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"Monsters aren't born, they're made..."
- C.J. Roberts.

After being defeated by Cadence and Shining Armor, Chrysalis was stripped of her newfound strength and completely starved of food. She awakens in a strange room bound to a bed by several casts and bandages. A young colt found her near his home and tends to her while she recovers, each day bringing them closer and closer.

Can the Queen of Changelings even have true feelings of love, or is she just kidding herself?

Rated Teen for sexual themes, violence, and blood.

Chapters (13)

Spike has developed a crush on Pinkie Pie. He's been able to keep it hidden pretty well. But when the truth of his affections slips out, Pinkie Pie's reaction befuddles everypony. She offers to go out with him! Why? Because it could be fun! Can Spike survive Pinkie Pie's spontaneity? Or will he collapse under the madness? Who knows?!

(Party Of One Alternate Route)
(Contains Adult Humor)

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash isn't having a very good day. First she was in some dark place, then it turns out she's in the hospital. Oh, and she's apparently blind now.

Eventual Twidash!


Inspiried by the cover art, which belongs to the awesome 8-Xenon-8 on deviantart! Also inspired by the Ask Blind Rainbow Dash tumblr blog by Jykinturah.

Youtube reading, by the awesome L0RdZovChAoS, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6S23CkL48EM

Chapters (19)

The storm is breaking on the Horizon.

It's been two months since the battle against Nightmare Moon. Luna is recovering, Celestia is busy turning the government back into a diarchy, and the Mane Six have returned to their lives. All seems well, but when Celestia discovers that half of the power of the Elements of Harmony have been transferred to each of the Bearers, she decides to send thirteen mysterious members of the Royal Guard to monitor them as they manifest and develop their new abilities.

The sins of a forgotten war still linger, and an ancient evil lurks in the shadows, just waiting for the right time to strike. The Mane Six suddenly find themselves once again at the heart of a conspiracy to bring about Eternal Night, and only by awakening their powers and realizing their full potential can they do anything to stop it. Friends both old and new will help them along the way, and an unseen force will guide them as it seeks to right a wrong made thousands of years ago. The Bearer's journeys will take them outside the borders of Equestria and into the world beyond, and when they return, they'll have the power and experience necessary to save the world and bring about balance in all things.

The Powers of Harmony TV Tropes Page (SPOILERS)
The Powers of Harmony Art

Thanks to Wildy71090 for the cover pic.

Chapters (31)

How could one love another if they could only live by evil? It has been over five-hundred years since the first, and much to her surprise, Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, has given birth to another changeling; the first changeling to have ever been born straight from the queen in such a long time span. Yet this one is not like the others. No, this one is much more different. How can a queen who feasts off love care for such a delicate creature?

(New!) Image credit goes to: ZymonasYH

Chapters (20)

While studying the founding of Equestria in the Royal Library, Twilight comes across a very odd, and very old, book. Some of the historical accounts found therein are very familiar, part of any filly's childhood education, but there are more details. Troubling details. Since Celestia has taken leave for unknown reasons, Luna is the only pony around who gives Twilight any hope of finding out the truth. A truth that, as it turns out, Celestia never wanted her to know.

Teen rated for 'sad feels' and implied (though not explicit) deaths.

Special thanks to sqarishoctagon for giving me some useful pointers on formatting and helping to edit the first five chapters!

This was initially an in-universe story, but as of February 16th, 2013, it was rendered non-canon. It takes place in an alternate universe in which Season 3 never happened.

Chapters (14)

Twilight and Princess Celestia are in love. That's great... isn't it? But as they begin to tell their friends and family, how do they reconcile their relationship with the vast gulf in their experiences and the distance that an immortal alicorn princess must keep between herself and her subjects? Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Maybe their friends will just make things worse. Particularly since some of their friends are having their own relationship problems. And a secret society of masked ponies with their eye on Celestia's throne are looking to make the whole question irrelevant.

The followup to Correspondence and including the events of Moonshy. Includes pony makeouts, breakups, hookups, crying, flirting, melodramatic plots, political intrigue, OCs, and the occasional magical beatdown. I regret nothing.

Chapters (1)

(Big thanks to Blueshift for helping me properly bring this story back to the site!)

Every Fifty years a special reunion is held by the many creatures of Equestria and its neighboring nations to maintain the peace that they have known for so long. This year much has changed. Equestria is on the brink of war and only one Princess has what it takes to prevent it. Rainbow Dash, daughter of Celestia and Heir to the throne. Bonds of friendship will be tested and some friendships will become more, while others are torn apart at the seams.

(After thinking over all the hate-mail i received on this story and everything the fans of this have told me, I've changed the story a bit. I feel I was a bit too harsh on Gilda. I've added in the missing scenes that were removed before due to fear of what people would think, and I've changed a few more things that were bugging me when i first wrote it.)

Partially inspired by Sun and Stars Please go read it, the story is awesome and the writer is even more awesome.

Chapters (15)

The sequel to Wayward Courier. Read that first, or you'll get lost.

Two months after his first visit to Equestria, Thomas has returned. And this time, he's not alone!
Now the ponies have to deal with not only him, but a depressed snarky ex-Scribe and a Brotherhood Ghoul with her own list of incredible achievements and emotional baggage.
However, things aren't well in Equestria, as they quickly find out...

All major details relating to Season 3 are non-canon to this fic.

Chapters (39)

Luna takes a personal day at the request of her sister and Twilight Sparkle, but whilst visiting they each find something hidden in their hearts they didn't know was there....

Chapters (13)