• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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7/5/20 - WOW. 8 long years. Did you guys know that the ACTUAL BEN Drowned ARG has returned for it's final arc, as of March this year? Yes! Here is the Discord, in which you can participate in the game directly! https://discord.gg/GfmBnP4

It is May 25th, 2012.

Two years following the events of the haunted 'Majora' cartridge, newly minted brony, Jadusable prepares himself for his junior college graduation. Returning home from a drunken night of partying, he soon finds himself having issues with his old Nintendo 64, yet again. Following a few... technical difficulties, Jad finds himself in quite the strange land. Equestria? No. This place isn't real, it's only a cartoon.

Or is it truly? Soon, Jadusable finds that all is not well, and this place? It certainly isn't how the cartoon portrayed it. Follow Jadusable's first-hand account in this mystical land as he discovers this new darkness that slowly taints it...

And comes face to face with a mortal enemy in the process, all the while, asking one simple question. "How do I get home?"

This question may never be answered, but Jad will soon come to find a wicked scheme that threatens far more than Equestria and the real world...

(Takes place in real time, between seasons 2 and 3.)

Chapters (29)

In the 31st Century, humankind has spread to thousands of planets in the Inner Sphere. Once united under the glorious banner of the Star League, the Successor States and their noble houses now fight bitter wars over the scraps of empire. When a JumpShip carrying a special task force from the Federated Suns suffers a catastrophic misjump, the occupants find themselves stranded above a strange, beautiful world at once alien and eerily familiar.

Meanwhile, in the peaceful realm of Equestria, Ponyville’s resident bookworm , Twilight Sparkle, has stumbled upon hints of a secret buried for centuries. A secret that may lay bare long-forgotten aspects of Pony history and culture.

Our story begins on the planet Valexa, where the beleaguered Militia has launched a last-ditch effort to call for help against overwhelming odds.

Written with those who are not familiar with the BattleTech/MechWarrior universe in mind.

Chapters (19)

Darth Vader is one of the most despicable forces in the galaxy. Once a powerful and respected Jedi Knight, he betrayed the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order for the dark side of the Force. The newly christened Sith Lord was apprenticed to Darth Sidious and quickly became a master of the dark side. Vader was soon the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge by slaughtering all remaining Jedi.

An extension of Emperor Palpatine's will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings and kill any surviving Jedi. This mission brings him to the edge of the Outer Rim into the Unknown Region of the galaxy, in an unknown star system. High above an unnamed planet he duels with one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy in a starship battle. But during the battle his ship is damaged, and he crash-lands on the mysterious planet.

With his connections to the Galactic Empire severed, Vader must find a way out the land known as Equestria, inhabited by the strange creatures known as ponies. That, or he could take it over.

Chapters (12)

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, both princesses, and a couple of guards.
What do these ponies have in common?
Well, they all happened to be in the same room when THIS happened.

Chapters (4)

With Twilight's new duties as a princess overwhelming her,
the amount of sleep she gets dwindles to dangerously low levels...
Celestia however, doesn't give a shit and is getting tired of
Twilight sleeping in and skipping her duties as newly appointed princess.

Based on this video

Chapters (1)

When two events collide through the fabric of space and time, Coop, a hotshot gamer whose skills with a controller are only match by his hunger, along with his giant robot car named Megas, wind up in a land of colorful talking ponies.

To make matters worse, he's been turned into one of them.
He'll have to learn how to handle the wheel with hooves quickly. Because even in Equestria there's plenty of trouble he can get into. Will this snack munching, video gaming, giant robot piloting force of destruction be able to cope?

With Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy charged with watching over him, let's hope Celestia made the right choice.

Who knows? Maybe things'll turn out fine. After all, mares dig giant robots...right?

Chapters (10)

Sombra and Fluttershy are perfect for each other in every single conceivable way. He's a Dark Lord, and she's an adorable yellow pegasus who is the embodiment of goodness and purity. He loves Crystals and the enslavement of free ponies. She loves adorable critters.

They go on a wonderful vacation.

Chapters (1)