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  • Favourites 527 stories - 321 unread chapters
    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 28,277,091
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Daring Do has never turned away from a challenge. But when she finds herself trapped beneath an ancient temple with a haunted artifact, she may end up wishing she'd stayed home instead.

First place story in the Equestria Daily 2013 Nightmare Night Contest!

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash is not like other ponies. She possesses magic.
Now, all pony tribes have various levels of magic, but Rainbow's is far stronger than most ponies. Her magic level is right on par with Celestia's and Luna's.
However, it is not a good magic. Rainbow's magic is 100% black magic.
She can only thank King Sombra for teaching her how to use it when she was a little filly.
And now, she must keep this secret away from her friends. She must tell nopony her secret.

Chapters (1)

A wandering unicorn teams up with a treasure hunter, and together they travel to a separated world.

Chapters (24)

Spike led Thorax into the throne room of the Crystal Castle confident he could convince the others that the changeling could be trusted. That he meant no harm, and instead wanted to be an ally and live peacefully with them. That he could make them see Thorax for what he really was. That they could befriend the changeling and accept him as one of their own.

They didn't.

And consequences followed.

First featured on 11/12/2016. -- Now with a TV Tropes page. -- Review by Arcanum Phantasy -- Review by PaulAsaran

Chapters (98)

Everyone knows that Sombra, the Tyrant of the Crystal Empire, got blown apart by the power of the Crystal Heart, but has yet to resurface. What everyone doesn't know is that he got blown across the sea of worlds, leaving fair Equestria behind. The problem is that when he awakens he has no idea who he is or where he ended up.

Will Sombra be able to let go of the past, and his hatred, in order to save a world he's never seen before? Or will the citizens of Tamriel have another villain to worry about?

Chapters (55)

This story is a sequel to Rainbooms and Royalty

Set in Dashverse, taking place just after "Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel."

It's Hearth's Warming and time for the annual pageant depicting the founding of Equestria. The Mane Six are asked to play the roles of the three leaders and their aides. However, Fluttershy has an unusual request to make of Rainbow Dash, one that ends up more than just the play turning on its head.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Rainbooms and Royalty

Takes place in Dashverse, before the events of "Wedding Bells Bug Hunt."

The recently redeemed Princess Luna is overseeing the Grand Equestria Summit, and Celestia wishes to ensure Luna makes a good impression on the delegates. At her request, Rainbow Dash and Rarity travel to Canterlot to offer their assistance.

However, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are coming to realize that despite their friendship, the two of them have spent very little time together apart from the group. Rainbow Dash, scarred by her own experiences with Canterlot High Society, is at loggerheads with Rarity's desire to advance socially, putting Luna's debut in jeopardy. Amid this, Rainbow's return to Canterlot forces her to ask herself just what her role as Princess Celestia's student really means.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Forest Retreat

After Boast Busters, Trixie stuck around, if not entirely by choice. Follow her attempts at working out her relationship and tertiary participation through season one.

After a rough start, everything is coming up roses for Trixie.

Recovered from her injuries, reimbursed for her trouble, acquainted with new friends, and dating the two best pegasi in existence, Trixie can hardly believe her luck. She's gotten more than she could have ever asked for.

It's a good thing she doesn't have history she'd rather not see come to light and secrets she'd rather keep buried. Nor did she claim to have stolen a book once to the only pony in town obsessive enough to do a lot of digging.

Assuming everything is exactly how she imagines, all she has to do now is hold on to her new life.

Editing, Brainstorming and Bickering: Phaoray, Knight of the Raven

Chapters (17)

On the day before the longest day of the thousandth year after the banishing of the younger royal sister of legend, a gifted student goes on a reading binge in a desperate attempt to not go batshit crazy from boredom during the summer break of which so many of the lesser ponies are so fond. In her unwavering diligence that is quite likely to simply be the outward symptoms of an inner superiority complex, she stumbles upon a terrifying forgotten bit of lore that may foretell the end of her very world! But will her warnings be heeded?

No. Pretty much no.

Also that initial hook gets used up two episodes in, then she gets to slowly learn to not be a total bitch to everypony else.

This is a parody series based on the episode blogs on my Tumblr, only de-scriptified in order to fit with fimfiction's policies, and now we'll be doing the whole series episode by episode, with chapter length varying from episode to episode according to how much content is worth commenting on while still maintaining a semblance of a self contained story. References will be made shamelessly, years old fandom jokes will be resurrected as terrifying husks of their former selves, continuity shall be stuck to with no guaranteed consistency, and author head canons will run rampant in this...uh...story that everyone's already seen before...



Cover art by SamRose, whose Patreon is here!

Chapters (4)

Why should I even care any more? They don't care about me. They left me to live their own lives, their own dreams. They left me after my dream died.

Cover image by FusselChan

Chapters (1)