• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Ocellus is home for spring break. She doesn't like being home. There are memories there. Ones she'd rather not dredge up.

Preread by the fantastic Perfectly Insane!

Chapters (3)

It's freezing outside. Luckily, I have a Princess to keep me warm.

Originally written for the Quills and Sofa's Oct 11 Panic, where I completely deviated from the prompt in order to write something cozy.

Chapters (1)

In order to obtain the power to control Equestria, Cozy Glow must kill three primordial demons and eat their hearts. It's an unsavory business. Better hope she brings hot sauce.

A story about power and those who suffer it.

Chapters (6)

A shipgirl in MLP

What we have here is a very annoying Plot bunny which never went away. All because the main character of Worm and a destroyer from WW2 share a name, then for some absurd reason my head says yeah! That’ll definitely work in my little pony. I can’t just let it be a standard destroyer though Worm has tinkers which could do cool things to the warship right? So what if there is little to no fighting in my little pony. I want a flying super destroyer which could probably blow up Malaysia.

“Sorry Taylor, the truth is. The game was rigged from the start. Gate!” Contessa shouts as a Gate open up just in front of Kelphri.

Taylor Hebert post GM

Chapters (50)

Lord Tempestus once lead armies under the banner of King Lunarum. Five crusades, five victories. Only, his final crusade ended in disaster with the banishment of the Crystal Empire. A thousand years later the Captain General is pulled out of the dungeon and brought back into the light. Without wars to fight, and with Equestria no longer in need of his military prowess he finds himself at a loss of what to do. Life finds him, and he decides to share his story with those who will listen.

Edited by FlutterJackDash

Art by Lillowisp

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash was beautiful, the most beautiful pony to be born in a century — and so her fate was sealed. Beauty must be sacrificed, and so Rainbow Dash must die.

Winner of the 2023 EFNW Iron Author Contest. I think I beat out about 40 other writers, and it was hugely exciting to win. Hope you enjoy the read!

Prompts were: vibrant vestigial, vexing volcano, verdant vegetable. Pretty insane for prompts, but Xepher had to pronounce all the Aztec words in my story so I think we're even.

Chapters (1)

Persuaded by Pinkie Pie to loosen up, Twilight Sparkle uncharacteristically deviates from her routine and finds a street that does not exist on any map, a street that should not be there. Down this road is both a threat, and an answer, one that may help us all reconcile the troubling inconsistencies between Season One, and all subsequent seasons of MLP:FIM.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (5)

Chang'e has a nanotitanium-carbon spine and a quantum chipset for brains. Her fur and organs are vat-grown engineered flesh. She is an artificial cat, existing in the age of the Conversion Bureaus. The ponies are here, the world is ending, and the humans that made her kind are escaping to another universe where sentient machines cannot go. What then of Man's electric children, the Artificial Intelligences of the doomed earth?

This novel is a companion work to CODE: Majeste and other books as well.

Chapters (13)

Earth pony, pegasus pony, unicorn; a human entering a Conversion Bureau will end up as one of these three pony forms. But there is a secret provision, to which all Bureaus must adhere utterly, should one unlikely but intolerable transformation somehow occur. The absolute monarch of Equestria fears nothing from the human world. Nothing save this. Lillian Fogarty wanted only to be a simple pony in Equestria. Sought by the combined forces of Earth's corporate government and the might of Equestria itself she finds herself an abomination in both worlds, her survival almost certainly an impossibility.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

One thousand years after Celestia banished her sister and crowned herself Empress, six mares are caught up in a swirl of intrigue and disaster. Each of them must decide who and what they stand for, because Luna is returning, and she is not Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (11)