• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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This story is a sequel to Dead/Light

Twilight's life definitely took a strange turn when she died. Of course, this won't stop her from living it to the fullest, whatever that entails.
Equestria will never be the same.

After the first, chapters will alternate between serious ( - ) and silly ( ~ ), because I didn't want the story to be limited to just one. Most will be standalone, and in no kind of chronological order; expect little correlation between chapters and occasional verb tense changes from one to the next.

This story should be considered in perpetual hiatus, as it will rarely be the focus of my attention. Do not expect regular updates.

Rated teen just to be sure. Cover art made by this butt.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Traveling Tutor and the Diplomats Daughter

A simple test with an unexpected result sends Princess Twilight Sparkle’s life in an unexpected direction, accelerating a high-speed collision course with the young magic tutor she met and fell in love with just over a year ago. But angry Griffons, arrogant Royals, in-laws and other mighty forces from Canterlot and beyond seek to tear the young lovers apart and enforce their own will upon their future regardless of either Twilight or Green Grass’ plans for a life together.

Too bad for them.

Thanks to my editors: Peter, Logan, Featherprop and Tek
Featured on Equestria Daily

Cover Credit to Micah Weltsch at Micahdesigns on Instagram.

Chapters (36)

The first trotters, exploring the Long Trot, had found no trace of modern pony away from Prime. Certainly, there were some stone tools, fossilized remains of hearths in the depths of caves, and even a few equine bones. But there was no great gallop forward: no cave paintings, no burial mounds, no cities, no technology. The spark of Harmony must have been lit behind millions of protopony brows on a million worlds, just as on Equestria Prime, but it hadn't caught anywhere else.

There were equinoids out there, descendants of lost cousins of pony-kind, but ponies knew they would never encounter another creature that was anything as smart as they were. Never something that could speak Equuish, for example.

The only thing wrong with this generally accepted picture was that it was totally incorrect.

Chapters (4)

Friendship is Magic, but both people and ponies change. They grow and drift apart. They get caught up in their daily lives, in their responsibilities, and in their routines. What happens to Magic then?

Chapters (1)

Starswirl the Bearded: widely regarded as the greatest unicorn wizard ever to walk the Earth. But was he really the genius history has made him out to be? Or was he simply a mad magician, whose unethical experiments in magic were justified by results pleasing to the eye of the public?

The answer is neither. Fortunately, he left a personal journal behind which might shed some light on who he really was.

Adorable bit of cover art from Eveyann

Chapters (136)

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives][Equisverse Era 1]

Twinkleshine has a secret, one which defines her very existence. Colgate knows her secret and it has her head over hooves in love with the oblivious mare. Fed up with Shine's failure to notice Cole, their mutual friends Lyra, Bon-bon, Vinyl, and Octavia hatch a scheme to get Shine to fall for Cole. However, they choose to hatch their little plot next week at Princess Cadence's wedding, where Twinkleshine's secret catches up with her. Can friendship survive a dark secret kept for longer than the friendship has lasted? Can the friends emerge from a Canterlot Wedding unscathed?

This story has been completed before any of it was uploaded for your enjoyment.

Chapters (14)

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives][Stand Alone Story]

After a certain scientist assumes explaining the basics of rocket science to the CMC is harmless since three fillies can't possibly build a rocket, the CMC prove her wrong by building one. Then launching it. Will Apple Bloom finally earn her cutie mark? Or is Ponyville in for another disaster?

This story has been completed before any of it was uploaded for your enjoyment.

Chapters (1)

A man comes across a filly, however she's not one of the Mane Six.

Sometimes life plays games with you. Everything you felt was important to you is taken and your past seems to have more stark moments of things you'd rather forget. Living alone and battling your own demons seems to be the only thing you have to look forward to. However, one night while walking home in the middle of a freak late summer storm in the middle of the night, something happened. Something terrifying. Something wonderful. Something unexpected.

It's an old trope, not a fresh idea, but this is a story about me and My Little Chryssie...

Cover art by ZuTheSkunk. Check out dat artwork! A special thanks goes out to this artist who so graciously allowed me to use his work.

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust
OCs are mine unless specified.

Chapters (8)

At a fair held in the town of Dappleshore, Twilight stumbles upon something from her family's past and is drawn to investigate. But will she succumb to its sinister influence, and can Trixie and Luna set their differences aside to help her?

The title and certain themes were inspired by the song Filistata by Stolen Babies. The plot is loosely based on The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by H. P. Lovecraft.

This story was updated and improved on June 27, 2013 along with the addition of a bonus chapter. The changes are not massive, but there are a few new details and scenes.

Also available on deviantArt. Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (8)

Everyone knows that dragons eat ponies. Now Spike knows it too, and he's about to get very hungry. Maybe even hungry enough to eat Snails.

Also on: DeviantArt

Chapters (1)