• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

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This is it. The culmination of nearly seventy years of planning. Conversion is about to begin. And then something goes terribly, horribly wrong.

When the magical storms subside, Equestria lies in ruins; Celestia herself is in a coma. Help comes from the Crystal Empire, but it is not enough, and more ponies are dying every day. Worse, Twilight Sparkle, one of her core beliefs shattered, has fled into the Everfree forest. The situation goes from bad to hopeless when the humans arrive; the ponies prepare to fight, aware that they are horribly outclassed. But war is the furthest thing from humanity's mind...

Tags to change as story progresses.

Chapters (3)

It's been 7 years since this war ended. No one won, and few survived. I just cant get over the fact that I lived and everyone I knew, and loved... is dead. What really gets under my skin is that one man did this. How can one human do this? All I remember before the bombs went off is that his name was really strange, but familiar somehow. I think it was "Disford". At this point I don't care, I stop caring a long time ago. But what I do care about is finding him, and making him pay. I'll make him scream like the pig he is..... AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME!

Hey guys and welcome. Please know that this is my first story so please if any one wants to share their opinions and throw in ideas to help me please go ahead.

Chapters (15)

"Poor little pumpkin still struggling through life, like dealing with a school bully who's filling her with strife.
Her family, friends, and teacher are all there, but the bully's mom doesn't seem to care.
But then a cute young colt moves to town, he takes intrest in Pumpkin and plans to to wipe off her frown.
When the bully alerts her mother of Pumpkin's recent glee, a plan begins to brew; one of deceit and grief.
Should I worry? Ha! Only an idiot would think I might, but this is what I was waiting for; a chance for me to strike!
For when one plays with this filly's heart she'll plan to make you pay, and then her anger sets me free so I can come out... to play..."

(The 3rd sequel story of Pumpkin's struggles)

Rated TEEN for violence and Murderous intentions

(Other characters Include the Cakes and Twilight Sparkle)

Quick drawing done by me.

The story concludes here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/91585/pumpkins-darkest-hour

Chapters (11)

A long forgotten and believed dead enemy, now more powerful than ever, is returning to Earth. Lead by the circumstances, its protector sends him to a distant land. Weak and with an unfamiliar body, the proud warrior will search for a way to retrieve his old life back, but not without meeting some unique characters on the way.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)

An alternate ending to "Keep Calm and Flutter On". What would happen if Discord decided to stop fooling around and just get rid of the only things standing between him and his wonderful world of chaos? Oneshot.

Chapters (2)

The two ponies I care for the most, my dear sister and most faithful student, have betrayed me. My most loyal guard says I'm just being paranoid, but what would he know that I don't also? I thought the nightmare was over, but now it's clear it never went away. In fact, it's only gotten stronger and more cunning, as evidenced by how it's turning all that I hold dear against me. Well, it won't succeed, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure of that. Mark. My. Words.

Co-Written with Razalon
Edited by Razalon
Pre-read by Razalon

Chapters (6)

Indigo Blossom, a young filly in Ponyville has been struggling with school, bullies, and life for the past few months. How much does it take to put someone over the edge? What does it take? How far does someone need to be pushed to be taken over the edge?

Joyous Apple: "I just read the last two paragraphs, and... oh my gosh the feels..."

1998alberto: "Wow, that was good. Like really good."

Dragonborne Fox : "I am entirely moved by this tale.
Excuse me while I go and purge out my tears from my eyes.
Well done."

Me: "ACK! I'm gone for two minutes, I come back, and everyone is crying."

Thank you to Dragonborne Fox for making the AMAZING new cover art. They also made the original cover art.

A short one-shot that I did just to test my abilities as a writer at writing something sad. Let me know what you thought I did good at/ what you thought could be improved. I wasn't about to go and write fanon about canon ponies. Also, this is not my OC, and this is not in anyway a self-insert.

Disclaimer: The topics discussed in this story are very serious. If you are experiencing any of these problems seek out a group that can help you deal with these problems. There are several here on FimFiction, as well as countless others across the web. The views expressed in this work in no way reflect the views of Golden Skies or his editors, nor do they support or commend any of the action of the characters in this story. Remember, that life always gets better.

Chapters (1)

She is Loyalty. She will be the last one standing by her friends, in peril, torture and death.

This is what everyone believes. This is what Twilight and the other Spirits of Harmony, Rainbow's friends, believe. And they took it entirely for granted. After the Mare-do-well incident, Rainbow Dash's Loyalty began to falter. She still felt the terrible sorrow of being deserted by everypony, to be forgotten in the shadow of a greater hero.

Over time sorrow grew to anger. As the powerful bond of friendship crumbles as Rainbow begins to drift away, The others discover just how powerful the Element of Loyalty is, and how its absence might have caused the downfall of the greatest heroes Equestria has ever known.

Chapters (3)

Look at Flash Sentry. Hitting on Twilight and being all nice to her. How dare he? He sucks.

I'm Shining Armor, and as Twilight's older brother, I'm the one who has to approve of whoever dates her. Or whoever wants to date her. Or, in the case of Flash Sentry, might even think about wanting to date her. But I don't like him. Not one bit. I have a visceral hatred of him from the very core of my being. So, I kick Flash Sentry's flank.

He deserves it, after all, and I'm sure that you all agree.

Chapters (1)