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Written because Monochromatic's RariTwi Bomb event made me want to stretch my writing legs during my hiatus.

Twilight Sparkle, prized pupil of Princess Celestia and most powerful unicorn to date, is convinced that strength is the most important part in a fight.

Rarity Belle, seamstress of Ponyville and sister to Sweetie Belle, is unconvinced and has decided that Twilight needs to be taught a little lesson.

The result? A duel at high noon.

Chapters (1)

Life after ruling for Celestia is boring, almost too boring. However, on one of her strolls, she comes across a lost runaway filly. It quickly becomes clear that there is more to the filly than what meets the eye.

This story has been submitted to CONTEST: Depth in Innocence

Chapters (21)

Dylan Rider, a six-year-old foster kid, has been placed in Foster Homes all across the state of Massachusetts, and was hoping that one day, his parents would come and get him back. But one day on a hiking trip with some other foster kids, he got a little woozy and fell unconscious.

The next thing he knew, he was in a hospital, in a whole different world, in a whole different body. Dylan woke up as an alicorn filly, but that wasn't just the only thing that Dylan was put into.

This story is based on Living Nightmare by Autum Breeze, but a little more complicated.

Chapters (17)

Celestia had to burn twilight sparkle to stop her at the entrance exam. After 21 years of living in the everfree, the feral creature known as twilight sparkle is begining to regain her power.Join her on her journey to defeat the white monster from her memories and the pink pony that hunts her everyday. Heavily inspired by this.http://www.fimfiction.net/story/78582/the-monster-in-the-twilight

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to A Rainboom Turtle Christmas

Hoping to find some excitement, the Rainbooms visit the Turtles only to find out Bebop and Rocksteady have allied themselves with Krang and an alternate Shredder who hope to conquer their dimension.

Chapters (4)

A series of catastrophes have left half of Equestria drowning beneath the sea. In this war-ravaged world, Princess Celestia has turned into the tyrannical Daybreaker and announced her intentions to bring the world under her safe control. The mercenaries of the ship Rogue Diamond lead by Captain Rarity have mostly remained outside of the conflict. However, a survivor of the Canterlot flooding approaches them with the keys to restore Equestria.

This is inspired by the webcomic Rogue Diamond. I have seen pages of it on Derpibooru and kept getting ideas for my own MLP adventure at sea. My story and characters deviate largely from the webcomic.

The first chapter is sort of testing the waters (pun not intended) and seeing if this story sticks. If I feel like it's worth continuing, there will be Spike-shipping (not sure between who yet).

Chapters (3)

When their mother brings home an abandoned purple hatchling, and introduces him as Spike, the newest member of their family, both Garble and Smolder are more than thrilled. Garble even vows to be the best big brother he can be for Spike, no matter what he does or fails to do.

Does he really need to act like a pony?

An alternate universe where Spike is raised by Garble's family.

Featured on 2/26/2020! Thank you everyone!

Edited by VoxAdam

Cover art drawn by Doodle-Mark

Old cover art Cover Art drawn by boskocomicartist for SpikeSmolder fan, used with the commissioner's permission.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Dragon's Mommies

What if Spike was found in the Everfree by Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash? Then after taking him in and raising him as their son, how would life with a dragon for a son be?

This story is a sequel to Dragon's Mommies, to understand what is going on, please go read that first.

Chapters (11)

Right after the events of the sonic rainboom, it is decided that Spike the newly hatched dragon is to be sent to live with his own kind, but with all the negative relations with the dragons, it was bound to cause trouble, the guard tasked with the transport of the whelp decides why risk his flank, so he flies to the Everfree Forest and deposits the baby. But he is unaware that he flew over 5 little fillies who all happened to making their way to the small village at the forests edge.

They see the guard leave the poor defenseless baby in the forest, so they retrieve him, but this has its consequences. Spike who started out with no family, now has 5 mommies.

Inspired by all the stories about Spike in other families.

First feature 11/14/19, 11/18/19,11/20/19,11/21/19,12/4/19

Chapters (54)

On a bright sunny beach day, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer find themselves spending time together watching the sun. But a moment of peaceful solitude leads to thoughts of the past when Sunset Shimmer recalls the story of her past and concerns for her own uncertain future.

Edited by Dramamaster829

*Featured 8-22-20*

Chapters (1)