• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

Medium Priority Read Later 5215 stories
Found 4,723 stories in 117ms

Total Words: 157,890,112
Estimated Reading: 62 weeks



  • Featured 23599 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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The Shaper is a smith of unparalleled skill, her creations the most sought after in the fallen world. When a pony named Lyra comes to her with a unique commission she has to put all her skill to the test to craft a weapon of great power. For Lyra's goal is not an easy one, and it is not just any weapon that can kill a Dragon.

A story inspired by this and this image, as well as this challenge by CDRW (whose fic A Still More Glorious Dawn Awaits is quite good).

Chapters (1)

In a darkened forest, a cult attempted to bring the spirit of King Sombra back to life. Their goal; imbue the spirit of King Sombra with far more dark magic than he ever had, and take over Equestria. When Twilight Sparkle intervenes, things go wrong, and something else is summoned. Something that Twilight is familiar with, and hoped to never have to deal with again.

Something that may not be worse than King Sombra taking over Equestria.

Something far, far more obnoxious.

Chapters (1)

Miss Cheerilee is sick, but the town doctor is more than happy to fill in. All the students think he's a little kooky, but Sweetie Belle believes he might hold the answers to many of her questions about life.

Chapters (8)

The Great and Powerful Trixie works alone, and needs no apprentices! But when she sees the pain and loneliness in Lighthoof's eyes, the young mare's troubles remind Trixie of herself. She thus decides to help Lighthoof show the bullies in her home town that she is indeed a magical mare by getting her into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. But can Trixie's tricks really help Lighthoof have the confidence to endure such a trial?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia, one of Equestria's immortal rulers has returned from a date with a notable oddity in Equestria. That of Anonymous the human, a strange creature, lacking in magic, however not lacking in courage. As he was the first being in just over three thousand years to ask Celestia out on a date.

Luna is eagerly awaiting her sister, to hear all the juicy details about her sister's night out.

Teen rated due to sexual references played for comedy.

This is a prose remastering of a Greentext written for /Sun/Day on the MLP board of 4chan, if you'd prefer to read the original version, Click here

Featured as of 27/2/21
Holy shit thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

It's just not fair. He was the only one who truly understood the threat of the other species, the stallion who mobilized Maretime Bay in the battle for ultimate victory, and what did it get him? A criminal record and community service. And now the unicorns and pegasi are just moving around HIS city like they own the place and that's totally unfair. His mother should own the place (through having sold more anti-them stuff) and once she'd stepped aside? It would be Sprout time!

But nopony recognizes how vital he is. They expect him to pick up litter and worse, to do it before Hitch. They don't understand that ponies are meant to be afraid. All the time. Then somepony can be in charge. Like him. (Again.) And if they're not going to be terrified of wings and horns...

...what's an 'Ursa'?

Doesn't matter. He'll just go find out the Sprout way. By WINNING.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art from a mark capture by SproutHooves.

Chapters (1)

(I couldn't find a better picture of Zipp in royal regalia)

Many moons have passed since Opaline's defeat. In that time, Queen Haven abdicated her throne, passing the crown to Zipp Storm. As ruler, she reaches out to the griffon kingdom, in order to reforge international relationships. However, due to ponies' tendency to split up by race, the griffon king wants nothing to do with them. But Zipp can't give in.

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns IV, using the prompt Zipp/Persistence.

Chapters (1)

Another average rainstorm marks another average day in Ponyville. Creatures predictably flee to their shelter of choice to escape the cold drizzle. A predictable routine in this microcosm of Equestrian. Yet, even amongst the mundane, each day is unique for its own reasons... In Carrot Top's case, she just happens to find herself sitting across from an actual fire breath, a mass of scales and muscles, that could crush a pony easily, dragon. No need to panic, hopfeully...
Just another average day...

While this is technically a follow-up to That time Carrot Top fell into a rut it is not needed to read this story.

Chapters (3)

Trixie has read literally dozens of true crime stories. She has no idea why it takes the police so long to solve the crimes when they're so obvious -- especially in hindsight. When a murder happens right in front of her, its her chance to prove her expertise to the doubters and claim her rightful title as the Intelligent and Insightful Trixie, Equestria's Greatest Magical Detective!

Assuming it actually is a murder, anyway.

An entry in the 2023 Whodunnit Contest

Chapters (1)

Rainbow and Pinkie get into a contest over who can hold a hug the longest. Who will win? What might they discover as they make their way around town?

Cover done by IrradiatedPirateBooty.

Chapters (1)