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As it turns out, the Shadowbolts all have the same secret. They each have a huge crush on CHS' star student, Sunset Shimmer. Watch the struggle as these highly competitive girls each try to win Sunset's heart. Who will win?

Inspired by and written for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons.
That's why you don't make me have ideas!

Edit: 10/8/17 Three hours and already "Popular Stories", you're great!
Edit: 10/8/17 Featured! (When Mature turned off; that still counts, right?)

Chapters (1)

As fall begins, Sunset Shimmer has just started her first year at Canterlot High School. While she has no trouble with the work, she finds the school far too restrictive. When a strange arrival gives her a chance at freedom, she jumps at the opportunity. But is there more to find from this stranger who shares her face?

Written for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons. Thanks to Starscribe for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

When Sunset receives a particularly lascivious text message from Twilight, she's really not sure how to handle it. Of course when she finds out it was intended for someone else, she decides finding out who it was meant for is of the utmost importance! Why? She doesn't know, shut up, it's not like she likes Twilight or anything.

Written because I need more shippy horse high school garbage in my life.

Chapters (4)

With her head swirling with thoughts and emotions, Sunset decided to write them all down to get them out and help organize them. She just should have paid attention to which book she was using...

Chapters (1)

'I believe I may have gained a friend.' Octavia had written that night. 'An unexpected one at that.'

Four seasons in the life of Octavia Melody. Four seasons that include Sunset Shimmer; musician, unexpected friend and certainly unexpected crush.

For the Changing Seasons contest

Chapters (4)

Chrysalis knows the world is a simple place. There's people who have power, and people who don't.

Sunset Shimmer is about to make things complicated.

Earned second place in Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons.

Chapters (1)

It’s Fall Formal again, the last one they will have before they graduate. But even after almost three years and saving the world, Sunset’s still haunted by bad memories and pain that date brings to her... But this year, something changed. Because that certain girl’s there, and she doesn't has a pair yet. Maybe Sunset just needed someone to ease her pain. And that dork was there for her.

Special (kinda late) Fanfic for Valentine's Day! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day guys! Spread the love :heart:
Collab with my senpai and edited by Exterminate Regenerate, thanks lovelies! Love ya two!
Inspired by the art of twispicalstephen
Now on Ao3: Gimme some kudos?
Featured as of 02/16/16! Thank you all, lovelies!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is prone to overthinking things, and prefers to learn things in theory, rather than through practice. Sometimes, though, you need a bit of help from your friends.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been harboring a crush on Twilight Sparkle for a long time, one she knew could never go anywhere. This became doubly frustrating after the appearance of Twilight Sparkle. But what if she has a real shot this time? There's only one way to find out, by talking to Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is a teacher, a ruler, and the occasional savior of Equestria, and she loves it. Her jobs can be rewarding and fulfilling, but they can also be a bit exhausting. Hearing her friend is feeling a little worn out from all the responsibilities she has, Sunset Shimmer offers Twilight a holiday together across the portal in the human world. No evil magic, no intramural sports, and no one else. Just the two of them spending the entire day together.

Original art by Uotapo
Cover text generously added by Novel Idea

First story in the Rays of SunLight series.

Chapters (1)