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  • Favourites 527 stories - 321 unread chapters
    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 28,277,091
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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This story is a sequel to About Last Night

One month ago, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack got drunk and then got married.

Now Twilight's a princess, and the pair have to work on integrating that new aspect of it into their relationship. Add to that Spike's feelings on the matter and the fact that he's getting the attention of fillies his age, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship, maybe they're better off grabbing a few more drinks...

Chapters (4)

It's bothered Luna for months now and she can't stand holding her tongue anymore. Her sister got fat. Really fat. Ever since new princesses were crowned and born Celestia's been putting less and less effort in her figure and simply let herself go. Luna; being for a healthy lifestyle opts to tell her sister enough is enough. But the question isn't should she tell Celestia, but can she tell her?

DISCLAIMER: Don't take this fic seriously. I just wanted to write for the fun of it.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash takes an impromptu eating contest a little too seriously.

This story is cancelled as of 10/4/16. See my blog post for more info.

Fetish Warning: absolutely blatant weight gain/stuffing fetish story. Not much plot.

Chapters one and two edited by Abubble1234 and Not Worthy. You da real MVPs.

Cover art by a fan who wished to stay anonymous. Used with permission.

Chapters (2)

CANCELLED FOR FORSEEABLE FUTURE: Explanation likely to be provided in the comment section at some point. Unless I start a rewrite, this will not be updated. Frankly, this story is terrible, and it particularly starts terrible. Don't read it.

After being exiled from all of Equestria for a crime of conscience, and with all memory of her erased, Twilight attempts to force herself back into the public eye, and expose the truth about Celestia's noble goals...

With only her name, and the research in her head, she must get back to Equestria, restore balance, or die trying. Oh, and she has Discord, I guess.

Will likely undergo rewrites of the first three chapters at some point in the future.

Originally an entry into the Exiled Contest, but due to a lack of time, I had not been able to meet deadlines.

Chapters (5)

Ponyville has grown boring for Rainbow Dash. Sometimes, an entire week will pass between monster attacks.

What's a mare of action to do when her neighbors are all celebrating apples and hard work? When the weather bureau insists on gentle showers and sunny days, instead of something more exciting?

She has to find adventure, obviously. And when an airship captained by a pegasus pony flies through Ponyville one lazy summer day, dragging a flying iceberg behind it, Rainbow Dash realizes this might be the opportunity she's been waiting for.

But nopony ever said adventuring was easy.

Chapters (26)

Jak never found it unusual that he had a unicorn brother. Shining Armor had been there his entire life, as far as he could remember. Sure, Daxter often made a point of just how strange it was relative to everyone else in the village, but then again Jak himself was different from the rest of the villagers.

He never questioned that he looked somewhat different from everyone else. Never questioned that he was raised by Samos the Sage, alongside Samos' daughter Keira, whom he kinda-sorta liked and who kinda-sorta liked him, even if Samos himself didn't like that. Jak, by nature, wasn't the sort to question things.

Shining Armor, on the other hand - or hoof - had lots of questions, but no answers.


Part of the PWNY-verse.

Crossover idea suggested by Keyblade Hero.
Cover art by Sanyo21

Chapters (135)

[ Inspired off Season 5 Finale - Nightmare Moon Verse ]
Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle's life couldn't get anymore depressing even if she tried. Yet still she looks to the other things in her life to get by, such as her job selling donuts at Joe's Bakery, her best friend Smarty Pants, as well as her inspiration to someday be as great as The Great and Powerful Trixie herself! Life isn't as bad as it may seem, and she enjoys the simplicity of her daily routine, the peace of her recluse world. That is until suddenly she is targeted by the current ruling body of Equestria, Nightmare Moon herself!? Perhaps she spoke too soon. Better run Twilight, destiny is calling!

Chapters (38)

Now with an audio reading by Skijarama!

Now with a print version available for order!

A purple Alicorn shows up one night and then vanishes into thin air. Many wouldn't think anything of it besides how strange it was.

Not Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash has met that Alicorn before.

The implication it brings and the guilt that follows leaves Rainbow Dash with questions weighing on her mind.

Luckily, in the crushing pain of reality, she still has friends.


Cover art created by the extremely talented invertigo and paid for by the amazingly awesome Shipmun. Oh my gosh it's just so cool.

Chapters (15)

The Ponyville Public Access channel is where any and all Ponyville residents can go to advertise whatever they want or force those with a T.V. to watch their antics.

Tune into the The Ponyville Public Access channel. It’s literally the only channel that works.

Inspired by a random conversation with Tired Old Man

Now accepting submissions.

Chapters (34)

All Chrysalis ever wanted was a big, brave stallion who would sweep her off her hooves and love her forever. That's not too much to ask, is it?

On her first trip into Equestria, she meets the perfect pony for her, the pony she knows she's destined to be with forever. In one world, she goes back home and returns years later to take him by force. But what if she decided to go after her knight in shining armor another way?

And what happens when everything goes wrong, and she ends up stuck serving a pink pony princess instead of working alongside the stallion she's interested in?

Credit goes out to King of Beggars and his story Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard, and all the awful pitches we throw at each other for knockoffs and parodies.

Chapters (6)