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This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters: Extended Family

A story of The Three Sisters Universe

Families are like fudge — mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~ Unknown Author

Chrysalis' daughters are serving their community service in Ponyville. Nothing can go wrong. Right?

Unless they all have their own agenda, and surprises keep piling up, complicating matters further. But anything to broker peace between the Changeling Nation and Equestria... right?

Art by the incomparable Conicer!

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (20)

Octavia was always one for planning ahead. Whether it be dinner that night or her career years away, she always had an idea of how to get there. The right amount of practice, the proper performance to the right pony, and she could see her life progressing exactly as it should.

However, suddenly turning into an alicorn kind of put a damper on her plans.

Story thirteen in my Twidash Challenge: Secondary Pairing (Quite Obviously)

Chapters (14)

It hurts when the one you love doesn't return your affections. But Daisy has always believed that giving up is for the weak, and she's not weak. Twilight will either love her, or be annoyed by her until she does.

[Takes place very early on in season one, before Twilight knew Daisy's name as seen in the episode where they meet Zecora.]

Chapters (2)

Naturally, everypony knows the story of how Twilight Sparkle met her friends, and how they all became the Elements of Harmony. The very subject is now taught in schools around Equestria, much to the chagrin of Twilight's children.

But not many ponies know of the story behind how Twilight ended up in a relationship with both Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Now, her three children are going to hear that story. Whether they want to or not. Even if it takes nine more seasons.

Suit up.
This was meant to be my entry for the AppleDashLight group contest.
Cover art edited from a picture by niegelvonwolf.

Chapters (1)

My name is Twilight Sparkle.
I am three hundred and seventy five years old.
Except for Spike, all my friends are dead...But not for long

Betrayed by Celestia, and isolated in her castle with only Spike for support, Twilight Sparkle enacts a powerful spell to reincarnate the element bearers through her own body.
Her friends will be reborn, and, with the trials of being a mother to her friends ahead of her, an unraveling secret from the past following her at every turn, and the possibility of a brand new life so close in reach, Twilight just might be reborn too.

Credit for both the inspiration for this story and cover picture go to
Crystal Leviathan

Chapters (11)

Celestia had always thought she'd reached the pinnacle of fear when she fought against some of Equestria's greatest enemies.

As it turns out, however, nothing compares to explaining to Twilight's parents that she's in a relationship with their daughter.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Numbers

Eleven years ago, a young stallion named Filthy Rich became a father.
His daughter was his most prized jewel...
And he swore he would always love her.

One morning that stallion's filly brought a grown mare to tears,
And Filthy Rich was forced to see his Diamond through new eyes.

Now, he must find a way to bring out the sparkling gem only he can see, before Diamond Tiara destroys her classmates... and herself.
If that gem even exists at all.

But raising a child isn't as simple as working out a business deal or solving a financial issue, and Filthy Rich must relearn what it means to be a parent if he ever has a hope of redeeming his daughter.
For the price of an innocent foal's tears is more than even he can afford.

Featured 5/27/14 - 5/28/14

Chapters (3)

Sparkler loved her daddy. While mommy worked, daddy played. He made her smile, laugh, and enjoy even the simplest things in life. Yes, Sparkler was happy. With a mommy who is a beautiful princess, and a daddy who knows how to make her smile, what more could she ask for? Life was perfect... Until other fillies at her school tell her just how awful her and her daddy were.

Chapters (5)

A collaboration between myself, Tidal and Seventh Heaven

Cheating. It never leads to anything good. Hearts get broken, trust is lost, and lives are ruined. Unfortunately, even the best of relationships are not immune to it.

When it comes to light that Shining Armour has been in a secret affair with Rarity, it leaves Princess Cadence and Spike stunned and badly hurt. Leaning on each other for comfort, the two devise a plan to not only get revenge on the ponies that hurt them, but maybe even heal their broken hearts along the way.

Note: This fic was written during season 4 originally, so that's why Flurry Heart isn't mentioned.

Coverart by: Not Enough Coffee

Inspired by the album Two-Faced Charade by Famous Last Words.

Chapters (13)

While on a trip to the Crystal Empire, Lavender and her siblings, Turquoise and Crystal find themselves in a lot of trouble after damaging an important treasure in the palace. In a desperate attempt to escape punishment, Crystal uses a spell to try and force their way through a certain magickal mirror, only to send things into chaos by warping her and her siblings back in time, years before they were born. Now the three siblings must find their way back to the present, without changing anything that might effect the future.

The character Lavender belongs to Siansaar
The characters Crystal and Turquoise belongs to kilala97

This story was a request done for DarknessRising (Please read the authors note at the bottom of chapter one before pestering me about requests.)

Chapters (2)