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Sunset has a crush on Twilight. The problem is, she seems to have a type: people who are incredibly powerful, have some measure of authority and power in their positions, and still have very sweet personalities.

And Twilight is far more powerful and popular than Flash ever was.

But it's okay. It's not like Twilight likes her back, right? Right.

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle starts to develop strange and alarming symptoms after learning that Rainbow Dash helped her earn her cutie mark.

Chapters (1)

A series of short, unrelated vignettes featuring Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash’s budding relationship. It’s supposed to be quite sappy and slice-of-life-y. I intend to release more chapters as I find time to write them, and I have a list of themes and situations I’d like to explore. Rated Teen for kisses, displays of affection, etc. There is no continuity between chapters unless explicitly stated.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash is torn between fulfilling her dreams and acting on her feelings for Twilight Sparkle. Does Twilight not feel the same way, or is she simply oblivious to Rainbow's intentions?

Cover art by http://jewlecho.deviantart.com/ !

Chapters (1)

An influx of weather duties has left Rainbow Dash more overworked and exhausted than ever. With no funds to go on a proper vacation to blow off steam, Rainbow is trapped in a endless cycle of waking up, going to work, and going to sleep.

When Rainbow's responsibilities make even flying no longer fun, Twilight offers to let her stay at the library for an all-expenses paid staycation. Though a little unsure, it doesn’t take much convincing from Twilight for Rainbow to change her mind. Expecting to just find some peace and quiet for a few days, Rainbow finds that and much more.

My (extremely late & winning) entry for the Third TwiDash Group Contest.

Editing done by The Abyss and DarqFox

Cover art by Rossby Waves

Chapters (1)

Experiment 247: Day 1

Subject of study: Why does Rainbow Dash keep crashing into my library?

Hypothesis A: She thinks it’s fun. Disproved because Rainbow prefers staying in the air and hates helping me clean up.

Hypothesis B: She’s clumsy Rainbow is extremely graceful in the air

Hypothesis C: None . . .Further study needed.

For the Abyss' competition.

Chapters (1)
I Do
by kits

When Applejack and Rainbow Dash wake up, hungover and in the same bed, they've only one question: how can we get even? A day spent tormenting their friends by turning one of their hopes on its ear pays off, but not quite in the way anypony expected.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce have been dating ever since the events of Camp Everfree.

But some time later, Twilight asks Sunset Shimmer to meet her in the school lab. Because Twilight has relationship worries—lots of them, and Sunset's the only person she trusts to help.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Edits: nanashi_jones

Chapters (1)

“... and we are absolutely, definitely, no questions asked, not going anywhere near Sunset Shimmer,” Adagio declared, concluding her presentation of The Plan with a flick of her wrist and a bold flourish of the chalk she’d been scrawling on the blackboard with. “Are we clear?”

“... but she’s a bitch, so I thought it’d be funny to screw with her and do exactly not that,” Aria explained to Sunset.

Originally conceptualized for the Uncommon Dazzlings Ships group’s SunAria month.

Preread by forbloodysummer.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer's life has been on the up and up. She turned from her past, made new friends, and is now passing the magic of friendship to others, including this world's Twilight Sparkle.

Which is why, of course, this is all just a mistake. Things got a little out of hand, but it's over now. So now they can just move past this. Why, it'll be a funny story to tell in a few months.


Special thanks to the following:

SoloBrony, for being who he is.

CarcinoGeneticist, for his charitable contribution cleaning up the grammar.

Nadnerb who along with Solobrony convinced me to work toward publishing this stuff, even when I didn't want to.

And Skeeter the Lurker, Tourquillian, Nyerguds, and Prane for arguing in the Gdoc about what worked and what didn't.

The catalyst for, but not part of, The Shelf Cleaning Intiative

Now has a spiritual sister story in So You've Just Seduced Your Best Friend. For more details on that, check here.

Chapters (1)