• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

Medium Priority Read Later 5205 stories
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Total Words: 157,828,865
Estimated Reading: 62 weeks



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The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been friends for ages, so it's no surprise that they're spending Hearts and Hooves Day together... but they have plans for how to spend it.

Not-so-platonic plans.

Featured from 9/20 to 9/23.

Chapters (1)

A first person account of a changeling guard who is helplessly, pathetically in love with King Thorax.

Now with a reading by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

"Winds of Change" is an emotionally charged narrative that unfolds in the vibrant, bustling town of Maretime Bay, where Hitch grapples with the relentless pressures of his demanding job. The story delves into the intricate facets of stress and the profound impact it can have on an individual's life.

Hitch, once a symbol of unwavering law and order, finds himself weighed down by the responsibilities and challenges that come with his role as the town's protector. Stress becomes a relentless companion, a shadow that looms over his every step.

As Hitch navigates the intricate maze of his duties, he must confront not only the external challenges, such as protests, riots, and the burdens of modernization but also the internal struggles that threaten to consume him.

The real question here is will he be able to pull himself out, with redemption and happiness, or will the darkness consume him?

Well, only one way to find out really...

Chapters (1)

When Zipp is announced as heir to the crown of Zephyr Heights, Pipp resolves to remove her sister from the line of succession in the only way she knows how.

If only she weren't so awful at it.

Written for the Quills and Sofas Siblings Contest, where it placed second.

Now with a Russian translation here by NovemberDragon, Randy1974 and Nuclear-pony-Jack.

Chapters (1)

Aiden Pearce had gotten old.

With so many years under his belt after humble beginnings as a simple contractor and hired gunman, to his time as the vigilante in both Detroit and London- even his part in the murder of Olivier Garneau, it would be a no-brainer that as he was inching closer and closer to his golden years -to unofficially retire to the safehouses he knew in Detroit.

Now with almost no reason, he finds himself in Equestria, struggling to adapt, let alone put the past behind him as it slowly makes its way to surface once again, following set-back after set-back, an older Aiden turned young again still lacks his wisdom, yet not his smarts, as they carve out a new path in Equus.

For better, or for worse.

Chapters (13)

Trapped in the endless halls of Tartarus, forced to listen to the endless screams of rage and regret; an artist grins.

Royalty had put him here, and royalty would let him out.

A deal here, a concession there, and openings would appear.

A crack could break a marble statue, a drop of poison could ruin a meal, the smallest of errors could bring down anything.

art Source: a Fatal_Error has Occurred: Chapter 2 - Cover by Xedramon on DeviantArt
in case Fimfic screws up the source thing again on the coverart

Chapters (16)

The year is 3001 in the land of Equestria, just a few months after Luna returned from the moon, and a wedding is happening in Canterlot, on a day that would go on to be known as the Canterlot Invasion. Queen Chrysalis has infiltrated Canterlot along with many other changelings, and are poised to strike

In another realm, far, far away, an ancient evil, a Necromancer known only as Death, would be finally struck down, with seemingly no hope for returning back to life.

It’s been a long while since I’ve written a new story, and I’m unsure if I’ll finish this story before I run out of motivation, but I’m going to try my best. This is a rewrite of one of my oldest and, I feel, worse stories, and I wish to show off the improved writing skills I have. Hope you all enjoy.

Chapters (14)

While on an extended trip to Canterlot with Twilight, you became acquainted with a mare named Moondancer. She makes you feel all kinds of things that you've never felt before, and Twilight caught on to this pretty quickly. After some teasing, you decided to shoot your shot. Moondancer... didn't take it too well. It seems that, somehow, she simultaneously has confidence issues and a huge ego.

Or maybe she's just nervous.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Flower Mare: Seele

Schneeblume Herbstlicht—Ponyville's newer Flower Mare—was a withdrawn, grizzled earth pony veteran of the The Great War. It took the determination and attentiveness of the three Crusaders over several years to help Schnee slowly find peace in her tumultuous mind, and life. But it turns out, in a manner of speaking, there is one more battle that must be concluded.

And to lay to rest some more of her demons that have haunted her healing mind, Schnee realizes she must once-more return to where her journey through Tartarus began: back home.

Two-chapter, third and final installment of 'The Flower Mare' series.
Unlike my previous stories that had sequels, this is one that I highly recommend reading the previous two prequels for better world filling.

Cover art by the wonderfully talented pridark, sourced to her DA.

Chapters (3)

Chrysalis wasn't always in the best state of mind, this was happening more and more times.

So it is to noling's surprise when she gets stoned to kingom come.

The issue is, what will happen when old spells fade away at last.

Part of the Falsetime Continuity, from beginning to ending, from ending to beginning:

Book 1|6: Lady Bugs and Mother Bugs (you are here)

Book 2|5: Of Bugs and War

Book 3|4: The Eastern Citadel

Book 4|3: The Glory of Roam

Book 5|2: Delta

Book 6|1: Before the Past

First story to ever write and publish. Hope it is good enough for y'all, also since I'm not a native english speaker, please correct me if needed.

Also the whole reason for this story was this:

Was bored, decided to write something when I saw Dis (SFW img, by Cold Blooded Twilight NSFW artist).

How could one not want to hug that cute bug horse and tell them everything is gonna be alright.

I honestly haven't seen the show and the only canon thing I know about these cuddlebugs is that they are:

A) Squishy
B) Need love
C) Look badass
D) Can transform

And that seems enough for me to qualify as a professional in the society and biology field of changelings. But seriously, if you see any big screw up, just tell me. I also need my fair share of criticism to know what the hell I'm doing and if it is good or bad.

Thank you for reading, Have a good one!

Chapters (1)