• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's Octascratch Shelf 345 stories
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Vinyl Scratch, up-and-coming DJ, is low on bits due to her drinking habits and expensive job/hobby. She is forced to live with Octavia Philarmonica, a young gray earth pony with an ash colored mane. They have almost nothing alike, and are constantly at each others' throats. Will they stay friends? Will living together tear them apart, or bring them closer together than ever before? Could it possibly spark something within them that even they didn't know about? Find out what will happen to the musical afficionados as they work their way through life living under the same roof.

Credit for the cover art goes to sirradical at deviantart.com

Chapters (2)


Vinyl Scratch is left home alone when Octavia leaves for an audition for the Canterlot Philharmonic.
What could possibly go wrong?




Contains VinylTavia obviously.

Chapters (2)

Octavia has already accepted Vinyl's bisexuality. In fact, they 'flirt' with each other constantly. But what happens when Octavia invites Vinyl to stay the night? Will someone's emotions get the better of them? Will their friendship survive? Might it possibly evolve into something more? (No longer a Oneshot. Why? Because people are crazy.)

Chapters (4)

Octavia has just performed at a concert and is looking for a way to wind down. Elsewhere Vinyl Scratch is feeling a little down and lost, can they both find what they're looking for?
Octavia is written from Octavia's perspective.
Vinyl Scratch is written from Vinyl's perspective.
Wrote this the other day as a way for me to try and get past a little writers block I was having, hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (2)

Four years ago Vinyl and Octavia broke up. It was messy, painful and left scars on both of them. Four years on, now one of the most successful DJs in Equestria’s history, Vinyl receives news that Octavia has been in a terrible accident. The doctors say she may never recover from her coma, but Vinyl refuses to believe them. There are all sorts of stories about coma patients who are brought back by the voice of someone they care about, right? No matter what anypony else says, offers or threatens, and no matter what it costs her personally or professionally, she is determined to stay by Octavia’s side and do all she can to wake her.

But four years is a long time, and no matter how many fairytales end with the princess waking up, real life owes no-one a happy ending.

Featured on EQD - 3rd August 2013

Now with a fabulous dramatic reading by the even more fabulous Goombasa!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapters (13)

Warning: Strong language and ALOT of Vinyl X Octavia.

You hug me now, but I won't cry.

Chapters (3)

Sequel to Music Makes The Heart.

With a new job comes new challenges. Octavia and Vinyl's relationship continues to grow, but can they handle what life will throw at them?

Chapters (2)

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch have been living together for nearly two years. What started as a job interview turned into a quirky but strong friendship that has left both members with firm understanding of each others lives - their lives since they met, anyway. The house-mates have equally grim and dangerous pasts, but how can these painful memories be tied up with Octavia's new found emotional 'itch'?

Chapters (1)

A young mare, named Octavia ran away from her home, leaving her friends and family to be a famous cellist in Canterlot. Was it a good decision? Or was it the biggest mistake of her life?

Credit for the story is given to The Living Tombstone.

Chapters (1)

Two ponies have know each other since they were fillies. Both did everything with each other, and others deemed them inseparable. When one develops feelings for the other, will this compromise their friendship?

Chapters (2)