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This story is a sequel to Lows And Highs

Sunset Shimmer is still recovering from her mental breakdown. While she is of course grateful to Rarity for helping her to reemerge from her shell, no illness can heal overnight. Also, Sunset has her limits. One of those is being awoken before sunrise. Rarity had promised not to, so why is she in Sunset's apartment at the forbidden time? Surely she has a good reason, right?

This story is part of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Chapters (1)

It's been a long road for Sunset Shimmer. She was the student of Princess Celestia, but her hubris cost her the trust of her mentor. She devised a plan of revenge, only for it to go up in smoke. She suffered self-doubt in the face of uncertainty during the Battle of the Bands, but in the end finally proved herself.

Now that Sunset has been forgiven, she has to get used to her new status at Canterlot High...

Book One of Prelude to Anon-A-Miss.

Takes place shortly after Rainbow Rocks.

(Note: the Main 7 tag is there for simplicity, since Sci-Twi isn't in this story)

Part of "Not Just Any Old Continuity", which includes
Not Just Any Old Trilogy
The Crystal Prep Chronicles
TimberTwi Tales

Check out all of my stories here!

Chapters (7)

Flurry Heart has reached that stage in her life where she is looking for a purpose, something other than ruling or going through something so lame as a Goth phase to try and find her way in life.

Her father may have just given her just that it seems. Cadance has some concerns though.

Written as a response to a prompt in the Goth Flurry Heart Contest but is not an entry.

Chapters (1)

Having a desktop pet can be relaxing to watch, but the Twilight Sparkle pet is a bit more unique as it's capable to perform conversations with its user. It's a learning pet, but the way it performs could leave some people to believe that this Twilight is actually alive.

But it's still just a program... right?

Even though this is an Anon story, their name will be changed to Antoni for the sake of my sanity and to allow both genders to be interpreted (Antonio = Male) (Antonia = Female)

The cover image is a quick overlay of a Twilight vector image by sapphire-beauty0 over a screenshot of my desktop.

Made for a competition at Angel Midnight's Hideout.

TheFlint44 has also made a Chinese translation (中文译文) of the story for your pleasure.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Now It's Time To Say Goodbye

It had been a few months since Fluttershy died in a tragic car accident. Things have changed for the better though. Speed bumps were added around CHS, more people began to care about the animal shelter that Fluttershy had promoted to hell and back, and it seemed that everyone has made peace with her passing.

So why do you still feel like it's only been yesterday that you lost her? Perhaps it's because Valentine's is coming up and you have no one to go with. Perhaps you have an empty hole in your heart that needs to be filled pronto. Or perhaps the trauma from losing her and seeing her body be taken away by paramedics still lingered on inside you.

Whatever the case may be, your friends will be there to help you out and there'll be a piece of advice that will be prominent as the days go on: Let's just live, day by day, and not be conquered by our sorrows.

Trigger Warnings: Nightmare sequences, Angel Wings, therapy, a suicide attempt, and overall having a very depressing story

Cover art from 'Remembering Fluttershy' by Lucy-tan.

Chapters (6)

Sunset's life was great. She had been forgiven by (most of) the school, was on track for graduating with honors, and best of all, had five amazing best friends she wouldn't trade for the world. But after the events of Anon-a-Miss, her whole world is flipped upside down and she must rethink her relationships with her friends.

Featured twice in February 2020 and once in March 2021. Thank you!

Cover art done by me.

Chapters (10)

Through a letter left for the Main Six, Anon says goodbye to everyone.

. . .
Featured: 8/14/2018

Chapters (1)

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? WRONG!
Ok, yeah second chance at life nice, not so nice; I now live with pastel colored ponies. yep, life is just great.
I might have been ok with this, but I wasn't for these reasons.
1: Everyone was a horse!
2: They only ate vegetables!
3: I got a mom, I mean I really didn't need a mom, especially a pastel pony mom!
4: Everyone thought I was sort of a freak! I'm the human, that's normal! They were talking horses with magic, that's messed up!
5: I went from an adult, to a frickin' kid!
But, hey, at least I'm alive right?

Rated Teen just to be safe and because there is mild swearing.

Chapters (6)

"Thanks, Mom." Two simple words said by a simple guard.

Not so simple when those words are accidentally addressed to Princess Celestia.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A New Home

While Booker had a normal foalhood, he hit a rough patch in high school that he'd really rather forget. Now an adult and finally graduated he moves to Ponyville, hoping to put it all behind him and discover his purpose. What he actually ends up finding, however, is friendship and a true love that change him in more ways than he could have ever imagined.

Set about a year or two before s9e26 of Friendship is Magic. And yes, there are heavy references to the band "My Chemical Romance" in the story.

Chapters (5)