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For the Vermillion Forest Pikachu, life was pretty peaceful. Apart from the occasional electric mishap the other Pokemon left them to their own devices allowing them to grow freely. But then the rapture happened. All of them were sent to a new world and the worst part? They were all separated, flung to different parts of this place. Unity seemed very unlikely.

Some were lucky and found sanctuary quickly. Others not so much. When the second-in-command finds a friend in the isolated inventor Experiment, things begin to look up. Perhaps he can reunite the horde after all?

Side Story to Zeusdemigod131's story "A new world, A new way"

Cover made by Votederpycausemufins

If you enjoyed the story make sure to keep up to date on the chapter progress by checking my userpage every so often. The progress chart is kept there.

Any constructive criticism that can be given is greatly appreciated and will never be ignored. If you didn't like this story and can help me improve on it you will have my thanks.

Chapters (7)

After a close encounter with death, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed find themselves in a whole other world full of colorful ponies. Thinking that they found themselves a feast, they make themselves at home. But are those ponies really so defenceless? Or are our three hyenas in for a nice surprise?

Edited by everypony's favorite princess Molestia
----Copyright disclaimer----
The three hyenas, Shenzi, Ed and Banzai are solely owned by Walt Disney, I do not claim them my own.

This story is ancient by now and definitely not up to par with my more recent works

Chapters (2)

A side-story of A New World, a New Way I wrote with permission from the original author, zuesdemigod131.

This is the story of Eva, a young former Top Ranger, and her partner Pokémon, Zero, and how they first met Gene and Belle on Earth, and how they reunited in Equus years later, with their forms radically changed.

Pokemon-MLP:FiM crossover. Don't like, don't read.

Following Part 2, we will be going back in time to Earth for some backstory of Eva and Zero, as well as how they reacted upon arriving on Equus.

NEW #2:
Due to issues involving my OCs, I will be changing the story behind Lovely Feathers so it will be more AU and won't involve alicorn oc. Be sure to keep an eye on the Equus arrival chapter for changes. Also, thanks to the Stag Prince for helping in rethinking the idea behind Lovely Feathers.

Please enjoy. Comments and critique are greatly accepted ^^

Chapters (5)

Allen was a skilled Pokemon Trainer who who had traveled much of the world, wanting to see it's wonders and maybe one day find a place to call home. But then, Arceus was freed from his prison and Allen was swept away to a strange new world.

Now Allen has to find his team to be sure their safe and discover what in the world has happened to the Human Race.

An expansion of zeusdemigod131 story

A New World, A New Way
Edited by SilverWolfFTW
Cover art by: No one at the moment
Rated Teen for mild language.

Chapters (27)

When Arceus decided to migrate all Pokemon and good humans to Equestria, even the other legendaries had some concerns as to whether this was wholly thought out. Nevertheless, the Pokemon are here in Equestria, and now all must deal with this. The sleepy town of Hollow Shades is about to get a wake up call as powerful, varied, and mysterious creatures suddenly appear overnight.

Join a young Riolu now separated from his family in a world he knows nothing about, a former human and now Froakie who has gone from a young adult with only a single trusted partner Pokemon to a one foot tall frog, and finally another human turned into Honedge whose new lack of limbs or face make it all the easier to keep his past to himself.

Together they must come to terms with the hand they were dealt by the Pokemon god, trying to find their way in a place far from home.

A side story to zeusdemigod131's A New World, A New Way

A collaboration between myself, EnigmaMystere, and RLYoshi. Props to you if you guess who plays who.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to A New World, a New Story

Lea lived in her home in Johto with her family of pokemon. Just when something was going wrong, everyone seemed to fall asleep, and Lea soon followed.
Waking up, Lea found herself an Umbreon, but no one she knew was around. Instead, a winged Ponyta and small Rapidash find her and make her miserable. But after her eventual escape, the former human has a lot more to run from.

This is a side story to: A New World, a New Way
If you like this, check out the original story, or some of the other side stories. If you want to create your own side story, read the original first to get the full story.

Big thanks to Zeusdemigod131 for pre-reading the some of the chapters from the story, and helping a little with it.
editors are Arcticbrony, Goggari, Archeo_Lumiere, and (shoot i need to find them again)

Chapters (53)

Many millennia ago, Pokemon used to roam the world of Equestria freely. Then, one day, they simply vanished... One day, a crazed stallion decided to mess with something that should have been left alone. With Pokemon suddenly appearing in Equestria once more, how will Equestria cope with change, especially when the Pokemon appear to be more than what the myths said?

(Formerly known as "Faraway World of Our Dreams".)

This idea came to mind when I saw all of the Human-turned Pokemon in Equestria fics, and I thought, “Hey, maybe I can make a unique spin on it!” So that’s how this came to be. Hopefully, aside from a random twist here and there, you’ll enjoy a (relatively) realistic take on HiE as Pokemon. Will update sporadically, whenever I get ideas and have time to write.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon, nor do I own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They are owned by Nintendo and Hasbro respectively. I claim no credit, ownership, etc, and ask that you support the official shows.

Chapters (42)

Ethan Summers was a Pokémon caretaker. He strived to help and rehabilitate those Pokémon that needed it or could not take care of themselves. Though his intentions were noble, his means of achieving those intentions were not always so. After hiding from the law for several years, he now finds himself in a new world, a new body, and a situation where he can’t run from his problems anymore.

Side story of "A New World, a New Way" Its not needed to read to understand this story, but it is still a good story and I recommend that you check it out.
Proofread by: MoldyShishkabob

Chapters (57)

When a normal, run-of-the-mill Officer Jenny gets knocked out whilst in pursuit of a known criminal, the last thing she expected was to wake up on a different world, and in a different body. But that's exactly what she got, and now she has to cope with the locals and her new powers. Luckily、she isn't alone, but that doesn't mean things are going to be any easier...

This is a side-story set in zeusdemigod131's A New World, a New Way.

I have absolutely no self-control.

Chapters (8)

Clara Devita was a Pokémon coordinator that was recognized throughout the world as a prodigy in the art. It only took her several years to achieve goals that most coordinators could only dream of. Many of them viewed her as an idol where she represented the coming new age of Pokémon coordination. However, Clara had a secret. A secret so great that not only would it brand her a criminal, but it would also destroy her dream.

Prepared to spend the rest of her life hiding her secret from society's scrutinizing eyes, Clara continued to live her life with the constant fear of being caught, that is until she and her team are whisked away to a new world by the all powerful Arceus. There, Clara will have to face new challenges in her new much more plush body, in order to keep doing what she loves best.

Please leave a like if you favorite ^^
A crossover with A New World, a New Way

Chapters (10)