Favourites 527 stories
  • Favourites 527 stories - 321 unread chapters
    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 28,277,091
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Alternate universe story where Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Flim & Flam, Suri Polomare, Lightning Dust, and Gilda are the main characters. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, in fact.

After an adventure to find the Elements of Irony to defeat Nightmare Moon, Sunset finds herself stuck living in Ponyville. Absurd comedy awaits as she and her friends acquaintances have equally absurd misadventures where no one seems to learn anything.

Chapters (47)

Nopony has heard from Fluttershy for three months. Not Rainbow Dash, not Rarity, not even Pinkie Pie. Her friends have been tending to the cottage and her animals, keeping it clean and organized, but even with Twilight's constant magic scans and a semi-constant guard search Equestria-wide, no hint has been found of where she went, how she vanished, or why she didn't tell anyone. Some ponies even think, in their darkest nightmares, that she might be dead.

Then she shows up one day, very definitely not dead, but just as definitely not the same as she was.

And does she have a story to tell. Boy, does she ever...

Coverart by Paladin.

Chapters (10)

Twilight's life has changed a bit over the years. She used to worry about it, but more often these days, she finds herself celebrating it.

The story was written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest for the Twilight portion of the Partiers group but didn't finish in the contest's Top Six. Happy squeaks of thanks to The Masked Ferret for spontaneously volunteering to edit and to Miss Cats for the cover image.

Chapters (1)

Some people say that Celestia and Luna are useless. That they lounge in the castle while delegating all their responsibilities to hard working, underappreciated, exceptionally well-read students. That even when faced directly with threats to kingdom and country, they fold like cheap origami and wait to be rescued.

These people are correct. But there's a very good reason for it!

[Rated Teen due to a dark scene early on to set some backstory, and occasional comedic death]

Chapters (7)

Sometimes your passions are at odds with one another. In some cases, they're so at odds with one another that you need to hide behind a different name just to be yourself. Living two lives is hard, and in the case of Photo Finish and Rainbow Dash, it's about to get harder.

Rated Teen for mild cursing, alcohol, and mild adult themes.

Thanks to my good friend Falkon for edits, MelodicMarzipan for the awesome cover art, and everyone who has pestered me to work on this story since I had the idea back during Season 2

Hey look, someone reviewed my story!

Chapters (15)

Warnings: Sporadic updates, long/plodding, backstory shipping

When Spike went to bed, he was a 162 year old dragon, war veteran, twice widower, and living on the outskirts of Ponyville. This morning, he wakes up to a voice he hadn't heard in decades on the eve of the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration.

Now, Spike must choose between the future he knows and a future he can make.

Chapters (11)

Unwilling to wait another 40 years to meet her friends again, Twilight is considering time magic to try and drag Legendary three's time to her own and then reset the anchor. But with uncertainty and a hesitant leader of Equestria there are more than just a few simple obstacles in her way. Can Twilight really move time with certainty? Will she succeed in convincing others to help her? And if she actually manages to move time and open the gateway what really will lay before her on such an uncertain pathway?
Lets find out shall we?

This is a sequel to Equestrian Scrolls I: Epic Pony Tales I recommend you read it first if you haven't.

Official edited by the amazing and talented PixelReality

And here is some art donated to the cause by the wonderful and talented Leftover of Saikano who was kind enough to give this elder scrolls ish themed piece.

It was not what I needed for my story but it was too wonderful to pass up.

Chapters (7)

Locating an artifact buried deep underneath one of the ancient places of study. An artifact is discovered. Though unlike many of his other artifacts there are no legends about it, there are no words or even vague writings save for one small message that they believe was written in blood found with the obsidian mirror
"some powers are not worth studying"
The only piece of the page able to be read. Naturally Starswirl the bearded's biggest fan nearly abuses her authority to be able to be first to study the artifact and of course gets sucked into the mirror to find a land filled with strife and danger. A land that the powers of friendship are not very well able to help anything with. Join the princess of friendship as she grows up, learning real lessons of honor, duty, and more mature lessons of life and the cost of ruling a nation. Will she triumph over her trails or fall victim to the many MANY dangers of Nirn.

Chapters (16)

In this alternate universe, the Changeling invasion never occurs. As Twilight Sparkle falsely accuses her innocent future sister-in-law of being evil, those dearest to her begin to doubt her. She is thrown into despair, unknowing her life is about to take a dramatic turn.

Cover art by z-leppelin

Editors and Proofreaders

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle wakes to a wasteland. Equestria as she knows it has been destroyed. Her friends have scattered to the winds.

Twilight must find out what happened, where the Princesses have gone and what has happened to her friends. To do that, she must fight through a toxic gas that has changed ponies into something unrecognizable. Have her friends survived at all?

There's a dark secret behind all of this, and in a journey that heralds only pain and turmoil, does Twilight really want to know the truth? Or are some things best kept close to a pony's chest?

Chapters (8)