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    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Fluttershy knows it is her honor, her destiny, to have been born into the Lunar Guard. She knows it with all her heart. But sometimes, when she can get away from her drills and be alone with her animals, she is beset by doubt. Sometimes, as she straps on her armor and raises her spear, she wonders why there is so much disharmony in the world.

Sometimes she feels like Equestria is missing a little kindness.


Equestria Daily

Thanks to Rex Ivan, docontra, Reese, and JackRipper for helping to make it readable.
Cover art done by Conicer.

Chapters (7)

Sunset Shimmer is having the worst day of her life. She used to be important. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. She was a future leader of Equestria. She was the kind of mare that everypony envied.

Today, it's all crashing down around her.

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?

Chapters (11)

I come here every week. I still believe you can hear me, and I like to pretend you weren't taken away. Instead, I'm forced to face , whether I truly believe this is my reality or not. How would you feel waking up from a dream that seems so real? How would you feel when all your dreams are ripped from your soul?

Right now, this could be all a dream.

How am I supposed to know which is which?

Chapters (1)

One thousand and eight hundred years ago, in the time of the three tribes, two fillies were born.

One, Celestia, was a prodigy, destined for greatness.

The other, Luna, was a secret, destined for anonymity.

Yet the future will see both rise higher than anypony could have imagined.

The time of unicorns is ending. Now comes the time for alicorns.

Canon to the Stewardverse.

The story of Celestia and Luna's origins and ascension and maybe, just maybe, the truth of what came before.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Resetting Her Destiny

Starlight did it, she passed her entrance exam and was accepted as Celestia's protege. Join her during her journey through school where she makes new friends, continues to expand her knowledge and helps other ponies with their studies.

A Glimmerverse story done in the first pony from Starlight Glimmer's perspective.

Chapters (8)

Why is Twilight Sparkle best pony?
To answer that is like answering why the sky is blue? Something about wavelengths, I think.

Twilight Sparkle was born an alicorn. And not just an alicorn, but an alicorn princess. And not just an alicorn princess, but the most powerful alicorn princess that ever existed, will exist, and could conceivably exist. So naturally, Twilight bums off Princess Celestia.

But one day, Twilight discovers a prophesy that changes everything. But not really, because Twilight is eternal. But she finds this prophesy right, about Nightmare Moon. So she goes to Ponyville.

And that is where our story begins. Actually a little before that, because the introduction is Twilight finding the prophesy about Nightmare Moon. So she was in the garden and she found it, right, the prophesy.
Good lord are you still reading the description? Just read the darn story if you wanna, or piss off.

Chapters (11)

Once a year, the Townsend occurs. It is a weeklong tradition held by all of Equestria where, for a full week, everypony falls into a very deep -- almost comatose -- state. Nopony knows why or how it happens. It just does. So far, nopony has found any consequences to this strange occurence.

Then, one year, ponies start to go missing.

Then, the next year, more ponies start to go missing. Every year after, some ponies just seem to poof, and are never seen again. Nopony knows what happens to them, and those who try to learn, disappear.

Jazz is a very regular pony. In fact, there's nothing special about her at all. She has many good friends, a crush, even a well-respected family. She lives an average life in the little town of Stableside. That is, until she is unable to fall asleep the night of the Townsend.

This starts a series of events that will shatter Equestria forever.

Follow Jazz, as she embarks on the journey of her life. Just what secrets do the Townsend hold?

For everything you are worth, hide.

Chapters (4)

When Twilight loses control of her magic, she finds herself in the realm of the the eternally damned, Tartarus. In order to survive she is forced to learn and change. However, when Twilight finally escaped from Tartarus, how will Equestria deal with a Twilight who has been forged in hellfire?

Author's Note: I want to point out that the Dark and Gore tags are not all consuming. They are there only by necessity. There are going to be some dark material in here, but nothing grim.

On the same note, Twilight is the only anthro in the story, and there is an in-story reason for it, so don't let that big nasty Anthro tag scare you.

One final thing. It has been some time since I've done any real work on this story. To make clear how long, this portion of the author note was added July 5th, 2019. This story is currently sitting in that little area between "Hiatus" and "Cancelled". Time will tell if I revitalize it.

The World of Tartarus Forged.

Chapters (24)

Princess Celestia has trained her three apprentices, Sunset, Trixie and Twilight, to become the newest generation of the Knights of the Realm, protectors of Equestria. Their abilities and morals are unquestionable, and they're also perfectly willing to become the heroes Equestria needs. However, something had to give, and in the process of turning them into the future Legendary Heroes, those three ended up becoming particularly eccentric in their methods and quirks. This is the start of a very silly era of heroes.

October 2019 Edit: The story's rating has been changed from E to T.

Chapters (93)

Vermilion didn’t join the Guard to be a hero. He just wanted to escape the farm and his old, boring life.

But now it seems he may have no choice – his unit is being sent to Hollow Shades, a tiny hamlet hidden in the depths of an endless forest, to fight monsters on behalf of Luna and Celestia. When the mission turns into a disaster and the town is lost, Vermilion finds himself at the forefront of an unexpected war, with all of Equestria at stake.

A new dark age has begun. Heroes must be found to guard the flickering lights of civilization. And Vermilion and his friends will discover that monsters are the least of their worries.

Set in the years before Nightmare Moon’s banishment, The World is Filled with Monsters follows a young hero and his friends as they struggle to protect a newfound nation – and discover the cost of greatness.

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Cloud Fire



Rose Quartz





The gang

Marvelous Needle (Zephyr's spear)

The Nightmare

Chapters (32)