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A single changeling is cut off from the swarm during the attack on Canterlot. She's discovered by Vinyl Scratch and adopted as a pet. How will Wubsy the changeling, Vinyl, and Octavia cope when the town develops Changeling-phobia? Will Wubsy ever be able to prove her good intentions and stay with the mare she's grown so attached to? Rated Teen for off-page lesbian pony make-out session.

My bid to make "Wubsy" a more official part of the fannon. Check the source of the fic image to see the comic that started it all.

A gracious thank you to GarlicParsnip, Comma-Kazie, Chengar Qordath, JJ GingerHooves and Steel Resolve who proofread and co-authored the piece.

Chapters (13)

Princess Cadence is a lonely filly who has been shielded and protected all her life as a princess and member of the dwindling race of Sacred Alicorns. She longs for a friend her age to play with, and as a young teen she is sent to stay in Canterlot where her Aunt Celestia would personally mentor her in developing her magic. There she hopes to finally have the freedom she longs for and find somepony to be her friend. Instead, she is asked to foal sit for one of her aunt's royal adviser's fillies who may just be as lonely and reclusive as she.

This is the story of how Princess Cadence learns that the ability to give love cannot be complete without finding love for yourself, and sometimes it is found when you least expect it.

Chapters (13)

The residents of Ponyville are unaccustomed to violence, but recent attacks are shaking up the normally peaceful town. On top of this, Twilight Sparkle has been experiencing short bouts of memory loss and is getting concerned with her own health. The truth in the situation may be harder to bear, however.

Chapters (13)

Rarity and Pinkie Pie have been pretty close lately, at least that is what Rainbow Dash thinks. When she brings this to Twilights attention curiosity gets the best of her. Now Rainbow Dash and Twilight are investigating Rarity and Pinkie Pie's relationship to see if there is anything there besides simple friendship.

Chapters (8)

Just before leaving for her honeymoon, the newly-married Princess Cadance finds her old diary in her clothing dresser, filled with memories long forgotten, where she then recounts on those happy days as Twilight Sparkle's foalsitter. (Featured on EqD!)

Image credit goes to Bufko

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle devises a new experiment to test Pinkie's Pinkie
Sense. But when the experiment takes an unexpected turn, Twilight must try to
understand her feelings for Pinkie and unravel the secrets of Pinkie Sense.

Chapters (1)


Rainbow Dash blinked at Rarity. “Come again?”

“Polyamory. What you’re trying to build with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy is called a polyamorous relationship."

“Okay,” said Rainbow Dash, “fine. So I know what it’s called. But what I really need to know is how I’m going to make it work!”

Featured on the Pony Fiction Vault, 05/11/12!

Chapters (5)

On a stormy, overcast day, a yellow pegasus sings.
She sings for her love.
She sings for her sorrow.
She sings for the one who will never know either.

But when the mare who holds her heart overhears, will she have the strength to continue?

Chapters (2)

After reading a book by Spitfire's personal trainer, Rainbow Dash decides that the best way to get closer to her ultimate goal of joining the Wonderbolts is to add strength training to her practices by having one of her friends ride her. However, when she decides that Twilight Sparkle is just the mare for the job, the pegasus gets a bit more than she bargained for.

Artwork by Piggybank12. Used with permission. Thanks to DPV111 for assisting me with story planning.

Chapters (11)

Fluttershy longs to be with Rainbow Dash, but she doesn't know how to tell her foal-hood friend of the love in her heart.

Chapters (11)