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I wanted to do better than the original story I wrote. It will be a little different this time, hopefully. (This might have a sequel if you chose the right choice.) Click here to see the original .

Rainbow Dash tried to prank the entire town but Pinkie had an idea to prank her back. A lot of things go wrong, just because of a lesson Rainbows' friends tried to teach her.

Edit: Sequel on hiatus.

Chapters (2)

Chapter One: After Ponyville reveals that the 'Cookie Zombies' was just a prank, Rainbow Dash's temper rises up and she gives them all a piece of her mind.
Chapter Two: Rainbow Dash discovers that she really did make Ponyville sick, and may have caused a disaster in Equestria.
Two alternate ending to the episode "28 Pranks Later" that I think would've made the episode waaay better!;)
(Both of the chapters are separate!)
BTW the "other" tag in this just goes for all of ponies that didn't get their own tag.

Chapters (2)

After investigating a strange portal, Fluttershy finds herself at the home of Dillan, a human. And she is very scared. She wants to go home, but the portal is closed. After experiencing a horrid belly ache from eating human food, she requests an odd remedy.

Warning: contains tummy rubs and cuteness!

Chapters (5)

On a peaceful night, High Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a thief in her quarters, and while dealing with him, discovers that he is actually in her employ. She insists that he has no place in her Kingdom, and the thief, Night Silk, disagrees. Now, with his job on the line, Night strives to prove that he is exactly who she needs to work the underworld.

After all, he's not just a thief.

He is a Master Thief.

Cover art by ProvolonePone.

Chapters (32)

After capturing Béte Noire and Chara, a portal opened up in the Everfree Forest, sucking our heroes into another dimension............meanwhile, the Flash has told his friends about Flashpoint and what he did. Will they ever get home?

This story is a crossover similar to the one with Guilt of a Phantom, but will cover several episodes of CW's The Flash, all credit to them.

I'll either keep this going after I decide to bring them back, or just mark this as complete.

Chapters (10)

Darrell Evenlor. This single name insights fear to all on campus. This unrepentant bully has been terrorizing classmates since Elementary School. However, he has a secret... He likes the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. He keeps this secret close to his heart, and dares not bring any reference of it to school. Yet, when he gets a strange e-mail, his life entirely changes...

Part of the universe of Lavender Heart.

Chapters (51)

Kurt Smith, a classmate of John Radderson aka Twilight Sparkle's, agreed to help Twilight after she came to school with purple fur, hooves, wings, and a horn. After acquiring the Elements of Harmony, Twilight's friends end up becoming anthropomorphic versions of the Mane 6 and Spike the Dragon, Twilight's faithful assistant. Together, they will solve the mysteries of friendship in their new lives and in the lives of others. Kurt ends up becoming connected to the Element of Honesty, transforming him into Applejack. AJ enrolls at school under the name "Ashley J. Smith".

Part of the bigger story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/360864/lavender-heart, by Skaltrox Defiance Knight, which follows the adventures of Twilight and her friends as anthropomorphic versions of our familiar MLP characters.

Main Cast: Princess Twilight Sparkle/John - Skaltrox Defiance Knight - Aspect of Magic
Applejack/Kurt aka Ashley J. Smith/AJ- kwr2k13 - Aspect of Honesty
Rainbow Dash/Matt - ShadowLight96 - Aspect of Loyalty
Rarity/Harry - Undyne Devotion - Aspect of Generosity
Pinkie Pie/Rina - Kikio3000- Aspect of Laughter
Fluttershy/Terrance aka Florence - Krushan - Aspect of Kindness
Spike the Dragon - Tempest_Flare - Twilight's faithful assistant
Lyra Heartstrings - student - Lurkinkon
Sweetie Drops aka Bon Bon - Student/Undercover Agent
Starlight Glimmer aka Sarah Gaines - Discord the Narrator
Sunset Shimmer - student - JimmyHook19
Trixie Lulamoon aka the Great and Powerful Trixie -The REAL Mister Pkmn - Stage Magician/Illusionist
Princess Cadence- foalsitter
Bent-G - New student - NicLove
Alexandra "Alex" Traveler - anthro mouse girl - ScarletRhine
Ayumi/Tempest Flare - exchange student/Pinkie's pen pal - Tempest_Flare
Excalibur Edge - Knightwolf1875 - Alicorn/Diplomatic Liaison to Princess Celestia/Luna
DJ Pon3/Vinyl Scratch - Tide Hunter - Resident DJ
Octavia Melody - Tide Hunter- Classical Cellist
Derpy Hooves/Ditzy/Muffins - Mail Carrier -
Cool Writer - The Author
The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Apple Bloom - AJ's sister -
Sweetie Belle - Rarity's sister -
Scootaloo - RD's No. 1 Fan - Ephedrian Royalty
Babs Seed- Apple Family cousin - The Blue EM2
Gabby - Mail Delivery Griffon

Limestone Pie -
Marble PIe -
Maud Pie-
Zecora - Zebra Alchemist/Shaman - Apple Frost

The Mysterious MLP Theory Analysts -- Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
Servo and Janice Star - Sisters of Maestro Star - The Real Mister Pkmn
Maestro Star - Mutual Ally of the Element Bearers - The Real Mister Pkmn
Chessmaster Star - Main antagonist - The Real Mister Pkmn
Sarah von Solero - Thestral
Gearbox - Earth Pony tinkerer
Rae Falls/Raindrops
Cheryl Lee/Cheerilee - Elementary Teacher
Golden Harvest - Carrot Farmer
Ember - Dragon Lord - IronHoofes
Shining Armor - Fujin777
Big McIntosh - AJ's brother
Granny Smith - AJ's Grandmother
Need Rarity and Rainbow Dash as well as the CMC and others.

Edited/Proofread by Tide Hunter and Chrome Masquerade
Collaborations are now open for the rest of the cast!

Chapters (20)

Moving to another world means you get to leave whatever you want behind. For Sunset Shimmer, that will always be more of a blessing than a curse.

However, when Sunset sees a familiar face, she feels the unfortunate mantle of memories inspires her to try a different path. Now, one conversation over tea will set in motion the future of two worlds.

The cover art is #1779226 on derpibooru. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

She didn't think. She just jumped through the portal.

Then it closed behind her.

Stuck in the body of a human teenager, Princess Celestia finds herself trapped in the same world as her bitter student. Even as she and Sunset Shimmer both work to adapt to their new environment and bodies, Celestia is faced with an additional challenge: Sunset Shimmer is attempting to become the queen of Canterlot High, and the only way Celestia can fight back is...

...by becoming more popular.

(Book One preread by DrakeyC and Zef.)

Chapters (17)

Sunset and Sci-Twi share a nice meal together after a long week of school, and Sunset suspects something is wrong.

{Everything I write takes place in a timeline before the 4th movie.}

Chapters (1)