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Raymond Dallas, a short, senior college student, gets caught in a dare with his two roommates, which he lost, making him take yoga class dressed as a girl with a rainbow wig, a pair of cyan blue wings sown to the back of the shirt, and a rainbow tail sown to the rear. He was embarrassed that he was taking that class, but things went so wrong during the class, he actually changed genders, name changed to Rainbow Dash, and nobody around him seemed to notice. Not only that, but his entire life was being rewritten, and he was the only one to know about it. And it turns out that the woman next to him during that class became his/her mother, and de-aging him back to Junior Year in High School.

Then when "she" arrived back at the apartment he stayed at, it turns out that he still lived there, but with "her" family and foster sister living there instead of his two roommates for college. "She" was trying to figure out what was going on while the reality around her was slowly changing around her. Especially when her own body was changing to one that's not human, but an anthro pony, but still aging like a normal human. Will Raymond/Rainbow find out what's going on with the help of "Rainbow's" six best friends; Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer, which they had an answer that "she" was not expecting.

Chapters (8)

Sunset has once again become a pariah, the students of CHS have turned against her, and even her own friends have abandoned her. At her lowest point and without her friends, Sunset is left vulnerable as the students voice their frustration at her being Anon-A-Miss. But she still had one friend who believed in her and that was Twilight Sparkle, with her words of encouragement, Sunset is reminded of who she is. With her confidence back, Sunset begins to take back control of the school and hunt down Anon-A-Miss.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p

For Twilight Sparkle, the world was a very empty place. While her family helped her bear with it, there was only so much they could do for her. Combine that with Crystal Prep's toxic atmosphere, and it was a small miracle that she hadn't done something drastic a long time ago. As the void surrounding the poor girl continued to grow, that possibility became more and more likely. At least, until the day she found a strange black crystal near the remains of Canter Creek Bridge. Twilight's life was now about to make a drastic change, but would it be for the better, or the absolute worst?

Chapters (31)

"On Hearth's Warming Day, Celestia usually wants to relax and enjoy the holiday season. Unfortunately, her pet, Philomena, has other plans, frustrating her and refusing to listen to anything Celestia says. When Fluttershy stops by for a chance visit, Celestia hopes she can calm the chaotic phoenix, but what other reason does Fluttershy have for being there? "

Prereader: Ninjadeadbeard,SunlightRays

Cover art: Artist
Picture was cropped by ninjadeadbeard

This was written for [Petrichord] as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!


Chapters (1)

After many years away from Equestria, Sunset Shimmer decides it's time to go back and get things right with Princess Celestia. Even uncertain of how the princess would react to her, Sunset goes to meet her hoping Celestia has forgiven her as well as her friends, however, what she does not expect is that things are not so simple between her and her former teacher.

Edit 12.17.2021: I've realized that the previous title was a little too long, so I changed from Who we really are? (or just another Sunset Shimmer background story) to simply Who we really are?

Chapters (19)

Naruto and Sunset have ended up in late 1800's America. There Naruto is found by Theodore Roosevelt and became his ward. And Sunset ended up becoming the daughter of Barbie Norton. Now years later Naruto becomes a government agent along with Kurama in protecting their new home against threats from other worlds.

If you like my work, considering supporting me on www.patreon.com/Madhat886.

Chapters (36)

Spike used to live in Canterlot when he was 12, He's gone through depression after a breakup and is sent to live with his uncle.

Three years later he returns home and finds new love with a childhood friend, but has to deal with a psychotic ex girlfriend who won't leave him alone by hitting and flirting and giving him sexual advances all the time untill she moves as he and his friends goes through teenage and highschool life, having new problems and shenanigans with random moments in their lifes

This is a Spike x Apple Bloom story.

Other ships in here
Sweetie belle x Button Mash
Scootaloo x Rumble
Silver Spoon x Thorax

The sex tag is for language, sexual humore and sexual content.

Chapters (89)

Meet Spike, a adventures happy future Prince of Equestria and the son of Princesses Celestia and Prince Thorn.

As a teenager he seeks crazy adventures and decides to move to Ponyville by himself making friends and catching the attention of 6 teenage girls, a Shape shifter and a Dragoness.

A Spike x CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Ocellus, Smolder and Dinky harem story.

Alicorns = Angels
Unicorns = Mages
Pegasi = Humans with wings and acrobatic abilities
Earth Ponies = Humans but stronger
Dragons = Dragon People
Yaks = Yaks
Griffons = Bird people
Hippogriffs = Mermaids
Changeling = Shape shifters

All species have human like appearance

Chapters (97)

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

Chapters (70)

Spike has enough. His daily life consists of cleaning up messes, running errands, and being left out of the fun. Twilight and her friends go on epic adventures, sing songs, party, and have a fun time. It's time for Spike to change his life for the better no matter the cost.

(The beginning of this story starts before season 5)

Chapters (25)