• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

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All beings desire to be loved like no other, but what happens when that desire twists and warps your own grip on reality? When you want, but can never have?

(Anon in Equestria)

Chapters (1)

Featured on March 20th, 2014 Thanks guys!
Thanks to Captain Bron3y for doing a dramatic reading.

"When I die, nopony will say ‘it’s a shame’ or ‘I’ll miss her’. They’ll say ‘good riddance’

But even so, at least they know who I am. What really scares me is that when I die, nopony will remember me at all. I’m just a nameless face. An unmarked grave. At my funeral, will anypony cry?"

When Trixie takes her own life, she sends her final letter to the closest thing she's ever had to a friend.

[Author's Note: I'm sorry the description is so darn terrible. They're harder to write than the story! Thanks to Princess-Glitzy for figuring out whom the cover art belongs to!]

19/3/14 - Oooh! I see myself on the popular stories list! It may not be very high up, but yay! EDIT: Eeek! It made third place! Oh my gosh! You guys! It made first place on the Popular Stories list. Not sure that will last long, but hooray! Yes, I know it has no real significance!

20/3/14 - Oh my goodness! I feel like I'm accepting an Oscar or something. It was such a wonderful surprise to log on and see people congratulating me on getting featured, even if I did miss its time in the spotlight. This is an honour I never thought I'd have the privilege to accept.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom has been a wreck for a while now. Her fellow crusaders got their cutie marks, and at first, she was happy for them, really happy. Its been a few weeks since then and she finds herself alone and a broken filly. Diamond Tiara's teasing has gotten worse, now that she is the only one. She finds herself staring into a mirror and wondering what the point of trying anymore is. Sweetie was off to train in Canterlot for a professional music career. Scootaloo was leaving town with her dance troupe. They had to. It wasn't like they had a choice. They needed to get better. They needed to get somewhere. Yet, still here, was Apple Bloom, alone and with a blank flank. They didn't need her, nopony did, she was worthless. She knew, from her training on the apple farm, that rotten apples don't bloom, they don't grow, they aren't needed. She was a rotten apple. She would never get her cutie mark because she was worthless, and she knew it.

Chapters (2)

Featured on 13/09/2013 THANK YOU ALL!!!

"You either die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the Villain."

Jasper William Montgomery, he just turned twenty and is absolutely bored with life. He's not suicidal, depressed, or a drug user with a penchant for drinking, he's just bored. Everything one can do in life, parties, going clubbing, video games, even computers don't really appeal to him. One thing that keeps him sane is watching shows from his youth and the occasional entertaining film. Due to a friends attempt to make him feel better he ends up watching all three seasons of My Little Pony and pretty much laughs at the fictional world. Being labeled a cynic and pretty much given up on by his friends, Jasper is alone. Until he's teleported away to Equestria by an observing Celestia.

TVTropes- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/Villainous

(Cover image courtesy of UsagiFriday, thank you!)

Chapters (24)

Silver Melodies is finished. Her life has fallen apart, and now she's left to wonder what she could've done different. Why doesn't anypony like her? Why doesn't anypony just want to be her friend? Not even her family?

So, i know I already made a sad story about Silver Melodies, but I had to make this one. Unfortunately, and I know a lot of you will hate me for it, this story is more of a rant. Everything in this story is 95% accurate to my feelings and what I'm going through as I write these words, save for a few exaggerations. So... yeah, I'm sorry.

But I hope you still like the story.

Chapters (1)

What if Twilight's destiny were different? What if it was not Princesshood she was bound for, but something else altogether?

I just want this to be known; I am not 'anti-Twilicorn' or anything. I don't mind her being an alicorn princess. But I admit this is a concept I would have liked better.

Chapters (1)

After destroying Haephnes and Drazil, Devourlord Revya finds himself in Equestria after being hurtled through the cosmos. Can the Mane Six gather the strength needed to face this new foe? Or have the Elements of Harmony finally met their match?

Author Notes:
To understand what's going on, you should watch a playthrough of the Demon Path all the way to the Bad Ending on YouTube or you'll be horribly lost to what's going on.

This story takes place just after the 2-part "The Crystal Empire" episode in Season 3.

Go easy on me as this is my very first story, ever.

When you come to the green text, right click it and select "Open in new tab." Also turn on your sound for music. Red text means stop the music.

Content Warning: May contain blood, violence, character deaths, mild language and general unpleasantness.

I claim nothing as my own.
"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" belongs to Hasbro.
"Soul Nomad and the World Eaters"/"Soul Cradle" and all the music, characters, quotes, and titles that go along with it belongs to Nippon Ichi Software.

Chapters (8)

This Story undergoing Rewrite

A freak accident leaves Princess Twilight Sparkle blind. With magic unable to help her see again she is resigned to her fate as a shadow of her former self.

Sadness and depression strike hard and fast nearly every day. But luckily for the disable princess, she may stumble across an organisation that could help her to see again. But miracles don't come freely, fortunately, she may have a guardian watching over her.


Chapters (4)

Of Child of Mine,
And the Daughter Of Laughter,
Daughter of Sun and Daughter of Night,
I ask of thee,
What have you done?

Words and actions can sometimes hurt more than we know, sowing betrayal and hatred where friendship and innocence lies. A single thoughtless action can be a tipping point, one fallen domino setting off hundreds. Look back, and answer me.

What have you done?

(Brand-spanken new) TvTropes page here
Story theme is Chronophobia

Chapters (6)

Right before the big Canterlot Wedding, Twilight Sparkle makes a 'false' accusation against 'Princess Cadence.' Abandoned by her friends, teacher, and brother, the heartbroken pony experiences conflicting feelings of guilt and anger. Seizing this opportunity, Chrysalis takes in the fragile unicorn as her protege for her plan to plunge Equestria in darkness and chaos. With the Elements useless and the world being torn apart, how can Princess Celestia and the Elements possibly undo the damage they could've so easily prevented? And will Twilight be able to push away the darkness, or lose herself to it?

Note: Alternate Universe because of a few....'secrets' certain characters have, as well as obvious other reasons.

Chapters (3)