem so familiar.

Chapters (6)

When a young man, stricken by the terrible, black web of depression, tries to do the ultimate deed, the ponies of his favorite television show are doing whatever they can to save him from himself. Will it be enough?

This story contains graphic scenes of pure emotion and depression, and may be confronting to read. Also, this story may or may not contain a lonely, tragic, and horrible death.

Thanks to Caroline Cottrell for prereading and editing. I am so grateful that I can always trust you with my darkest thoughts.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is widely known for her propensity for pranks. While seeing an unsuspecting Anonymous the human in the outskirts of Ponyville, Rainbow decides to hit him with classic from her arsenal, the ol' lightning stomp prank. It's simply really, she's played it on tons of ponies before.

Rainbow didn't think Anon would get hurt. She didn't think he'd become paralyzed. It was supposed to be a harmless prank!

'What have I done?!

Officially Featured March 1st 2023

Chapters (13)

Jason Wright returns at a pivotal moment in Equestria's history. He bares his vengeance, not with the hand of a conqueror or an invading force. But with the greatest weapon of all; the truth. And the truth is seldom pretty when it reveals the lies we tell ourselves.

This story is inspired by the Ending-verse.

Chapters (19)