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A troubled colt with poor boundaries, bad language, and what seems to be a very troubled past is sent to reside with Rarity, a mare unprepared for true motherhood as well as being unknowing of how to raise a foal of a different gender. A long road ahead awaits them both.

Rated Teen for adult language and strong sexual references and situations. No sex occurs in this book.

As appropriate, this is a societal gender reversal role story; so expect some differences than what you may be expecting as far as gender authority is balanced.

This story is inspired by many other stories, most of which are incomplete and stopped years ago; never to be updated again(?).

Also, this story takes place before Alicorn Twilight.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to How Blueblood Jumped Out of a Window and Got a Promotion

Managing to not only prevent Luna from finding out what he'd said about her, but to also convince her that he'd saved her, had been undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements of Blueblood's carrier. Now, he was going to be rewarded for his wits by becoming the Princess' personal student, a path that would lead him to eventually become an alicorn.

There was only one, minor detail he hadn't accounted for. In order for him to become an alicorn, he would have to be Luna's student. It wasn't something he could back out from now that he'd accepted. It wasn't something he was prepared for. Unfortunately for him, Luna wasn't prepared, either.

Chapters (4)

Celestia had decided to become better at acting. It was a skill that could become useful in the future, and also something she wanted to learn. So she found the most expensive, well-regarded, respected, praised and recommended instructor in all Equestria and arranged a private lesson with her.

She was rather surprised when she found out who her teacher was going to be, and so was her teacher when she found out she would be teaching to Celestia.

Things didn't exactly play out the way they'd planned after that.

Chapters (2)

Cadance is the princess of Love. But her job isn't all sunshine and rainbows as one might think. Love also has a downside, a downside that makes the rest of the princess' jobs seem like nothing in comparison. A downside that's slowly chipping away at her and is slowly robbing her of her faith in Harmony and her faith in love.

Edited by Exaxxion

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Luna is dead. Again.

He really should have known better. Saying that he didn't like Princess Luna, even if she could no longer hear him, would have probably lost him the sympathy of many ponies in Canterlot, and it had been perhaps a rash decision for an expert diplomat like him. Still, the damage would not have been irreparable. But how was he supposed to know that she was still alive? Clearly, jumping out of the window had been the only logical course of action after that.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Alternate Beginnings: Year Seven

In the aftermath of Nightmare Moon's return the mares of Herd Apple, newly instated Elements of Harmony, must come to grips with balancing their new responsibilities with the old. That shouldn't be a problem, since Equestria-shattering events only happen once every thousand years or so, right?

Twilight Sparkle prides herself on knowing absolutely everything that she needs to know. About everything. So, when Princess Celestia sends her to Ponyville to stop Nightmare Moon? She uses that knowledge to reunite her mentor with the newly freed Princess Luna. And, afterwards? Twilight wants nothing more than to stay with her new found friends, her fellow Elements of Harmony. However, something about the entire situation seems a little off.

Takes place after the Alternate Beginnings series. Quick guide!

Sex tag is for relationships between human and pony (no clop)

The story continues in Errant Finale!

Chapters (148)

It's Applejack and Rainbow Dash's third wedding anniversary and after some planning and help from friends, Applejack has the perfect day planned out; starting with an early morning hot air balloon ride and a little extra surprise. While her wife may grumble about the early start, Applejack is sure she can turn her frown upside down when she sees the view they'll have.

Rated T for innuendos.

Written for the AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event

Cover art drawn by me! (If you are an author looking to commission cover art, send me a PM!)

Chapters (1)

Six months ago, Rainbow Dash moved to Griffonstone to be a flying instructor. During the cold winter holidays, she returns to Ponyville to reunite with Applejack and Rarity. Feelings she left unresolved come flooding back to her.

Coming home is easy; the problem is that she might never want to leave again.

Rated teen for ponies snuggling

Valuable editing help provided by Speccer and Vis-a-Viscera. Art done by myself. An entry to Krazy's Warm And Fuzzy Feelings event.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia is still a Spider and Chrysalis hasn't been Informed

The day prophesied to be that of Sombra's return is nearing. The Cutie Map has sent Twilight and Rarity on a mission to Canterlot, and the two can't seem to find the problem. A mysterious force lurks in the background, trying to stop the purple alicorn. Time is quickly running out, and Rarity is the only one who can figure out what's happening and put a stop to it before it's too late,

Also, Celestia is a giant spider, but when you look at it that fact isn't really all that important in the scheme of things.

Chapters (3)

On one morning, without explanation, Princess Celestia woke up as a giant spider. Her guards, her sister, her once student Twilight and the rest of her ponies and other creatures of Equestria were rather shocked at the fact that such a transformation had taken place in her.

She didn't seem to mind it.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Polish translation by Dolar84.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)