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Random guy ends up in Equestria story, yet for reasons unbeknownst to him, he finds himself in an Equestria much like the one he barely remembers from a show he once watched, yet very different in all the wrong aspects.

It can't possibly be because he turned into a changeling right after their infamous invasion.


And now with an editor. A huge round of applause to Kablam Pony for helping me with editing this story.

A giant round of applause for mix-up for drawing such splendid cover art.


AU: This is literally an alternate Equestria, where grim events happen as normal occurrences, also, the story starts from season 2 and moves up to season 4.

Comedy: who doesn't like to laugh at the misery of a fictional character?

Adventure: if that wasn't obvious I don't know what is.

Dark: Some of you pointed out that it has some dark elements, but don't worry, I will not write anything overboard.

Human: dare I need to state why.

Teen because of a couple of death scenes here and there, no gore, unless it's written in an extremely scientific language.

Oh, it's a shameless self insert by the way. I want to see how much I can write myself as a character in my own story and how much it relates to other characters I have written.

Chapters (13)

Stormy, an Equestrian filly, goes out to play one day and vanishes without a trace. She awakens to find herself in a strange place, encountering races of beings that are unfamiliar even in Equestria. Driven by her scruples to change the world for the better, Stormy finds herself taking on one adventure after another, striving to put right wrongs and hoping that each new day will pave the way for her to make the final journey home.

Epic thanks to Balthasar999 for the Cover Art.
Merlosthemad and The Madverse Executive Writing Group for edits and proofreading. <3

Chapters (12)

The world of Pokemon has his colorful and bright places, but it also have is more obscure and frightful realms, realms filled with the worst the world could have ever seen, a world the mercenary guild Checkmate knows all too well.

But how will such group adapt once they are thrown into a mostly calm and friendly world of ponies? Not to mention to a mostly peaceful new world and by none other that their God himself!

The answer is simple: by kicking as much flank as possible!

A side story to Zeusdemigod131 work "A New World, a New Way"

If you haven’t read it yet: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING!? GO AND READ IT... no seriously, you need to read it first to understand what will happen here.

All comments and suggestions are welcome!
Just remember to be polite.

Chapters (36)

The Princess Twilight Sparkle.
Maturation brings more than just priviledge and responsability, in this case it brings peril.
'New Magic' has opened the Equestria realm to the horrors of grimdark and in response Princess Celestia has decided to send her most reliable subjects to face it head-on... straight into the Universe that coined the phrase that started it all.
Will this prove to be just another test, or has fate dealt the Princess of the Sun an unwinnable hand?

Set at the end of Season 3, the first task Princess Celestia puts before Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends proves to be their toughest yet.

Chapters (16)

Steven Stone is an adventurer, a researcher, a hero, a scientist, a Pokémon right activist, a millionaire, and overall, a Pokémon lover. He has worked several years to make Earth a better world, to get rid of all the evil and the corruption that has tormented it for years. He has seen the rise of heroes and the fall of villains. And when his world seemed to be changing for the best, he left his title as Hoenn's regional champion, and left to explore the world and solve its mysteries.

Unfortunately, his look of reality was far from true. In the eyes of their own God, humanity was a plague, they had to be judged, and punished for their actions.

Earth was abandoned, and those deemed worthy were transported to a magical planet in a completely different universe, Equus.

Steven now finds himself with his trusty, yet cold and soulless companion; a pony thief in the search for adventure and a tendency to attract problems; a sarcastic, negative, disrespectful and almost-suicidal Sylveon; and far many other unusual characters he'd never thought he'd befriend. He'll travel far and wide in search for answers, as he also tries to convince a stubborn almighty being from changing his mind. Just another Tuesday for the former Champion

(Contains swearing and sex references)

A side story of "A New World, a New Way" by Zeusdemigod131. Look for it if you want to give it a read, it's awesome!

Oh and by the way. English isn't my main language, so if I make any mistakes, or if I could replace some words or phrase to make it look better, then put it on the comments and I´ll see if I can fix it.

Huge thanks to Madacon for the cover pic. He's an amazing artist and such a great guy!

Chapters (10)

Set in the "A New World, A New Way"-verse our hero, Mick, has to find his friends and a new home among the many races that populate the new world that Arceus has decided to forcibly move them to. Evicted from their original home, will our heroes survive and make a new name for themselves? Or will they fall to desperation and despair as the world crumbles around them?

So yeah, be sure to check out "A New World, A New Way" by ZeusDemigod, and all the wonderful side stories that have been popping up because there's a ton of awesome ones to see!

Tags and extra ratings will be added when needed, although I do intend to keep this below Mature.

Chapters (26)

Dark types are viewed by most as evil. From the "disaster causing" Absol to the "evil" Spiritomb.

But there are the few who want to disprove this, and Gwen Lichtenberg is one of them. Always fascinated by Dark type Pokemon, Gwen has decided to go out and prove that not all dark types are bad. Although, having a Spiritomb as your main Pokemon doesn't help things.

And then there was the whole "Legendaries getting together and deciding to teleport a vast majority of the Pokemon, along with some humans" thing...

Chapters (1)

Sveta Ichimo is a normal Pokemon Breeder. No really, just a Pokemon breeder. Even specializes in Normals. Up until today, he worked as an adventuring breeder, trying to figure out how to make Poffins, Pokecubes, and even Pokepuffs better.

Now, being forcibly removed from a world he was quite happy in to one that is brighter, more colorful he will be presented many a problem. In his new, much smaller body, he will have to act towards moving on in this strange new world with such people, err, ponies in it.

A New World, a New Way sidestory.

Chapters (3)

In the aftermath of a huge explosion in the Everfree Forest, Ponyville soon finds itself as the new home for Lucario, an "Aura Pokemon" from another dimension. While he avoids explaining what has happened to him and where he came from, he repays his new friends' kindness by protecting them from the evil forces that suddenly appears around Equestria.

Meanwhile, a certain princess of the night watches his every move, unable to judge if this new visitor will bring safety or utter destruction upon the land.

(This story primarily takes place between season 2 and season 3. Elements from season 3 and beyond may occur, but won't have a significant impact on the plot.)

Chapters (19)

A thousand years ago, Celestia and Luna put an end to Discord's reign, freeing them from the Chaos Spirit's tyranny and securing peace for generations to come.

However, one knight, a relic of an age before Discord, is unsatisfied with his place in things. His honor demands that he repay the two alicorns somehow, yet he is frustrated by his lack of ability. His quest to repay them, however, turns to tragedy, as the magic he seeks has unexpected consequences.

If he wasn't a relic before, he certainly is one now. A relic that many ponies wish would just disappear...

MLP:FIM and all related characters are owned by Hasbro. Lauran Faust crafted them with tender loving care, please support the official release.

This story is an idea that I've had rattling around in my head for quite some time. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (3)