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Alex has been thrown around realities for a long time without control. This time, he jumped to Ponyville and will be staying for a lifetime. Can he build a life here? Does he want to? What about the family he left behind?

Cover art is a commission by AphexAngel

Also, a big thanks to my ediors, pre-readers, and idea givers: Marvelous Cheshire,
Tosety, DiscordsAdvocate, KMCA, warpd, Spect, Makkelulu, KitsuneNoYomeiri, earthrise, Pen Brush

Chapters (70)

Our lovably grim Max Payne is sent on a one-way journey to Equestria via bullet express.

Pretty sure I can't fill it with metaphors like Max would, but I can sure as hay try!
Rated teen for light violence, swearing and alcohol/drug use. Occasionally dark.

A (hopefully) more comedic, lighter outlook on: Payne-full Realization -who beat me to it!

Okay, it is very psychologically dark! This is Max we're talking about.

Chapters (10)

After the malfunction of an ancient transportation device, the Captain of a spacefaring warship finds himself alone on a planet full of unusual and impossible creatures. His curiosity eventually leads to the discovery of age-old mysteries, and perhaps age-old enemies...

...But what do they have to do with a few special objects on this planet?

Set in the universes of MLP and the Homeworld series, follow Captain Soban as he tries to reunite with his people and solve the once-thought-solved puzzle of the Progenitors, while keeping himself sane in a world that spits in the face of physics.

Chapters (17)

Spartan Red Team destroyed a Shield World out of UNSC controlled space, destroying the Forerunner fleet that was hidden inside. They leave behind a destroyed world and dieing Covenant fleet, stuck in cryo-sleep until they reach help. Unfortunately, anything but help finds them, and they are thrust into another battle, but a new pawn is thrown into the game, and Equestria is unsure which side will lead not to victory, but survival.

Follows the events of Halo Wars, some parts may seem confusing unless you've played the game. First fan-fic and experimental. Tell me what you really think, whether its a diamond of holy proportions or a piece of crap that should be shoved up a baboons ass.

Chapters (12)

Holding in emotions is never good. Keep them buried for too long, and eventually they burst out at the wrong time. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash have a secret they have been hiding from their friends, specifically from a certain shy, animal-loving pegasus mare. They've finally decided to come clean, but neither of them counted on the other revealing the truth, much less at the same time.

Now Fluttershy is stuck with an impossible choice between her two best friends. Can she choose one without risking her friendship with the other?

"Sex" tag due to innuendo and suggestive material. No actual sex happens in this story.

Author's Note: Many, many thanks to Steel Resolve and Karrakaz for pre-reading and letting me know when I screw up. Now with new cover art, courtesy of johnhilist over at deviantart.

Chapters (33)

When ED-E's circuits burned in the fires of the Divide, there was one small part that held on until the end. It was the fragment that held the Old World memories and the words of his creator in his last moments. At lest that would've happen if a weird man didn't pluck ED-E out of Earth and drop him in the middle of a strange place for some bizarre reason.

Rated Everyone (yes a Fallout crossover that's rated everyone). This is just a silly little idea in my head. Hopefully y'all will enjoy it. Also thanks for HeavyMetalCommunist for proofreading.

Chapters (8)

Featured 15 August 2013. Thank you for the support!
Approved by Twilight's Library

Twilight Sparkle and her friends are called to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration at request of Princess Celestia and stumble into a new and terrifying adventure with the discovery of an alien: a creature with an apparent vast intelligence and a strange case of amnesia. Now, the arrival of old friends, powerful allies and new dangers lead to a new age in Equestria- both for the better and for the worse...

Proofread and Edited by: _Demosthenes_
Image Owned by: Korbox

*This story has multiple major cross references to many famous fictions, primarily the Halo Universe, the Mass Effect Universe and the Dead Space Universe.*

Memoirs of Insanity Series:
Part I: Precursors
Part II: Time

Currently being edited and rewrote to accommodate for the new Hyperverse Canon. Chapters completed: Two*

Chapters (26)

Don't expect quality from this fic.

Being a creator means creating your own world, where you pour your love and heart into it.

In a stormy night, after a strange event in her office, Lauren Faust gets teleported into the magical land of Equestria. The land... that she created. What will she do now? How will she return to the reality from her own imagination? Will she even be willing to leave?

Chapters (23)

Sometimes, it is better to speak without saying anything at all. But when not saying anything at all is the only option, it can make life much harder.

A man awakes in a new place, alone, yet not. Will he meet someone, or somepony, that will accept him for his differences?

Chapters (25)

(Spyro seriesXmlp) Spike's always been curious about his race, but then again what dragon wouldn't be when all they've ever known is ponies? So when a spell book arrives that may offer some answers to his questions, with a little help from Twilight of course, the young dragon is overjoyed to say the absolute least.

Though when things somehow end up going astronomically sideways, Ponyville finds itself playing host to three unexpected visitors; three scaly visitors by the names of Spyro, Cynder, and Ember to be exact, each bringing their own personal touch of chaos to the small town.

Soon awkward and unusual situations arise, tempers flare with destructive consequences, personal demons and ancient evils threaten to rear their long suppressed heads, and Spike learns that sometimes, if you wait long enough, love will find you.

Inspired by this piece of fan-art I found (not mine) featuring Spike and Ember, and the short comic 'Spyro's back'

Chapters (18)