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When Celestia comes to Ponyville for a visit on some royal business, she bumps into an excited and adorable little unicorn looking for a Princess to be at her tea party. Celestia, always working all the time, decides to relax and play along, letting old memories from her past be reborn.


Special thanks to CogWing and Dont Look At My Name Bro for editing it.

Now with more chapters!

Chapters (5)

Since the dawn of Equestria (Season 1) There has always been a conflict raging through the land, the conflict of cowpony against higher class.

Somethings about this silly little feud cannot be said, but more so written down on paper.

But not today!

After taking enough abuse from Diamond Tiara, Applebloom gets a very interesting idea going in her little head. A challenge to see who wears the other's style better.

After some encouragement from Silver, Diamond reluctantly accepts said challenge, and gets a new perspective on life. But only for a short time.

The pic comes from Drawfriend Stuff #1162 on Equestria Daily. I had to scroll past a lot of badass Tirek pictures to find this.

Chapters (8)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

Scootaloo's mother dies after a terrible storm, now the little filly feels alone, sad, pain, friendships will be loss and friendships will be gained.

editor/proofreader Never2muchpinkie

backup Editor RaylanKrios

(Just to let everyone know, this story takes place at lest a week after Twilight's kingdom)

Chapters (11)

Celebrating her anniversary with Applejack at Ponyville's annual summer festival seemed like a good idea to Twilight. But when Applejack fails to show up on time, Twilight's worries get the better of her. After all, Applejack's been gone so often lately...

Entry for the Decent Writer's Club contest.

Chapters (1)

how far would you go for love or recognition? How much perseverance would you have after becoming an orphan? would life really be worth living? It's been only 4 months since scootaloo went into foster care. She has suffered alot emotionally but she doesn't pay any mind to at as she just wants her idol, rainbow dash, to notice her and be proud of her. Well her chance comes during the summer when she asks rainbow dash if she could become her flying apprentice. What scootaloo doesnt know, is her training methods. She is forced by rainbow dash to give 110% everyday all day. On top of that she has an abusive foster mother to deal with when she gets home. Can scootaloo survive the torment? Or will she collapse and give up and risk losing recognition from the one she admires most and continue living her life in a sad, lonely, depressive and pitiful state?

Chapters (10)

There's nothing worse than feeling alone during the holidays, something that Scootaloo is all to familiar with. She knows that she has no family to celebrate with, save for a mother so drunk off cider she doesn't realize her daughter's heartbreak.

This is the filly's reality- the harsh card fate has dealt her. But this Hearth's Warming Eve, as she treks home through the brisk air all by herself, a certain rainbow-maned pegasus will show her the true meaning of family.

Cover image by Mickeymonster on DA: Mickeymonster/

Edited by DJ GarV the Expert

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Magic of The Lost

[Set in a dark alternate universe where Rainbow never met Scootaloo]

Rainbow Dash has a secret, a secret she had been keeping since she first started at flight camp. Now, that secret has come back to haunt her in the form of a broken and bloody orange filly, a filly she abandoned almost eight years ago. Now she is trying everything in her power to correct that mistake and be the mother Scootaloo was meant to have, but can she ever get her daughter to see her as anything but the monster who abandoned her.

New Cover Art by DeadKitty

Chapters (10)

On Scootaloo's 12th birthday, she recieve the greatest gift of all: adoption papers from her greatest idol, Rainbow Dash. She was very enthusiastic about living with Rainbow, and now she is in High School, has her Cutie Mark, and has become highly proficient at flying. However, she still has to deal with the typical High Schoolers problems. Typical, right?


Chapters (5)

Scootaloo wants to find out the truth about her origin, and the source is closer than she thinks.

((this story is a sequel to the comic strips "Sorry I couldn't be there for you". I did not make the comics, but the creator gave me permission to make a sequel to the comic. Enjoy!))

http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-pg1-407774639 ((this is the link to matty4z comic.))

Special thanks to TheMyth for proofreading the story

((My first story to ever be featured on the home page))

Chapters (8)