• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Twilight isn’t like other girls. She has dreams, real tangible dreams, that don’t involve getting a boyfriend with an IQ count as big as his clean sock drawer. But when she meets a mysterious girl during a school event, those dreams importance get questioned.

Written for The Rainbow Rocks Shipping contest!

Chapters (1)

They’d ruined it. They’d ruined everything!

Her secret revealed, her community upheaved, all her hard work shattered in an instant by a few nosy interlopers and a bucket of water. 

Why couldn’t they see? Why didn’t they understand that she was working for the good of Equestria? To save it from the dark and shattered future of her nightmares?

But this would not be the end. She still had her magic, her genius, and a little time to come up with a plan. No, her destiny did not end here!

An entry for both the the A Thousand Words Contest III (Horror Category)

Special thanks to Pneu and Flashgen for prereading and feedback.

Chapters (1)

It's been a thousand years since Twilight Sparkle left Ponyville to rule over Equestria. A thousand years of progress, guided by determination and her gentle hoof.

It's as good a time as any to disappear for a while.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the Slice of Life category. Read the other entries here!

Inspired by the Mountain Goats song Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back to Leeds.

G5 is not canon to this story. Please do not ask me to add the Alternate Universe tag; I refuse.

Preread by the incredible tag-team of Arkadios and alafoel!

Scouted by Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

How many people can say that Faust herself gave them a second chance at life? About three. What? She was bored. Archer, Kindle and Dartz were inseparable roommates who are now reborn in everybronies' favorite show. Let's get cracking.

(Shitty cover art hand drawn by yours truly)

Chapters (11)

After experiencing a humiliating defeat at the hands of Anne Boonchuy, a fragment of the Core enters through a portal that leads to Equestria. After discovering that the land is filled with the Magic of Friendship and has a new ruler, the Core plots to undermine it with a plan that neither Twilight nor her friends will be aware of.

Note: This happens after the events of Amphibia’s series finale “The Hardest Thing” and during the events of MLP: FIM’s “The Last Problem”.

Chapters (9)

One year has passed since the defeat of the Terrible Trio. All of Equestria thought that they had finally achieved peace, prosperity, harmony, justice and unity. Or so they thought....

An ancient evil has came back (the real one this time) after many years, and he seeks the ultimate vengeance. As he recruits the most vilest of the vile, the most vicious of all vicious and the most violent that even beasts cower in fear, is Equestria ready to take it on one final time?

Chapters (9)

Chrysalis is desperate and alone. She’s been cast out of her own hive, and her plan to use dark magic to steal the elements of harmony has ended in disaster. Just another failure in a long line at this point. Now, she’s completely alone in the Everfree Forest. With how bad things have been going for her lately, it seems like Chrysalis has nowhere to go but down. and this nearby cave should serve as a suitable shelter from the approaching thunderstorm, what could go wrong?

Follow the former queen of the changelings as she goes on a bizarre journey through a sprawling cave complex, and uncovers a hidden world deep underground. She’ll encounter faces both new and old, experiment with unorthodox magic, and finally determine who she truly is.

Story is set a few weeks after Chrysalis creates the Mean Six and her plan to steal the Elements of Harmony fails, leaving her to go crazy while alone in the Everfree Forest.

Story update schedule is at least one chapter every month until it's done. This will allow me to keep a consistent schedule without burning myself out. The first few chapters will be released from my backlog with a shorter time frame between releases until the backlog is all released.

Chapters (5)

After spending [REDACTED] amount of time in stone, Princess Twilight Sparkle was ready to begin the process of reaching out to Cozy Glow in the hopes of eventually convincing her to consider reformation. And what a process it ended up turning into.

Chapters (1)

Werewolves. Vampires. Earth people, a.k.a. humans. In a world where they've learned to cooperate, it's a bad idea to let your inner wolf off the leash. People tend to look up to you as a role model (when they're not looking at other role models who are way more awesome because they don't even need supernatural stuff).

Sour Sweet doesn't care about that. She just wants to snark at her girlfriend and pet monstrous abominations. But when the balance of power rests inside her own head, it's no longer resting on stable ground...

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns IV, using the prompt "Sour Sweet/Strength".

Chapters (1)

The Noble Sir Rocinante has been turned into a frog, and the Lady Belle and her faithful squire have gone on a quest to Frogbury Pond to save him!

Or possibly Sweetie Belle is just really bored and lonely, and looking for something to do...

Takes place prior to the start of the series.

Chapters (1)