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Applejack is a simple pony. But a hard working one. Working day in and day out, she provides for her family in a good, honest way. She would not have it any other way.

Spitfire is a Wonderbolt. A damn good one at that. At least, that was until recently.

Now she is going to bring a whole heap of trouble to Applejack's doorstep.

Chapters (4)

Rarity never really thought of Luna as a friend; they've barely ever even spoken. When Luna decides to step in when Rarity starts working herself to death and obsessing over her career, the pair grow closer than either them or anyone they know ever expected. Feelings unfamiliar to Rarity and painfully familiar to Luna bloom betwixt the two, but they both go about their lives as they try to make sense of it all.

Inspired by, based on, and a gift for the blog Ask Luna and Rarity. And the person who stole the url can go to hell.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle has always been one of the shyest girls in school. Shunned by the popular crowd, she is practically nonexistent.

Sugarcoat is one of the most popular girls in school. She's also incredibly smart and head of the math team.

What will happen when the two end up sitting together on the bus?

A one-shot based on part of the trailer for the new Equestria Girls movie!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is packing up her tiny, closet lab at Crystal Prep to leave for her new friends at Canterlot High School. Before she leaves, Sugarcoat pokes in to say something.

Chapters (3)

Chrysalis thinks jokes, puns, and off-key musical numbers are the way to Twilight's heart (and bed).

She is ever so slightly, possibly, potentially, just a wee smidgen completely and utterly wrong.


Chapters (1)

Trixie had planned to have a quiet night under the open stars without Ursa Minors, enchanted amulets, and especially not other ponies to bother her. When a scroll turns up and commands her to attend the Princess for a night of deeply inappropriate fun, she just has one particular problem:

There’s more than one princess in Equestria.


Story is set a couple of weeks after the end of season 3.

Massive thanks to my pre-readers/ideas tasters: Bronetheus, Mooncalf and RK_Striker_JK_5. Go check out Night Errantry, To Romance a Magician and Spanner in the Works for three great fics that are well worth your time.

Image composition was done by me, vectors used from left to right are from blueathombomb, nickman983, chamomiletung, santafer and andreamelody.

By Royal Command now has an unofficial sequel/inspired by fic written not by myself in the form of Waiting for Celestia.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis has the perfect scheme to bring Twilight Sparkle under her sway and have all that delicious love to herself. In fact, she'd dare say it's a real page turner.

Written in the spirit of FamousLastWords's "Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" contest. No, this is not an entry, Alex. I'm not that much of a scumbag >:V

Preread by Cynewulf, Guldane, and Vdrake77.

Original artwork by Ohemo.

Chapters (1)

During a climatic battle, a panicked magical blast from Twilight results in Chrysalis receiving a crippling wound. Twilight dedicates herself to Chrysalis' recovery and, hopefully, redemption.

As Twilight will soon learn, Chrysalis' frozen heart is one that won't easily be melted.

Won 1st place in the"Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" contest. Rated for suggestive content.

Special thanks to Midnight Quill and Peerimagination for help with editing/being my lifeline and Setokaiva for pre-reading assistance.

10/3 - Updated tag based on feedback.

Chapters (5)

Twilight is summoned to view the world famous "Fashion Mile" as Celestia's Protege but things rarely go the way they are intended and are never simple. Especially when she finds herself completely spell bound by a model who's an entire world apart.

( A MASSSIVE thank you for Starykrow from derpyhooves chat for the image)

Chapters (5)

Twilight, thanks to her new royalty, has been in Canterlot very often recently. In fact, for the past two months she hasn't been able to make the trip to Ponyville.

Though, she has wrote them all plenty, her friends all want to see her. With this thought, the five close friends head out to surprise the new princess.

However, they may very well end up to be the ones who get surprised.

The mane six are obviously in here but I cannot put that tag up thanks to limitations.

Cover art by PnkLafter. THANK YOU!

Chapters (8)