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An Eve Online/MLP crossover

Keyan Charante, a fairly successful explorer, finds himself trapped in an unknown system after going through a wormhole. After discovering the only other sentient species in the galaxy, and some bad luck, he initiates first contact. The following adventures span the stars and Keyan soon learns that there are more important things in the galaxy than isk.

Set sometime before the season 2 finale.
Isk is the currency in EVE online.

I am going to try to make this so you don't have to know eve lore for it to make sense but every little bit helps.

Feedback and criticism is welcome in the comments. I hope I make this worthy of your time to read.

Chapters (25)

Once upon a time, a young man finds himself inside the very pony universe he only just became a fan of, during the very first episode in one of the many forms of Equestria's inhabitants. How did he get there? Why was he here? What must he do to return home? And, most importantly, why in God's name was he slowly growing feelings for a certain studious equine?

Join the befuddled human-turned-Earth-Pony as he aids the Mane Six in their adventures through every season by every episode in his own goal of returning back home with his limited knowledge of events, while they in turn teach the criticizing outsider the true meaning of friendship and what it means to have fun.

It will be trying on all ends; as the residents of Ponyville must deal with his dry humoured nature, and he in turn must deal with their warm innocent demeanor's.

One thing's for certain with this world: the fate of all who inhabit the equine world, alongside his tolerance and mental stability, may just be on the line...

(I don't like the ratings system. Never had, never will. Please stop assuming my turning it off for some kind of 'cowardice;' it's nothing of the sort. Comments have been switched off because of this abuse.)

(Cover by Mix-up: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/195663/Mix-up)

(Join our group! https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212567/twidust-stardust-x-twilight )

(Audio reading now on YT! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBCMZsZVqDMEOuGHubFCFfrGJF2LiNpw9 )

Chapters (217)

This story is a sequel to Deaths New Life

After the events of Anon-a-miss, the car accident, new love, and dead enemies, Sunset, Thanatos, Krieg, Zaraza, Nälänhätä, Nightmare Moon and Fluttershy enter Equestria, will our seven friends and family find peace and forgiveness...or does God have something else planned.

If you haven't read Deaths New Life, it is imperative that you do to understand this story, and the abilities our heros have, spoilers ahead from the Deaths New Life

Again I don't own Supernatural or MLP:FIM/EQUESTRIA GIRLS please enjoy the story

Update: New cover art by The Sleepless Beholder

Edit: OMG this made it to the popular tab 8/16/2020...I have no words...thank you guys

Chapters (2)

Death died and in doing so he found himself in another more colorful world. A world that has magic leaking into it, a world where Death can finally find peace.... Or can he

Cross over between my little pony Equestria girls and Supernatural might add more later
I do not own either respective properties go to there respective owners

EDIT: Because of the new chapter Siren Song I felt it best to move the story to teen if this discourages you from reading I am truly sorry that chapter was how I felt I wanted the story to go...besides you can't have story starring Death without...you know. So again I apologise to my readers

Edit: 1000 people views wooo, thank you guys so much, I have no words that could be enough to describe how happy I am

Chapters (16)

Planet Valhalla Nexus, a strangely large world full of each different type races of Anthropomorphic Furry Vixens. Each kind live in different law rules of kingdoms, compete in tournament hunts to test their skills, and journey to discover treasures or something else in mind. However, there's been some problems in each kingdom as things grew bad in countless years. Even worse, a huge invasion has their coordinates set on the next targets. What happens next when one of the Vixens stumble upon an abandoned space ship containing an endangered sentient? Can the human somehow change the rules and survive from the females having their eyes set on him while training to fight a possible war on Valhalla Nexus?

Chapters (3)

Getting blamed on school by day, Having fun at Sugarcube Corner by night. Sunset hangs out at Sugarcube Corner to get rid of bad time at CHS.

Chapters (2)


Just thinking about it made Morning Star and Shadow Wings' stomachs turn. In four days, a single account had turned Canterlot High on its head once again. Students were fighting in the hallways and cafeteria, breaking off friendships and mocking one another. No one knows who started it, but all fingers are pointing at the most likely suspect: Sunset Shimmer.

The problem is, those fingers are all wrong. Sunset Shimmer is not the culprit behind Anon-a-Miss and it's up to Shadow and Star to find out who is before Winter Break arrives. Working against the clock, the duo have to investigate the goings-on leading up to Anon-a-Miss as well as interrogate the first targets of the cursed account.

"I've said it once, and I'll say it again. High school is literal torture..."

Sex tag for innuendos and violence tag for some punches being thrown.

Written for Diamond Sword. Happy Holiday Season!

Chapters (4)

Everything had been a blur for Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe. Darach was the first of his name, clansman of the Meldrak household, and a profound soilder. Unlike most people at the time, Darach wasn't very religious. When he did in the war at the hands, or hooves, of his own horse, he expected to float in the endless void of nothingness, or wind up in the pyres of damnation if unlucky.

To be honest, he expected a lot of things. But what he got was something that clearly wasn't on his expected menu. Darach woke up reborn into the body of a small, winged unicorn, she has to make sense of his new life as a small pink princess, and try not to disturb her new parents with her strange personality while occasionally being visited by six ponies while trying to find her place in the world.

A revival-fic of "Crystal Reincarnation" and a Christmas present to those who saw potential from it.

Chapters (2)

Sapphire Stone gets magically transported to a distant land and is transformed into a four legged creature she realises is a pony. When her father accidentally unearth's an ancient Equestrian artefact at his archeology site in Egypt, when Sapphire takes a closer look at the sapphire stone staff it takes her to Equestria and it becomes her ultimate quest to find a way back to her world where she gets labelled as a missing person. On the way she meets new friends and gains unexpected enemies that try to keep her from her goal and instead want to imprison the human turned pony for scientific tests and study. Will Sapphire be able to reunite with her father?

Chapters (11)

With his parents dead due to unexpected circumstances, 6-year-old Danny has been sent to live with his aunt and uncle who treat him like a slave than a nephew. His cries of help were answered in an unexpected way. When he was cleaning up the front yard, a mysterious wormhole opened up, and he got sucked in. When he woke up, he saw he was in a colorful world, and he wasn't human anymore, but a young pegasus colt, on a cloud about 200 feet from the ground. Luckily, he was helped by a rainbow maned pegasus.

Chapters (14)