• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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On a crisp, clear, autumn day, a solitary figure trudges into town. No stranger to travel and new places, Ponyville strikes her as a warm, welcoming community. It may even be a suitable place for her to lay down roots. Finally settle down, have a home of her own. After all, how could a small town so quaint in appearance be anything other than a calm, quiet, pleasant place to live?

Cover art courtesy of Kerijiano on Twitter.

Chapters (6)

It was long ago when Tirek ruined the Golden Oaks library, but one pony decides to rebuild it, even if it has to be done piece by piece.

Chapters (1)

In a newly constructed city, Celestia meets a special pony at a diner. Unfortunately, she can’t muster anything to say.

And even though the feelings continue to intensify, she still can’t say anything about it.

Chapters (1)

Pharynx and Thorax have their differences. Among those is that Pharynx usually doesn’t call for help when doing something strenuous. When he does call for help, Thorax has to check it out.

QnS Secret Santa gift for Tangerine Blast.

Chapters (1)

Batponies are known as many things, Children of the Night, the Lunar Guard, but how’d they get that way?

Came in second place in the Quills and Sofas batpony contest.

Chapters (1)

Governor Alesia Snezhnaya is many things. A war hero, a popular politician, a proud Severyanian, a pragmatic Lunarist and a dogmatic anti-communist. In the face of a nascent revolutionary movement brewing amongst the working masses of Lunar Equestria, Alesia has wasted no time in stamping it out. Yet to her annoyance, other Lunarists appear oblivious to the growing threat.

As the revolutionary movement grows, so does Alesia's frustration, given that she may be the only one who understands the encroaching threat. Unless something happened to change her perspective...

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe and features characters from the Equestria at War mod. More information on the AU can be found here. Names and features of the setting will likely confusing to someone unfamiliar with the mod or the AU, but this should be readable by anyone.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (1)

Stink Beatle, or drone 007, was a changeling of the Badlands Hive! Well, was, you see, his Queen is an idiot and a bit of a psycho. So instead of partaking in a stupid idea, like invading the capital of the strongest nation that Equus has ever seen, he left the Hive to live amongst ponies in peace… Yeah no, that didn’t happen either. He somehow winds up in Canterlot shortly after the invasion… In the castle, under a Princess’s wing.

Doesn’t this just put a hole in your leg?

Chapters (20)

Bald Ostrich, was once a human. Now he’s a pegasus, in a land that looks eerily like medieval Europe. Will he find a way home? Will he even survive past a week? How will becoming the consort of the Princess of Night go?

And why is the Day Princess so wary of him? Also some old guy with a Beard is a massive asshole. What a dick.

Now it has a sequel

Chapters (9)