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Twilight thought she was ready, with her friends, there is nothing that they couldn't do, or so she thought.
Alternate universe where everyone didn't come in time to save our girls+Spike.(based on s9 ep25)
Don't worry I drew the cover.

Chapters (1)

To those as long lived as the alicorn princesses of Equestria, the life of a normal pony is but a day. Joy, sadness, hope, and tragedy, all together in what could be considered an instant for an immortal.
After Princess Celestia and Princess Luna find an infant unicorn in the Everfree Forest, what does this new life bring to their own?

Title Image drawn by Starcoder

Chapters (5)

I wasn't the most consistent fan of My Little Pony, in all honesty. In fact that show wasn't the only thing on my list of interests. For a long while I had left those colorful ponies in the dust. I practically missed seasons 7-8 because I had gotten bored. However... it was the last season that drew me back in. I guess I now know a bit about the show, but not everything. I definitely knew of Cozy Glow however. She was hated by everyone. Well, except me. For some reason I liked her as the mischievous little filly she was. Her character interested me and I wanted to learn more. I wanted to see what kind of history she had. Why did she decide to turn evil? She was probably the only reason I went back to previous seasons.

You could guess how disappointed I was when the finale came up. Instead of helping her, they turned her to stone. Instead of trying to figure out the issue, they left her behind to be forgotten. Everyone cheered and laughed while Cozy, Chrysalis, and Tirek were turned into statues for the rest of eternity. I was displeased. Afterwards I drifted away and instead tried to focus on my work. I had to, after all. I was becoming an adult. I was growing up. Though the stress might pile up on me, I had to keep going. I had to get things done...

I could keep going... couldn't I?

It seems however that the universe had decided to drag me back into a world of rainbows and magic. Imagine my surprise when I suddenly woke up the next day inside a cage in the deepest, darkest chambers of Tartarus. Not only that but also as the small pink bundle of feathers that everyone loathed and despised. A billion questions rang through my head but the most prominent ones of all continuously pounded against my skull: What in the holy hell do I do from here?
And how do I stop what comes next?

The Tirek Who Tolerated Me by Kotatsu Neko
An Unexpected Aftermath by Autumn Breeze

[Note: This is half a self-insert and half not really. This character is different from me but does have a few traits from me as well. Like cursing, I curse a lot, but there are some traits here and there I don't really have.]

Chapters (9)

Anon-a-Miss succeeded. Sunset Shimmer no longer hangs out with her loved ones. One day, the creators of the account realize that Sunset doesn't show up for class. Worried, they went to her house and discovered sad news.

Chapters (3)

When her divorce finalizes, Rarity finds comfort in a familiar friend. Shortly thereafter, she makes the biggest mistake of her life.

Takes place after The Last Problem.

Second place winner of HapHazred's Change Of Pace contest.

Written to, and inspired by, this song and that one.

Chapters (1)

The war is over.

The war that Twilight never wanted to start.

The war that made Twilight attack one of her friends.

Now, there's only one thing left to do, but it's the hardest part of the war.

Update: Dang it, might've submitted the wrong chapter 2 :applejackconfused: . It's now updated, featuring less eye burning writing errors.

Surprise short fic, I suppose? Something fun for me to write.

Inspired by a certain Youtube comment on a certain Youtube video~

Warning, if you have read chapter 1, and liked it that way, stay away from chapter 2. It might turn your experience upside down.

Chapters (2)

It's been almost twenty years since Sunburst last spent the night at Starlight's home. Much has changed since then. If it weren't for her other friends finding a way for them to reconnect, Starlight might have truly lost her first friend. While she looks back fondly on their friendship as foals, Sunburst doesn't even seem to like talking about that time in their lives, much less revisiting it.

When Starlight approaches Sunburst the night before he returns to the Crystal Empire, she inadvertently discovers something about her old friend that might explain it all.

Inspired by a scene from Uncommon Bond. Story takes place towards the end of the episode.

Thanks to Ice Star for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to XCOM: Ranger

With the fate of her friends on Earth hanging in the balance, Twilight has to hunt myths to figure out a way to cure Sunset and save Templar Laetitia.

Taking Daring Do as her guide—and accompanied by a ragtag team of griffons, a Skirmisher-turned-breezie, and Rainbow Dash—Twilight must travel across the lands at war with the Storm King, to reach Ancient Fleece, find a lost city, and obtain the legendary sword of King Disc Ovis: The Algae Photis.

Cover art created for this story by the talented: LateCustomer

Before you read: This is a side-story to XCOM: Ranger.

I will provide all possible information needed for those that do not have the time—or inclination—to read the other story to still be able understand this one. It's a LOT of info, however, and I'm not just going to dump it all in one go. The backstory will emerge as the story progresses.

Chapters (18)

It seems like so long ago... but I guess in a way it was. Days tend to blur when you are immortal. Entire generations gone in a blink, towns built and rise to become cities, empires, before inevitably falling... But Listen to me ramble, I don't think you came to hear me talk about the futility of most lives. As I was saying, It seems so long ago that My mother took me in, adopted me into her family with my other siblings. We were so happy, But like all good stories, something happened, something that became the catalyst for all future events and tore my new family apart.

My name is Ethereal Horizon, and this is the story of my broken family.

Chapters (4)


Based on a story I made in 2014.

Walter "W" Waters, a young gangster also known as Bedmaker, and his older partner Jack, have to take care of Rarity and Sweetie Belle, granddaughters of an older and more important gangster in the business, Abraham, from three brothers who threatened both girls due to an old debt from the past. W and Jack don't know if they may have other problems while staying in Canterlot.

On the other hand, gangsters everywhere have become quite interested in robbing a mysterious fort on the outskirts of Las Pegasus. Still, nobody knows how to turn off its magical security. Maybe the secret will be discovered in Canterlot High?

Proofreading by Time Reaper

This is the original fanfic. There is a remake with another plot and better development, writing and organization.

Rated T because of:

  • Deaths
  • Use of narcotics
  • Profanity (a lot)
  • Graphic Violence
  • Sex Mentions (no Sex Scenes)
Chapters (30)