• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Live Reading by Dr. Wolf.

Tirek has finally been defeated.

Left powerless after being blasted to Tartarus, Tirek now has the rest of eternity to wallow in his defeat in the deep, dark, silent recesses of the planet...or at least that's what he HOPED would happen.

His 'friend' Discord decides to take advantage of visiting hours and has a riddle for the demon centaur, the answer to which may be the key to his freedom...or just Discord messing with his head. It's hard to tell.

Thanks to Katefiore on Deviantart for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Being Princess Celestia's personal guard is a gruelling, thankless job. However, when the Princess begins tutoring a small purple filly, Bastion finds himself on the receiving end of a much needed hug.

Entry for the EFNW Pre-Con Writing Contest 2015.

Chapters (1)

What if Soarin had not been as forgiving as he was when he found out his team had lied to him and tried to replace him for the Equestria games? What would his life be like if he were to up and quit the Wonderbolts, and where could this life-altering choice lead him?

Disclaimer: Story contains subject matter that may hit pretty close to home with some readers, such as pathological depression, borderline personality disorder, and alcoholism.

Chapters (15)

Lotus is a professional masseuse. She sees the pony below the skin, and tends to coax just as much out of their mouths as their muscles. Late one day, she gives three very different massages to three close friends, all of whom mention a name she isn't familiar with: Applejack.

Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library and Equestria Daily

The original version of the story took 5th place in The Writeoff Association's February 2015 contest, "Closing Time"

Chapters (1)

Following the destruction of the Collector Base, the crew of the Normandy-SR2 go their separate ways. One squadmate, an AI 'Geth' named Legion, is sent by the Geth Consensus to investigate the possibility of a Quarian attack. However, when Legion is discovered and forced to make an emergency jump through the Mass Relay, it finds itself in the most unlikely of places... Equestria.

At the same time, the ponies of Equestria are dealing with their own problems. A mysterious disease threatens to topple pony civilization, while tensions along the border are growing and could escalate into full blown war.

Join Legion in its journey in Equestria to both return to the Geth before the arrival of the Reapers, and to help the peaceful ponies who inhabit the world.

Notice: As of 9/12/2016, this fic has received comprehensive updates to grammar/spelling/sentence structure, with a few minor plot alterations. Enjoy!

Chapters (24)

Everyone has a bad morning every now and then. Most ponies just have to put up with it.
Colgate however has the power of time travel. And with great power comes great... screw it, she just wants coffee, and if it take violating the one unbreakable rule of the space/time continuum to do it, then she's willing to take that risk.

Something short and random I wrote as a break from other things.

Cover art by Furrgroup

Chapters (1)

A deranged human journalist is invited to explore the newfound world of Equestria, the land of magic and whimsy and adventure. To the ire of everyone involved, and especially Twilight, he isn't particularly impressed.

Things get messy when he decides to become the self-appointed savior of humankind and assassinate one of the princesses.

Chapters (2)

Ah, Hearts and Hooves Day. A time of love between two ponies who love each other very much. A time of flowers, chocolates, kisses, and arrows. Love arrows specifically. Deciding to try a more action oriented approach this season, Cadance has donned her own superhero costume to bring love to the world with magical love powered arrows.

Will this lone cupid bring joy to the hearts of many? Or shall she only bring ruin and awkwardness?

Commissioned by Anonymous.

Edited by Jake The Army Guy and Magic Man. Thanks to Ariaannaa for letting me use the art

Chapters (5)

We all know the story of how the Princess’ young student and five friends defeated Nightmare Moon and brought Princess Luna back to our lands. But what if the tale were false? What if the young Twilight Sparkle on the event of her entrance exam had not been rescued by Princess Celestia, but instead lost her mind among the power of her youthful surge and had to be sent away, far away before she could destroy all of Canterlot with her newfound power. Now the feral unicorn prowling the Everfree Forest only vaguely remembers her past, slipping away from constant terrifying attempts to capture her.

And she is beginning to remember what true power felt like.

Editors include: Peter, Justin, Featherprop, Mitch H, and Bad Horse
Featured on Equestria Daily
Reviewed by Chris on One Man's Pony Ramblings and by Paul Asaran on his review blog
Now with a TV Tropes page

Physical books are available on Lulu.com
Monster in the Twilight (Paperback) 272 pages
Monster in the Twilight (Hardback)

Chapters (35)

Ten years ago, the Griffon Empire opened a portal to a strange new world and tried to annex it. In the peace settlement that followed they lost control of the province containing the portal. Since then, the Griffonian Democratic Republic had been completely isolated, surrounded on all sides by a hostile empire. Now, for the first time, a visitor had been allowed.

Chapters (3)