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Two souls seeking company for the night. One no longer wanting to be alone after seeing a few of her friends so happy with a significant other, the other being forced to seek a place to wait out the first train after being kicked out her hostelroom by most of her friends.
Both ending up at a specific bar, was it luck? Perhaps, only time can tell.

A Roselight shipping, why you ask? Because the world could use some more Roseluck (And you know damn well how cute she looks on the banner), and we all know Twilight is best pony =]
The story is tagged alt. uni. due some events not happening and some happening differently. Takes place aprox. 3 months after Nightmare Moon

Rated teen due off-screen clop, suggestive remarks and blantant bigottery by OC's

Chapters (3)

As the girls settle into a fun day at the beach, Sunset and Trixie get the opportunity to explore their newfound friendship. They soon discover a common thread that ties them together and, beneath the starry sky, they find the warmth and hope they had each been searching for.

This story takes place shortly after the events of Forgotten Friendship.

Some lovely fanart by starwantrix :


Chapters (1)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

After the events of Rainbow Rocks, it seems Sunset Shimmer has everything she wants in life, but even her closest friends don't notice that she's missing something she really needs.

Luckily, Vinyl Scratch, superstar DJ and amateur shipper extraordinaire realizes that Sunset needs a special someone in her life, and knows a Great and Powerful girl who would be just perfect for her.

Rated T for smouldering looks and heavily implied sex.
Collab written by me and the amazing VitalSpark. Edited by him too :twilightsmile:
With a little review by Lethally Insane!
Cover art by lumineko
Also, check the word count.

Chapters (1)

Trixie has always invested herself in appearing as cool as possible. To all the other students at Canterlot High, she only ever shows them her absolute best, and she hides all of the nerdy things she'd otherwise be ashamed of.

When Twilight Sparkle catches her eye, Trixie just can't help but invite the nerdy girl over for a bit of flirting. But what happens when your crush discovers your horrible secret? When she finds out that you're not nearly as cool as you pretend to be? Trixie is about to find out, and what happens will change her life.

Chapters (1)

Rarity wakes up with a splitting headache, a hatred for light and sound, fuzzy memories she's sure are better left forgotten, and Trixie Lulamoon clung onto her beneath the covers.

Join Rarity as she struggles to understand how and why the most boastful mare in the universe has dedicated every living breathing moment to please her. And feel free to laugh at Rarity's pitiful attempts to hate it.

Rated "Teen" for suggestive themes, implied alcoholism, innuendo, and crack-shipping syndrome... Don't judge me.


Chapters (2)

Being the Princess of Equestria is busy work. Luna would know. She raises the sun and moon everyday, looks over the dreams of her beloved subjects, and, well, runs Equestria. Now, in addition to all that, she must find herself a protégé, before her sister's banishment ends!

But, that isn't the problem. The problem, is that three particular fillies stand out for the role!

Who will she choose? Can these three fillies become friends? Who will become Equestria's future savior!?

I guess you'll have to read to find out~!

First story of the Trio-verse.
Cover Art commissioned by Cloureed. Thanks again~!
Also want to thank Izanagi for the help with editing!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Autumn Adagio

Adagio used to be in charge of her life, using discourse to manipulate others, now it only feels like life is running her... ragged.
Aria has had to take on responsibilities with Adagio struggling to balance life and accepting their mortality.
Sonata... is Sonata.

Meanwhile across town Sunset and the girls are experiencing a massive upheaval in their lives by the name of Anon-a-miss.

I found the artwork on pixiv, but the page is in a foreign language to me, so have the link: Here it is!

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer just wanted a coffee. Honestly, that was it. Finding Adagio there? Not in the plans. Being invited to sit? Improbable. Becoming friends? You had to be kidding.

Getting asked to do it again?

Okay, now fate was just screwing with her.

[set post EG, RR, and the comic. All those happened junior year, and this is senior year.]

Chapters (7)

Sunset Shimmer tried forgetting about her past. Tried letting three years of tormenting others and destroying their self pride simply go away. Today is the day she will pay for such a mistake.

Set in EqG
Thank you to Rated Ponystar, Sholan, and Dementia Ravenmane for prereading.

Chapters (1)