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This story starts just before season one

In the blink of an eye, the whole world collapsed in on me. Well, it didn't necessarily collapse. It's different though. Very different. Frighteningly different. I knew that God had a plan for me, I just didn't think it would involve being a pony.

New chapters twice a month.
Cover art by Hemlock conium

Chapters (71)

Dave Smith, an unassuming firearm engineer signs up for a lucrative job, gets dumped in Equestria instead.

How far a pair of working hands and one semi-working head will get him? Nobody knows, but it's bound to get chaotic down the line.

Cautionary tale of why you don't leave your engineers unattended in parallel dimensions.

Note: I try to do fair bit of research to make sure that what I write is in line with laws of physics and such.
However, if you see a factual mistake, don't hesitate to tell me - I'll try and fix it, unless it's a deliberate artistic embellishment on my part.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Mother's Wish

For centuries a certain alicorn has been trapped in another dimension, living quietly, and avoiding being seen by the human eye. When she finally found a way home, her spell went wrong, and it pulled a human consciousness in with her.

That said, consciousness is me, Alex. I woke up one day, only to discover that I had turned into a pony, but I didn't turn into just any pony. I became a pony known as Lauren Faust, the mother to Celestia and Luna. Now I’m living in the Canterlot castle; I have a bunch of royals acting like children, changelings running around, and an ancient alicorn prankster stuck inside my head. All I can say is things get a little hectic.

Prequel is an optional side story.

Rewrite/Return to FimFiction.
You can find the original story HERE

Big thanks to STTPStudio for creating a reading of this story.

Chapters (11)

A boy steals a pair of Snow Leopard claws at Comic-Con and is transported to Equestria as a infant with no memory of his former self, Luna finds and raises him as her own and teaches him the many arts of Kung-Fu, only for him to betray her when he is denied what was rightfully his. Stopped by Celestia he is sent to Tartarus, a inescapable prison designed to hold the martial artist.

20 years later Luna has trained five of the greatest warriors Equestria has ever seen the Furious 5, each trained in their own style of Kung-Fu. Upon receiving a Frightening Vision Celestia beleives that it is time to find and train The Celestial Warrior, During the Selection a Unicorn Girl falls in front of Celestia

Luna having no faith in the girl begins to train her vigorously in hopes she quits so that the real Warrior may be choosen

Chapters (9)

After the heartbreaking disaster that was Moon Dancers party she retreated home to sulk. Only to wake up the next morning with a floating screen above her head.
Follow moon dancer and friends as she uses her new Gamer ability to go on a wild adventure with all The Gamer tropes you love so much. All to one day show up Twilight Sparkle.

This story is inspired by another MoonDancer Fan fic By the name of Game over.

{For now I'll keep any lemons off this story and put them into a separate one if people want to read it.]

Chapters (9)

What had started out as a relatively normal day for Twilight Sparkle quickly became the day that everything changed for all life on the planet Equus-G4.

For it was on that day the Galactic Empire arrived, with only one single purpose.


Despite the best efforts of Princess Celestia and the Royal Guard, Canterlot fell, unable to stand against the technological superiority of the Empire.

Princess Celestia herself, the Light of Hope for Equestria, fell to the hands of the Sith Lord, Darth Vader, her public execution broadcast across the kingdom.

But it was also the day that 10 year old Twilight tapped into a mysterious power, one that nobody on Equestria had ever seen or heard of before.

The Force.

After spending five years hiding from the Imperial Forces, surviving by stealing from their convoys, she finally scrapes together enough credits to buy passage from a smuggler to another planet.

There she meets Sunset Shimmer, a fellow Equestrian who reveals herself to be a Jedi Knight and a survivor of Order 66.

And together, they set off on an adventure that will help change the galaxy forever.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader discovers another Equestrian who's Force Sensitive. One whose anger makes her a perfect candidate for the Inquisitors.

And perhaps, something more...

Before the five year timeskip, this story starts roughly 10 years Before the Battle of Yavin, or 10 BBY.
AKA, ten years before Episode IV: A New Hope and nine years after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Death Tag is for the aforementioned death of Princess Celestia, and many members of the Royal Guard that forgot to wear their Plot Armor.
Gore Tag is for dismemberment and decapitations via Lightsabers, Vibroblades,
and a few other creative tools.
I don't think I need to explain the Violence and Profanity Tags. This IS Star Wars after all.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls of Moo Mesa

The Rainbooms, the Turtles, and their allies are back again. And this time, they're going on a inter-dimensional trip to another New York where they cross paths with another team of turtles. Will the turtle teams be able to work well together when familiar threats emerge and return or will they have finally met their matches?

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2012xEquestriaGirlsxMyLittlePonyFriendshipisMagicxTeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2003 crossover.

The timeline in the 2003 universe takes place after the events of the Lost Episodes. Meaning the events of Fast Forward, Back to the Sewer, and Turtles Forever have not happened.

I don't wanna have to deal with or listen to so many of you who pestered and annoyed me with constantly asking me when my next one of this series would be. I took that break to get away from it, but clearly some of you didn't take the hint like others did. Well, hope you're happy I launched this. But don't ask me when I'll update it because that's up to me. I don't care if you're impatient or restless, you just have to deal. Thank you.

Chapters (22)

The last thing she knew was the Fire Emblem in her clutches, the island on fire, her father screaming, "RUN!", being pushed into the Outrealm Gate.

And then she woke up in a quiet field.

With only her prized birthright, the Parallel Falchion, and her home halidom's prized possession, the Fire Emblem and the Five Gemstones, Princess Lucina must find a way back home. But the path home is not as easy as it sounds, with an evil that threatens both Equestria and the halidom of Ylisse and with a whole herd of ponies trying to be friends with her.

It is not necessary to have played the game, for all shall be explained later.

Chapters (3)

I use to think that my life would be more from attending high school, but I was completely wrong. Then somehow in an unexpected incident, I ended up in perhaps a weird world full of anthropomorphic sentient life. Which is more likely complicated since the population around the world is more than 60% are females. In a town from where I woke up, this is how my life changed upon meeting some beautiful girls that helped and got me off of my feet, including being in a herd-er um. . .h-harem is what I meant to say.

Chapters (2)

My body was in tatters, and my mind was in pain. But... I have killed them all... I have avenged my family... my friends... and... Nicole....... I did it....... I closed my eyes, having no regrets, waiting for the end....... So, why am I alive? What happened? I was supposed to be dead, after all... So, why and how did I wake up in THIS World?

Follow the story of Magnus Might in a world where he finds familiar, yet unfamiliar after going through tremendous loss.

Chapters (25)