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When Fluttershy finds a page of a clopfic containing Spike and a certain white mare, the page finds itself in the hooves of many ponies it's been kept from. All of the clues seem to point to Spike, but is there more to this page than meets the eye?

Author's Note: Contains lines of some saucy material. Nothing to clop over, but it refers heavily to something you'd find in a clopfic. Don't read if you're offended by this sort of thing. I only rated it teen because it's pretty tame and there's very little of it, but if it's too much I can rate it mature and add up a "sex" tag.

Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!

Chapters (1)

After the love wave wiped the changlings from Canterlot all has pretty much returned to normal. or so they think. One changeling wakes up in a forest outside Ponyville and decides to conquer the town in the name of his queen. Will he succeed? Will he fail? And what kind of hilarity and action can come from it?!

Chapters (18)

Twilight Sparkle has been waiting eagerly for her copy of the newest Equestrinox novel. Now that she's finally got it in her hooves, though, it seems like all of her friends are in trouble and need her help. Will Twi find time to enjoy her book without leaving everypony hanging?

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has a secret. A secret that will lead the mane six on an epic quest to save Equestria. As her best friends try to cope with this discovery, they discover that each of them has a secret to share, and nopony wants to be the first to share theirs. Can the Elements remain in harmony long enough to save Equestria from a dastardly villain?

Warining: This could be considered a crackfic. Your mind will definitely be blown at least once.

Part One of the Family Secrets Saga.

Chapters (12)

Pinkie Pie changes religions.

Chapters (2)

Twilight is dying and she knows it. On her final night, she makes her way to the balcony atop her Canterlot suite and shares her final moments with her wife, Luna. The Princess then recounts the events leading up to her and Twilight's eventual marriage and life together.

Chapters (1)

Name's Gilda. Ya know, me n Dash did some crazy stuff together at flight camp. But this one time, I wasn't so hot on Dash's little craving at lunch. Hey! Don't gimme that look! I didn't MAKE her do it!

Short one-shot. Another something I had stuck in my head.

YouTube Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (2)

cover art source: http://adailey.deviantart.com/art/Watching-316189762%0A

Queen Chrysalis' plan to invade Equestria was not only due to provide sustenance to her subjects but also a form of revenge towards a certain Captain. It includes the attempt to marry Shining Armor even if it means sharing the same roof with a pony and not to mention stealing him from his love.

Before Shining Armor became Captain of the Royal Guards, he met a certain creature during one of this guard duties. he soon found himself befriending this creature let alone have feelings for her.

Before she became the evil queen that tried to invade Equestria, Chysalis was no more than a young successor to the queenship of the changelings. Being separated from her people, she soon wanders off to a town and met a certain unicorn which will change her entire view on what is 'love'

Chapters (10)

Spike goes to court to become the new Rainbow Dash.
No, really.

Chapters (7)

The speaking of rhymes. Zecora has never spoken without rhyme, but... what happens when she can't rhyme?

Chapters (1)