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(Now with Fanart!)

Scootaloo's rather embarrassed by her Mom. Not because she isn't cool, arguably she's both the hottest and the coolest mom in Ponyville. It's not about the fact that her mom serves on the royal court either, though that doesn't help. Maybe it's got more to do with the fact that the reason her mom is almost never seen after sunrise or before sunset, or because before the Mare in the Moon returned to Equestria, she knew her name.

Or, you know, that her mother is a chocoholic, an embarrassing know it all that's actually lived it all, owes personal favors to Princess Luna, and has the unfortunate job description of 'ruler of the land and day'. Sure, having Celestia as your mom is cool and all, but at the same time nopony can know who she really is. Nopony gets to 'know' her, and every moment is guarded against snooping visitors. And yet, there's still hope for a better day to come. Even when all your mom's enemies and rivals finally come home to roost and ruin your day. It can't be all bad, right?

Now with a Trope Page: Scootamom on TVTropes

And Fanart:

Chapters (10)

In the beginning...

This is a story of how Pinkie Pie shaped and guided the world in order to form Equestria.

Chapters (1)

An unfortunate accident lands Ponyville's local mailmare in the hospital and her daughter in the care of the town's resident librarian. How will she manage in taking care of the filly? And what is Derpy Hooves hiding?

Originally featured on Equestria Daily on February 20, 2012. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/02/story-postal-blues-and-grey-feathers.html

Finally got around to making a FimFiction account now, so...

Chapters (2)

As a cross-eyed mailmare, Ditzy Doo has had her fair share of accidents. Landing on roofs, through windows...you name it, it's happened. Despite all that, her job provides her with enough money to support herself and her daughter, Dinky. Dinky, however, seems to need something else, something her mother hasn't quite picked up yet.

DerpyMac shipping because why the hell not. I got the idea from Loyal 2-1 in one of his livestreams when he said he thought the best stallion for Derpy was Big Macintosh. His reasons for thinking this are irrelevant; Big Macintosh just has enough swag to attract about any mare...and a few stallions.
Also, I think the couple seems kinda cute.

Also, I refer to Derpy as Ditzy throughout the story. I'm fine with the name Derpy, but in my mind she would probably prefer being called Ditzy Doo.

Chapters (2)

When sorting through a horde of ancient artefacts Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash accidentally activate the magical powers of a pair of bracelets which force the wearers to be in constant physical contact with one another. Stuck together until Twilight manages to find a way to remove the bracelets, the shy and timid pegasus must cope with re-emerging feelings, while the athletic and rash pegasus must cope with the various antics of a bunny rabbit out to get her.

The cover image for this story is the artwork ‘FlutterDash RainbowShy IDK’ by TheDracoJayProduct.

This fanfic features FlutterDash and hints/mentions other pairings such as SpArity, RariPie, and SweetieSpike to a lesser degree.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story unless otherwise stated - they belong to their respective series and owners.

Now with a fan-made TV Tropes page created and maintained by Zyr1987 because readers of this story consider this to be that awesome.

Chapters (9)

She did not know how, she did not know why, but before her banishment on her moon, Nightmare Moon experienced every kind of pain. Pains of the mind, body, and spirit. But they healed in time, forgotten to memory.

But the greatest of pains was yet to come.

An epic reading has been uploaded here courtesy of SerAaron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGz9rt1yrds

Inspired by a short narrative from VelcroHeart. Image by CosmicUnicorn. Edited by NinjaFox

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon/Luna has been banished to the moon by her sister Celestia. However unknown to Celestia herself, Nightmare Moon/Luna had some extra baggage with her at the time....

Based off a picture post I saw floating around a site. I decided to write for 60 minutes to see what I could make. Here's the primary result.

Chapters (1)

When a college brony on a camping trip makes a wish on a shooting star, it turns out far differently than expected. Now this man turned dragon will find the there is much more to the world than the land of Equestria.

Chapters (41)

Cloudsdale. Bastion of the Pegasi, linchpin of weather control, home to the Wonderbolts. A magnificent metropolis gracing the skies of Equestria. So what happens when an oblivious human starts stumbling around in a sailplane? As they say, hilarity ensues.

Chapters (8)

The Apocalypse was over. Earth was nothing but a smoldering mass of debris and corpses. The Hellguard had won the war, the humans not putting up much of a fight and the Horsemen killing indiscriminately. As the Hellguard returned to the White City, a strange glowing bluish white rune appeared underneath Death and he disappeared. Death awakened to the sight of small, colorful horses. Oh, how his day did not go his way.

Just something some people wanted me to do.

Chapters (5)