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An object of unknown origins crash lands in the no-pony's land between Equestria and Gryphon territory. Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle race to beat the Gryphons to the crash site, but discover more to the crash than they originally thought.

Chapters (15)

Chrysalis is dying, and with her, the last of the Changeling race... but there might be a way to avoid extinction.

Chapters (1)

After Sweetie Belle gets into a fight with Rarity over her latest "favor" to her sister, she decides to find somepony who appreciates her help. After unsuccessfully helping Fluttershy, she becomes Spike's assistant.

Chapters (3)

Because sometimes waiting for something can be the hardest thing in the world. Sweetie Belle looks around her and sees ponies better at her in so many things, and she wants something special too. Is there anybody out there who can teach her magic, though?

So I got an idea in my head and it refused to leave. Just one of those times where, even though I should be working on other things I've promised and that god knows how many people are waiting for, I decided to do /this/ instead. So sue me. I'm really, really bad at this kind of thing, I think, I'm not at all happy with how this turned out. Then again, I never am, so what do I know?

Chapters (1)

Celestia has tired of seeing her sister, Luna, drink herself stupid day after day. Celestia can see it destroying Luna's life, but her attempts at intervention have failed. But now, she's given up convincing the alicorn to give up her moonshine, and instead is going to force her to cease in her destructive ways. Even if it means that she has to join in her sister's drunkenness to show her the kinds of problems it creates.

But why did Luna become an alcoholic upon returning from the moon? What was it that changed the once strong-willed, independent alicorn into a drunken mess?

Chapters (1)

The elements of harmony aren't strong enough to destroy Nightmare Moon, Nightmare wins. She takes the mane 6 captive for her own pleasure and to use them as her servants. Will they adjust to their new life or will they fight against the so-called tyrant? Maybe looks can be deceiving?

What can you expect: Love, adventure, war, plots, traitors, assassinations and more.
I love it when villains win.

Inspiration from these two stories: After That Fateful Night by Peppy Greyskull and Nightmares Don't Last Forever by BB

Also: I'm Dutch, not English. If you leave a dislike then I want to know why. You don't like the story, the grammar isn't good, anything, tell me.

Image used with permission.

Chapters (5)

Closing up his donut shop following the Grand Galloping Gala, Donut Joe discovers a Great and Powerful Trixie in need of food and bits. Needing help attracting crowds and waiting tables Donut Joe hires the show mare. Can Canterlot withstand Equestria's Greatest Ego?

Lets find out!

Edit Update:
Chapter 1: 2/10

Cover Image I commissioned from the Great and Divine Valkyrie-Girl! http://valkyrie-girl.deviantart.com/

The pic that inspired this is The Great and Powerful Trina by the Awesome and Talented http://askburningash.tumblr.com/ (No longer seems to be working so here is a link http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae118/dmcel233/image_zps5051e8b4.jpg)

Chapters (13)

Twilight and Dash, upon discovering that the long awaited "Daring Doo 4" movie contains, eugh, Humans, decide to rent out A Nightmare Moon on Elm Street.

Of course all their friends are invited. There is absolutely no way any shenanigans could possibly ensue.


Chapters (6)

In a moment of weakness, Chrysalis had more than a taste of Shining Armour's love. 11 months later, Twilight Sparkle finds herself a brand new niece by way of 'A small foal in a basket on my door step'.

Special thanks for the picture by Awilldrawforfood1
Now edited with DoomManta.

Chapters (11)

What if Queen Chrysalis won? What plans does the queen of changelings have for the citizens of Canterlot? And what is with the wails of pain and suffering coming from the bedrooms in the castle? Will Twilight avoid a terrible fate or is her own imagination getting to her?

Chapters (5)