• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's Octascratch Shelf 345 stories
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Vinyl Scratch, or DJ-P0N-3, known for promiscuity amongst the mares and stallions of Ponyville, has fallen in love! How will she deal with it, and will the object of her desires reciprocate these feelings?

Chapters (16)

After months on end of boredom and a general lack of responsibilities, Luna decides to finally do something about it. She rounds up five ponies with an appreciation for fun to match her own and begins a campaign of one of her very favorite classic games, Dungeons & Dragons. What the five friends don't realize is that this game won't be played in the traditional sense.

Currently being rewritten in between chapter updates, so bear with me

Special thanks to MrAskAPirate for editing.

Chapters (16)

vinyl and octavia have almost nothing in common aside from the fact their both juniors in highschool and are both atending celistia's school for musically gifted ponies. All of that changes one warm summer night under the dark sky of canterlot

Cover art is Vinyl And Tavi by wreky from deviantart
First fanfic so any advice, criticism anything would be great my first attempt at writing something outside of school so its probably terrible

Chapters (5)

Octavia has been going out with Vinyl for a while, but now she doesn't feel like she can continue, so she writes Vinyl a letter to express the full extent of her feelings for Vinyl.

Chapters (3)

Spanning from one hundred to one thousand words, with unexpected words leading them on their journey of writing, it's a lot of (unconnected) mini stories about the shipping of whatever jazzy fillyfooling pairs that this crazy group can think up! (Although, it's pretty much gonna be OctaScratch, because they're a sexy pairing.)

Written by pretty much everypony in this awesome group, turn on some music, pull up a chair and enjoy the chapters, my friend!

Chapters (36)

Vinyl and Octavia have been friends for a long time. But when a dormant bitterness flares up, will their friendship survive?

Chapters (15)

The lives of a boy, a DJ and a cellist will change for good after a predestined encounter between them, follow Octavia and Vinyl as they travel through adventure, romance, drama, and the fact of taking care of a child!

Chapters (4)

Vinyl Scratch, having to DJ a Bat Mitzvah at the last minute, leaves Octavia home alone. Octavia decides to make the best of it. Octavia X Vinyl

Chapters (1)

Famous jazz musician Vinyl Scratch needs a voice to her music, and she does not have to look any farther than her own marefriend Octavia to deliver the goods. Come on down to the club, grab a drink, and lose yourself in the music.

Chapters (0)

Octavia Philharmonica: cellist extraordinaire. Vinyl Scratch: Equestria's best DJ. Put them together and what do you get?

To put it simply, you get music.

A series of non-related song-inspired one-shots that dip into the lives of Vinyl and Octavia as they suffer, live, grow, and love together.

Chapters (8)