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The Summer Sun Celebration has gone off without a hitch, leaving Twilight embarrassed and confused. She is sent to remain in Ponyville to learn about friendship, the most powerful magic ever. However this task is interrupted by an unwanted guest. Not only is Twilight forced to put up with her new houseguest, she's starting to feel a change coming over her, taking over her mind. Can she resist the call of the night, or will she fall entirely into the grasp of Nightmare Moon?

Chapters (5)

After Twilight Sparkle quickly leaves for Canterlot one morning to see her family, the rest of the mane 6 get concerned and follow her, only to discover that the purple unicorn has a very big secret she is hiding.

Special thanks to Mudslinger077 for supplying the cover image

Chapters (8)

980 years ago...
Celestia has been trapped in the sun for twenty years now. They have been hard times for the ponies of Equestria as they have sought to try and rebuild their society and recover from all that she did in her madness. But fear not! For though her coat and mane are now pink, and though she is shorter, and though she remembers nothing of her previous life, all that Celestia was has been reborn, and returned to Equestria!

A distant prequel to the Lunaverse.

Chapters (11)

Small stories and drabbles that focus on the faithful student and the estranged sister.

Chapters (7)

Princess Luna, otherwise known as Princess of the Night, realizes, on one starry night, of her pitiful life. With no friends to turn to, she thinks only of the one pony who ever showed her the tiniest bit of friendship. Not those who feared her, or those who pampered her just because she was a princess. But a true friend, by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

Also, someone actually did a dramatic reading of this fiction. Here it is.

Chapters (3)

It has been several months since the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle..

One night, after watching her sister raise the Moon and set the heavens alight, Princess Celestia begins to bed down for the night, only to be interrupted by portal forming in her room. From out of the portal comes none other than Twilight Sparkle, garbed in strange armor.

Princess Celestia, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, are overjoyed by the Element of Magic's return, but are justifiably curious as to where she had been and what she had been doing. And so, Twilight begins her tale. A tale of survival against impossible odds. A tale of a people fighting for the most basic right of all sentient beings. The right to exist.

Chapters (9)

Twilight travels to Canterlot to comfort Princess Luna. Thus she spends much time with the royal alicorn -- but not only in the living realm of Equestria. Strange dreams of the regal mare start to overtake her sleep, and soon Twilight realizes that the Princess is triggering feelings she has never felt before.

Can Twilight admit her emotions to Luna? If so, how? And then why is Luna turning into Nightmare Moon again?

Read and find out.

A/N: Fic is going to be a TwiLuna shipping (no clopfic).

Plus, the story may get dark/adventurous or sad, I'll add the categories when there is actually a part of that category in the actual story.

Chapters (5)

Luna comes to Twilight for help in learning about friendship. However, this leades to her falling in love with her sister's student. However, deep within her mind, Nightmare Moon is starting to crawl out again and with an approaching Solar Eclipse to aid in her growth of power, will Twilight be able to conquer Moon through her love or will the Nightmare be free and the night last forever?

Lives will be changed, Friendships will be tested, loves will be lost and when Nightmare rises, Equestria will never ever be the same.

This is my first story I am going to post on here. I have posted others stories before including My Little Pony. This one will be teen' related but a seperate series is to follow this one but with a seperate link and somewhat alternate chapters as well/

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy gets invited to the biggest dance in all of Ponyville. Since she doesn't know many stallions in town, she invites Spike to go with her. However, the dance is known to be a very romantic event, leading everypony that finds out to mistakenly think she has feelings for Spike.

Soon, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Spike try to figure out why Fluttershy likes Spike, and it devolves into an argument on who should be "shipped" with which pony that makes sense, and soon it unravels a string of secret romances, weird secrets, and more in a parody of the world of shipping.

Minor characters will be added to the character list as new chapters go up.

Chapters (8)