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Spike is one day accused of a crime he didn't commit, as usual, nopony believed him except Fancy Pants because he and Spike had been hanging with each other. Spike still gets banished, but princess Luna believes Spike is innocent but they didn't have much evidence. Spike is transported to the badlands where he learns to fend for himself. He then slowly, builds up his own nation. The Crystal ponies starts hating their rulers and start violent protest around the empire. When they find the murderer of Fleur De Lis, everypony realises their mistake, but can they fix it?

A/N This idea just wouldn't leave my head. I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapters (26)

Equestria has been doing some shady stuff for a while now. The Student 6, after nearly being killed by Discord (A conversation point for another day), are now realizing just that fact.

Like, seriously what the heck? Why does Celestia own their culture's artifacts?

Written because Season 8's Episode; A Matter of Principals sorta rubbed me the wrong way XD

Chapters (1)

With her life in ruins because of Anon-a-Miss, Sunset Shimmer is abducted by an unknown entity and tossed into a strange new world populated by a variety of ancient beasts and tribes. After she arrives, she is found by a young castaway and together, they'll survive, face old and new challenges, and learn the truth about the ARK.

Note: Primitive Plus, references to Genesis, and other modifications in ARK: Survival Evolved is to be expected in this story.

Chapters (3)

Featured from November 22, 2020-November 25, 2020.

(Now with a tropes page!)

After Chrysalis' defeat, Celestia discovers Twilight's plans to exile herself after her "shameful actions" at the wedding rehearsal.

Celestia decides to sit her student down and tell her how she's worried over nothing.

Once she can stop laughing, of course.

In case you haven't guessed it, this is a Canterlot Wedding Accusation Fic.

With a TWIST!

And now....with an audio play by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Sirens of the Night

Things were looking up. Sunset Shimmer had friends, her popularity with her fellow students was on the rebound. She even had three new cousins! Then Anon-A-Miss struck. Can the Dazzlings prove Sunset's innocence before tragedy strikes?

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Apologetic Notes in G Flat

Raven* is one of The Princesses most trusted personal aids and Equestria's best formal event planner. As such the Princess has trusted her with this task.

Applejack has committed several crimes by taking that apple cart into the Gala.

Raven is here to make her understand why she should have been more thorough in her preparations.

*yes she is canon

Chapters (1)

Trust is a very fragile thing. Three small fillies learned that the hard way. Their friends, their families, the town which they live, all shun and avoid like a plague. This is where their priorities shift from getting something they never had to regaining something that once lost will be nigh impossible to reclaim again. This is their path, the Path of Absolution.

Thanks to Sereg for proofreading. and to Swirling Line for the cover art.

Chapters (4)

AU because the girl's apology as Gabby Gums didn't work for some reason. They're confused and hungry and for various reasons they decide to go to the Everfree Forest. But the Forest is dangerous and unpredictable, and just when you think everything is safe, and you might even have found the answer to all of your dreams, that's when the real danger starts.

Chapters (1)

When you make a mistake, it hurts. When you try to apologize, it can hurt even more. When Gabby Gums made a mistake, she–or, rather, they–ran from it. This is what followed. AU "Ponyville Confidential" ending.

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders realized the error of their ways in the Gabby Gums incident, they made it clear to Ponyville how sorry they all were. An apology letter was printed for the final Gabby Gums article, apologies were made, and punishment dealt towards the blackmailing Diamond Tiara.

But what if it didn't happen that way?

Overwhelmed by guilt and convinced that the town they call home doesn't want them anymore, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo submit their apology letter and bid the town a sad farewell, vanishing from the streets without any further comment. Shocked and consumed by guilt, their friends and families start a mad search to find the little fillies and bring them home. Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest, the Crusaders themselves find that running away is much more painful–and dangerous–than they had expected.

Idea given by Waspinator331, written by request. Please show him some support.

Chapters (2)

Nightmare has been defeated and wanders the Verses for a new host but instead finds her lost elder sister Tempest Flare the most powerful of the Three Royal Pony sisters and the middle filly in the birth order. As she finds out more about me and my soul I find out I can hop dimensions through my dreams and that I control Destiny itself in all Verses. When we return to my home Verse I find we both have to go to Equis to help Luna and Tia defeat a threat that once was thought long dead. I'm going to need all my newfound power to make sure that this thing never returns.

Chapters (2)