Favourites 527 stories
  • Favourites 527 stories - 321 unread chapters
    Created by Fox E
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 28,277,091
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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It started out as an ordinary day for Fluttershy – waking up in her house in Cloudsdale and going to work managing the weather for Ponyville alongside her best friend Cloud Kicker. However, she finds herself troubled by feelings she can't explain, feelings that something serious is wrong. When she starts having visions of a strange life with strange ponies, she's determined to find them and find out what's going on. But how can such a timid pony convince others of what she isn't sure of herself?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Sombra visits Skyrim

Nightmare Moon, formerly called Princess Luna, casts a spell that should, in theory, let her leave her moon and return to Equestria. When the spell misfires she finds herself in a strange new world, surrounded by strange new creatures. After a few weeks of fighting in the Arena she meets a group of unlikely heroes that are on a mission given to them by the Emperor himself. She embarks on a journey that will take her through the pits of Oblivion itself and forge new friendships along the way.

But will she be able to stand up against Mehrunes Dagon and his Mythic Dawn cult, or will the power of the Lunar Princess fail her when she needs it most?

Chapters (32)

Between Hallucinations and dreams, Spike's carnivorous dragon instincts start to arise and he tries to hide it from his friends. He is unsuccessful, as his will begins to falter.

Gore is for the first chapter but I doubt there will be any more.

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia has commissioned dozens of expeditions across the land to plant new outposts to further the Equestrian Empire. But when one is threatened with disaster, she sends her faithful student Twilight Sparkle to intervene, bring order to the chaos, and perhaps learn a little about Friendship along the way.

Cover by http://sa1ntmax.deviantart.com/
Dark and Gore tags are mostly just in case, since I have no idea where this story is going just yet.

Chapters (1)

A changeling who finds responsibility thrust upon her after the failed Canterlot invasion.

A unicorn who finds herself part of first contact with a strange new creature.

A princess who finds hints of one she long since lost in another's mind.

With the arrival of a strange bipedal creature into Equestria, all three will find themselves intertwined with the fate of the girl. When language cannot be understood how will communication with the new arrival be achieved, and what secrets may the creature be bringing with her? What does the girl possess that may alter how the changeling in particular sees the world.

What could the girl possibly have that would allow one word – hope – to resonate so strongly, not only for herself but also the changeling.

This is a retelling of A Voice Among the Strangers from three viewpoints in particular. You don't have to read AVAtS to read this one, as I will be attempting to make each a full story on their own.

Also, this seems to share a Tv Tropes page with A Voice Among the Strangers!

(Thanks again to Tulip for the Cover image!)

Chapters (8)

4131 EC, a year of no importance. Thousands of years ago, the entirety of our universe consisted of a single planet, an idyllic world of harmony and peace. Now, the galaxy is a hard place. The Age of Harmony is over, the old order is dead, and all that’s left of our once glorious civilization are fractured states in decline.

My name is Horizon Seldat. I grew up on a slum colony orbiting Luna six. My life just got a little complicated.

Chapters (35)

Rainbow Dash has been invited to perform at what is the biggest sporting event of the year in all of Equestria, the Best of the Best Fliers Exhibition. Only the most amazing fliers are invited to perform, and the audience the event attracts is second to none. The cyan pegasus has ambitions of attracting the attentions of the Wonderbolts with her show, which could very well lead to her being inducted as a member of the legendary flight team. But will the weekend go as planned, or will disaster strike?

Chapters (1)

After recovering from the love poison the troublesome Cutie Mark Crusaders gave them, Cheerilee and Big Macintosh were surprisingly unfazed by the strange situation. After a cordial evening together, the two got along just as well as they ever have, despite the awkwardness of their day.

However, weeks later, Cheerilee finds herself strangely ill...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Lunar Apprentice

Celestia won. Her Royal Guards defeated Nightmare Moon and her army of rogue Lunar Guards. The Shadowbolts were driven underground, and the Lunar Apprentice is dead. And what has victory brought?


The Elements of Harmony are separated and useless. The renegade forces of the New Lunar Republic are hidden in the shadows, free to move and strike at will. Confidence in Celestia's rule has been shaken throughout Equestria. Half the Royal Guard is out of commission, and the changeling army is on its way.

Every loose thread is being pulled on; it's only so long before the tapestry unravels.

Celestia may have won the battle, but she also unleashed the Night Terrors. And Equestria may not survive them.

Update 10/14/2015: Featured! Glad Night Terrors is proving to be as strong as its predecessor. A major thank you to all fans and followers!

Chapters (7)