• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's Octascratch Shelf 345 stories
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Five long years have passed since Octavia last saw Vinyl. Five years since that painful, horrid night. And now, Octavia want's to rekindle an old dying flame. But will Vinyl accept it's warmth, or snuff it out forever?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I am Octavia

This is the sequel to my 'I am Octavia'. (P.S. You do not need to read it to read this story, but it's recommended.)

EDIT: A threequel is here! A Fall in Fall

After 'I am Octavia', Octavia finally caved in. Not everyone can lose their best friend turned life partner, and not everyone can stand up from it. She leaves Vinyl after a devastating phone call, and she regrets it, but will she be in time to reconcile with her love?

Changed the pic once. Source: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/103/2/6/octascratch_by_donusaur-d61jenn.jpg

Chapters (5)

There are a lot of ups and downs to being a musician. This is the story of how two musicians, one on top of the world, but still missing something. And the other at the bottom, not knowing what to do. find what there both looking for in a small bar in Manhattan.

(Humanized, Octavia/Scratch)

Special thanks to BronyDak for editing.

Chapters (7)

Vinyl goes to band camp. She meets Octavia, a shy girl. She puts out the effort to get Octavia to talk to her, and a fast friendship forms. After spending a summer together, one of them may be falling in love.

Chapters (9)

Octavia takes a walk to her favorite hillside, along the way she remembers the times she's shared with her love, Vinyl Scratch.

Chapters (1)

Octavia gets a chance of a lifetime that could affect both her and Vinyl's relationship.

When you get that one, big moment; you never let it go. Octavia is going to have to learn the hard way how she will deal with this and handle Vinyl. Sometimes you have to make a decision...

Chapters (2)

Vinyl has actually led a pretty adventurous life... travelling around the world and playing music for whoever cared to hear, her fame held within the steel walls of her laptop. But for every positive in Vinyl's life, there has been an equal or greater negative, and Vinyl finds her life in a state for which she had never planned.

Chapters (3)

Octavia sat on the couch of her shared apartment sipping her tea, It was midday the sun was shining reflecting off the clear brown liquid as the small fragments of tea leaves stirred two bright purple irises watching there gentle swirling motion it was time. As if right on cue the door in the back room swung open hitting the wall with a loud thud screechy yelling was heard in the background.

"That's the last time Scratch! Get some other pony to be your late night booty call!"

Chapters (1)

After Octavia and Vinyl Scratch spend the night together, is there more to it than just one night? Is Vinyl right in just leaving Octavia by herself? And why is Vinyl so bad at navigation, dammit?

Fic reading can be found here.

Chapters (1)

The phone-call had been the signature ending of their friendship. Now blinded by guilt and unable to see her best friend, Vinyl relives everything that had made their bond so amazing to her. Will Vinyl ever manage to make it up to her? Or will Octavia disbelieve her ability to change after everything that happened?

Chapters (1)