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When Twilight Sparkle finds her usually brash and confident friend in tears how can she deal with the surge of emotions she feels and can two such opposites build a successful relationship?

Humanised characters in a mundane setting of small town America . I still hope to have a little fun with this. Inspired by the many fine works of art out there, particularly the cover image .

Oh and of course this is TwiDash, because it is best ship :D

-Note- 28th June 2017 - I am getting on to editing the first chapters, cleaning things up and all that. Hopefully that will get me to writing an ending to this. :)

Chapters (46)

A chance meeting with a cute young dragoness puts Spike on top of the world. However, it quickly becomes clear he may be forced to chose between his pony friends or the girl who captured his heart.

Chapters (9)

The next Nightmare Night is approaching fast, and this time Luna's going to come to scare everypony as Nightmare Moon the first time intentionally. A few days before she leaves for Ponyville though, she discovers the friendship reports Twilight has been sending to Celestia. Interested in these, she reads them and realizes she has a crush on Twilight Sparkle.

How will she react to this revelation, and will Twilight return those feelings?

Cover image is by RyuRedwings. Editing done by Destinae Spring on chapters 1 and 2.

Chapters (17)

The Equestrian Industrial Revolution is in full swing. Rainbow Dash returns to a drastically changed Ponyville and to Twilight Sparkle, her last friend in the city. She must rekindle the bonds of love and friendship before the winds of change render the Elements of Harmony irrelevant. Even in a world of steel, fire and glass, loyalty is needed more than ever.

Chapters (19)

After some pressure from her sister, Princess Luna decides to join up for a dating website in order to meet a nice pony and settle down. Who she finds, however, has more in common with her than you would think.

Teen for sexual themes and a bit of adult humour.

Contains a large portion of ridiculousness and shenanigans. Caution is advised.

Artwork by the wonderfully talented dishwasher1910 on DeviantArt.


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Chapters (15)

It's strange how a short few years can seem like such a long time ago, Twilight remembers the moment she was told the truth about her, and how she would outlive all her friends.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to When The Wind Changes

When somepony loses their nature and their element which makes them special, how far can one go to reobtain what was lost?

Discord was once a feared creature, only spoken of in whispers but now he's in the public eye as a father. But through changes, he realizes what was lost and is desperate to be found in time. But will he have enough time?

Sequel to When The Wind Changes. I strongly suggest that you read it before this one. Spoilers of both the stories can be in the comments.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Part Two: To Love Is Human

Geo has finally made it back to Equestria and married Twilight Sparkle. But as they prepare to enjoy their new life together, he learns something that makes him question his friendships. When a threat arrives in Equestria, he soon realises that even though someone doesn't act like a friend, it doesn't mean that they're not.


Cover Art by Anoymousperson123.

Part Three of the Geoverse.

Comments contain spoilers.

Rated Teen for sexual references, swearing and violence.

It is recommended that you read To Observe Is Science! by Crimson Star, as things happen there that will be referenced to in this story, and you might not get them.

Chapters (10)

Conjuration is a lost art in Equestria. Celestia is bored, and decides to learn some summoning spells. She summons an otherworldy creature, but will it be anything like what she expects? A non adventurous HiE. Mostly just learning about interactions. I'm just gonna roll with it, and add tags an ratings as the story unfolds.

Chapters (25)

A short trip to Canterlot with Rainbow Dash and Applejack is the perfect opportunity for Twilight to test out her new long-distance Teleportation spell. But a nasty cold dashes the hopes of a quick trip, and makes the spell disappear in smoke: instead of arriving in Canterlot, the three find themselves in the nearby Everfree Forest, and discover that their location is not the only thing that went wrong.

While Rainbow has exchanged her wings and tail for a straw blond tail, Applejack has acquired a rainbow tail as well as a pair of strong, blue wings.

While Twilight attempts to find a spell to return the body parts to their rightful owners, the others must attempt to deal with this situation... and with their changing feelings.

Chapters (16)